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Greek Myths.

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Presentation on theme: "Greek Myths."— Presentation transcript:

1 Greek Myths

2 What Is a Myth? A story written or told to answer a bigger question or teach a moral is called a myth Greek mythology had 2 basic functions: Answer questions that were unanswerable like how humans were created Teach a moral or key value of Greek culture The Greeks became famous for their myths and many are still around today or they led to words we still use today

3 Pandora opened a box she was not supposed to and brought evil into the world. The moral of the story was not to be to curious or meddle with things you do not understand.

4 Narcissus was a man chasing a nymph who saw his own reflection in a pool and thinking it to be the most beautiful thing in the world stopped to stare and now cannot tear himself away from the beautiful reflection. The story was meant to teach Greeks the value of humility.

5 King Midas was granted a wish by the gods and chose to have everything he touched turn to gold so that he could be rich. This created a problem though as he now could not eat or drink and he eventually started turning his children into gold. The story was meant to teach Greeks the value of nothing in excess.

6 What are examples of American myths?
ILQ What are examples of American myths?

7 What were the gods like? The most powerful Greek gods were called the Olympians They were led by Zeus and gained power by overthrowing the Titans The Olympians lived on Mount Olympus where they looked and acted like humans except they were immortal and lived a lavish and beautiful lifestyle

8 What were the gods like? Greek gods had regular emotions and many myths stem from the urges that come from their emotions Each god had an area of expertise that he/she was the god of, this led to each god either performing a task or looking over an area of Greek life

9 The twelve Olympians who lived on Mount Olympus

10 Zeus was the god of lightning and the leader of the Olympians.
According to mythology Zeus had 94 children by 48 different women.

11 Greek Gods Family Tree

12 Why don’t people still believe in the Greek Gods?
ILQ Why don’t people still believe in the Greek Gods?

13 Assignment By yourself or with a partner select a Greek God to give a presentation on (presentations are tomorrow) Sign up with Mr. Abel (first come first serve) for the Greek God of your choice Put together a written 1-2 minute presentation which you will be turning this in after you present. You can either: Write out your presentation Type your presentation and share/ it to Mr. Abel Include a picture (which you will also turn in) that you can get by either: Drawing your Greek God on a piece of paper. Be sure to include the God’s name and any key symbols the God has. Create a collage using the app Loupe Collage then share it or it to Mr. Abel. Make sure the collage is in a shape that represents your God which you must explain as part of your presentation. (Example in Edcanvas) *Do not plagiarize your report from Wikipedia or any other website. Any plagiarism will result in a zero for everyone involved in the presentation.

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