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Type approval Data- base and vehicle registration in The Netherlands EReg Luxembourg, 12 May 2010 P.E.Th. Striekwold Manager Type Approval Department.

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Presentation on theme: "Type approval Data- base and vehicle registration in The Netherlands EReg Luxembourg, 12 May 2010 P.E.Th. Striekwold Manager Type Approval Department."— Presentation transcript:

1 Type approval Data- base and vehicle registration in The Netherlands EReg Luxembourg, 12 May 2010 P.E.Th. Striekwold Manager Type Approval Department

2 Agenda Purpose of Database COC or Database? Quantity Process Quality Exchange Future

3 Efficient vehicle admission for higher quantities of vehicles Vehicle tax Road tax Yearly production of fuel consumption booklet CO2 monitoring for EU Policy/decision making (esp. in combination with registration data) Supporting EU member states for completing vehicle registration systems Purpose of type approval data in the Netherlands

4 COC or Type Approval data? RDW is confronted with COC’s which do not match with the type approval data Vehicle data should be supplied by an independent, non-commercial organisation

5 Connections with RDW database

6 Quantity: Registered number of European Type Approvals cat. M1 Numbers200420052006200720082009 Type approvals7.9009.0009.90011.10012.50013.900 Variants70.90087.700102.500125.200152.900178.800 Versions424.500521.400620.300713.700806.300889.100

7 Quantity: Registered number of European Type Approvals cat. L Numbers200420052006200720082009 Type approvals3.4005.0006.9008.80010.40011.900 Variants6.2008.70011.40014.30016.90019.700 Versions12.80017.20021.80027.10032.50038.400

8 Process: Distribution of European Type Approval information Each EG-member state sends issued WVTA information to all other EG- member states within 20 working days Most of the Member states use ETAES Some Member states send the information by post

9 Processing of European Type Approval information by RDW RDW downloads all WVTA approvals (.pdf) from ETAES every day RDW files a lot of this information from all type approvals into the RDW (ETR) database (all variants and versions) Lead-time for processing is maximum 14 days from downloading ETAES

10 Vehicle registration (efficient way) Day 1: -Importer sending digital file to RDW with: type-approval number, Variant code and Version code + some vehicle information (VIN, colour, tax-information etc.) -Checking validity into RDW computer system (art. 26, 2007/46) Day 2: -Production of vehicle registration document -Sending vehicle registration document to importer -Sending online information to ministry of finance for vehicle tax and road tax Reg. Doc. Reg. Doc.

11 Vehicle registration (efficient way) Random check of COC versus vehicle registration Periodical audit importers Penalty system for importers

12 Vehicle registration (individual way) Step 1: Physical check of vehicle/document for issuing vehicle at RDW Testing-centre (Same checks as vehicle registration efficient way) Step 2: Payment of vehicle tax Step 3: Registration of vehicle into RDW vehicle database Production of vehicle registration document Sending vehicle registration document to owner Lead-time 2, 3 days from payment of vehicle tax

13 Quality Software tools for processing (digital) data Four eyes principle during processing Frequent validation by “integrity-software” ISO certification for registration process Yearly EDP audit by external accountancy office Result: > 99% accuracy

14 Exchange of type approval data Phase I For completion of existing registrations in your own system (XML) RDW Member state send known information or incomplete TA-number, VAR- code, VERSION- code to RDW Member state receive limited files concerning type approval information for completing type approval keys (TA-number VAR+VERSiON code)

15 Exchange of type approval data Phase II For completion of existing registrations in your own system (XML) RDW Member state send complete typeapprovalnr, + VAR-code, + VERSION-code to RDW Member state receives type approval information for earlier vehicle registrations

16 Exchange of type approval data Phase III For new registrations. You can pull the information you desire - via Eucaris - into your own system (XML) RDW Member state send typeapprovalnr, variantcode, versioncode to RDW Member state receive on-line type approval information for registration vehicle

17 Future Central type approval database Integrated digital process including manufacturers and importers/dealers/etc Focus on surveillance of the process-management instead of data- management

18 Thank you for your attention !

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