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Affiliate Program | July All Hands July 9 th, 2013.

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1 Affiliate Program | July All Hands July 9 th, 2013

2 The Vancouver Sun Small Business BC Sudeep Bala Digital Business Development & Sales Manager

3 The Opportunity Sales Process The client wanted a holistic digital program that encompassed business audiences in BC. We were able to quickly articulate our ability to capture business readers at scale on Postmedia’s Business Network plus layering on Audience Reach Network. Using ‘Tier 1’ and ‘above the fold’ discussions plus our ability to offer targeted audiences at scale from one media source made the buy decision an easy one. Audience Identified Small Business BC was looking to reach small business owners and business audiences who were online in BC. The objective of the campaign was to tell these audiences about an upcoming free virtual tradeshow that focused on imports and exports. | July All Hands Call 3

4 The Solution Campaign Details Advertiser Solutions Sold Display on Yahoo! Facebook Promoted Posts March 1 – March 31 Category: Retail Geography: British Columbia Retail Spend: $6,000 | July All Hands Call 4

5 The Creative 300x250 728x90 160x600 300x600 | July All Hands Call 5

6 The Results – Top Performing Media Total Registrations for event 475 Tradestart Website 51 registrations Client tracked each individual media buy through unique tracking URLs Postmedia Network 110 registrations Google Ad Words 84 registrations 23% of all registrations | July All Hands Call 6

7 Sudeep Bala, Manager Digital Sales & Operations Final campaign results were outstanding…roughly 1.4M+ targeted impressions delivered and 341 total clicks. Yahoo (.29% CTR) and Facebook’s promoted posts (.41% CTR) lead the way. The client’s Google analytics also reported that the buy with Postmedia drove the most event registrations (23% of total registrations) compared to the competition and even outperformed the Google Ad words program the client was running at the same time. | July All Hands Call 7

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