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System for Award Management (SAM) Presented to: Defense Logistics Agency September 9, 2011 ►Creating Efficiencies through Integration and Consolidation.

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Presentation on theme: "System for Award Management (SAM) Presented to: Defense Logistics Agency September 9, 2011 ►Creating Efficiencies through Integration and Consolidation."— Presentation transcript:

1 System for Award Management (SAM) Presented to: Defense Logistics Agency September 9, 2011 ►Creating Efficiencies through Integration and Consolidation

2 2 What’s the System Landscape Today? The Procurement Process from a Government Agency Perspective Generate Requirement Review Offers Evaluate Offers/Select Vendor Administer Contract Close-Out Includes FedTeDS Solicit Requirement Create Contract Post solicitation and tech data Receive bids Validate entity status Validate entity performance Check wage determinations Entity data Contract data User action Includes FedReg ►Federal/IAE systems support the acquisition or award process Includes FSRS Includes CPARS Report performance Report contract actions

3 3 What’s Wrong with the Current Approach? ►Siloed systems  Multiple logins—inefficient and confusing  Data overlap among systems— inefficient and creates opportunity for error ►Separate hosting, management, and support  Various standards and service level agreements—may yield varying levels of service  Multiple hosting vendors—more expensive than consolidated hosting

4 4 What Are We Doing to Fix It? ►Siloed – Separate systems, each with a separate login ►Redundant – Overlapping data ►Separate – Various hosting locations, managed separately ►Siloed – Separate systems, each with a separate login ►Redundant – Overlapping data ►Separate – Various hosting locations, managed separately Today ►1 Login! ►1 Login! – Functionality accessible at one online location to streamline the process ►1 Data Source! ►1 Data Source! – Centralized, normalized data to eliminate potential for conflicting values ►1 Host! ►1 Host! – Consolidated hosting to reduce O&M costs ►1 Login! ►1 Login! – Functionality accessible at one online location to streamline the process ►1 Data Source! ►1 Data Source! – Centralized, normalized data to eliminate potential for conflicting values ►1 Host! ►1 Host! – Consolidated hosting to reduce O&M costs Future Existing capabilities, streamlined for efficiency. Includes FedReg

5 5 How Are We Making the Changes? ►Federal Service Desk (FSD)  Current consolidation of Tier 1 help desk services aligns with 1-system approach ►Consolidated Hosting Services  One common database in one hosting location means lower operating costs and greater reporting flexibility ►SAM Requirements and Operations  IBM is documenting SAM architecture and system requirements and will operate SAM ►System Development  Requirements will be sent out for bid to increase competition 5

6 6 What Are the Benefits of the New Approach? ►Entities (e.g., vendors, grantees)  One login provides access to all the tools needed to register, record reps and certs, and view and respond to opportunities  Streamlined processes decrease the amount of time required to complete a typical registration  Eliminating artificial information category divisions simplifies data entry ►Contracting Officers  One login provides access to all the information needed to make an award determination  Streamlined, integrated processes simplify and reduce the time required to complete an award ►System Owners/Administrators  Reducing the number of interfaces decreases maintenance challenges and costs ►All Users  Integrating all data into one database increases reporting flexibility 6

7 7 How Will the New System Be Organized? ►IAE system capabilities notionally have been organized around six key functional areas Functional Area CapabilitiesLegacy Systems Entity* Management  Manage entity core data  Manage certifications/representations  CCR/FedReg – Central Contractor Registration  ORCA – Online Representations and Certifications Application Award Management  Post solicitation and award data  Maintain government-wide contract award data  Manage government-wide subcontractor data  FBO – Federal Business Opportunities  FPDS-NG – Federal Procurement Data System-Next Generation  eSRS/FSRS – Electronic Subcontracting Reporting System Wage Data  Access wage determinations  WDOL – Wage Determination Online Performance Information  Manage/maintain past performance information  Manage exclusion list  PPIRS/CPARS – Past Performance Information Retrieval System  EPLS – Excluded Parties List System Assistance Program Catalog  Create/maintain assistance program catalog  CFDA – Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance Support  Provide security/access control  Provide reporting/communications support  Provide internal controls * For the purposes of this capability area, Entity refers to prime contractors, organizations or individuals applying for assistance awards, those receiving loans, sole proprietors, corporations, partnerships, and any Federal government agencies desiring to do business with the government 7

8 8 What Can I Expect from the New System? ►SAM is not a portal to existing systems! ►Processes were deconstructed and rebuilt without regard for system boundaries  Logical ordering of process steps  Logical grouping of data elements  Elimination of data redundancies ►The resulting system, SAM, will include all the capabilities of the legacy systems, presented in a more streamlined, user-friendly way

9 9 What’s Ahead for FedReg? ►FedReg will move to the Entity Management functional area within SAM ►FedReg is in the first migration group – go live mid-2012 ►The FedReg registration process will be integrated with legacy CCR registration, so federal agencies do not need to maintain two registrations (in the case where they are also acting as “vendors” to the government) ►FedReg required information will remain largely the same ►Existing records will be migrated ►SAM will retain the FedReg requirement to pull civilian agency DUNS information from D&B and military service/agencies’ DoDAAC information from DAASC/DLA ►Hierarchy will be migrated to a central government hierarchy, based on FPDS

10 10 How Will the Hierarchy Migration Work? FPDS Hierarchy FedReg Hierarchy SAM Hierarchy Agency Patent and Trademark Air Force Agency Department Dept of Commerce Dept of Defense Department Air Mobility Command MajCom Office DoDAAC

11 11 How Will SAM Impact Interfaces? ►Process Improvements – SAM process-improvement work is identifying ways to reduce the number of interfaces needed ►1 Database – As the legacy systems are migrated into SAM, they will be migrating into one database, further reducing the number of interfaces needed Today Future Your Interfaces Will Change!

12 12 What’s Changing When? ►Legacy system capabilities will move to SAM in phases Entity Management and the Exclusions Portion of Performance Information CCR/FedReg, ORCA, EPLS 1st half of 2012 Award Management and Assistance Program Catalog FBO, eSRS/ FSRS, CFDA 2013 Wage Data WDOL 2013 Award Management FPDS-NG 2014 Performance Information PPIRS/CPARS/ FAPIIS TBD

13 13 What Login Changes Can I Expect? ►After migration, all the capabilities in CCR/FedReg, ORCA, and EPLS will be available at – 1 login! ►Users will be automatically redirected from the legacy systems to SAM ►Users will create a new user ID and password – the system will guide them through the process when they log in with their old user name

14 14 What’s Next? ►Subject Matter Experts have provided input to and validation of requirements for the CCR/FedReg, ORCA, EPLS migration group ►The next migration group includes FBO, eSRS/FSRS and CFDA M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S FY10FY11FY12 CCR/FedReg, ORCA, EPLS Migration Initiate Requirements Gathering 5/127/10 Development Capabilities Available in SAM Requirements input through CCBs, user groups, and industry meetings User Training Solicitation Testing/ Deployment/ Integration Agency participation in Government Acceptance Testing ►Subsequent migration groups will follow this same pattern.

15 15 How Can I Stay Informed? ►Go to http://sam.gov ►Direct any SAM-related questions to ►Participate in our Contract Writing System/Interfaces meetings, if applicable (write to to be invited)

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