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Agenda 1-15-2015 Juniors - Huck Finn Freshmen - Odyssey.

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Presentation on theme: "Agenda 1-15-2015 Juniors - Huck Finn Freshmen - Odyssey."— Presentation transcript:

1 Agenda 1-15-2015 Juniors - Huck Finn Freshmen - Odyssey

2 Good Morning 1-15-2015 Step 1: Grab your notebook Step 2: Start a fresh page or continue from where you last were date it and label it DO NOW: Journal This excerpt comes from another of Twain’s speeches called, “The Damned Human Race” Why is his final idea -- about our intellect, and how important that we think we are -- Ironic? He has just one stupendous superiority. In his intellect he is supreme. The Higher Animals cannot touch him there. It is curious, it is noteworthy, that no heaven has ever been offered him wherein his one sole superiority was provided with a chance to enjoy itself. Even when he himself has imagined a heaven, he has never made provision in it for intellectual joys. It is a striking omission. It seems a tacit confession that heavens are provided for the Higher Animals alone. This is matter for thought; and for serious thought. And it is full of a grim suggestion: that we are not important, perhaps, as we had all along supposed we were.

3 TEAM Prepare 15 Minute Lesson Three Twain Examples Three Modern World Examples INDIVIDUAL LY Find 12 Best Mentions Research Modern Examples Submit Four Summaries w/article or link Huck Finn Theme Expert Assignment *Take notes in your notebook there will be a small quick quiz on the presentations on Friday Jan 16th. Your notebooks will be turned in on Jan 16th also!

4 You will take it in April or May of this year. It is all on the computer If you passed the HSPE last year then it will not count towards graduation BUT To entice you to try at this test the Students who score proficient or higher on the scoring rubric do not have to take a remedial class in college. Also, there is a chance that your SBAC scores will be reported on their transcripts for colleges to see. SMARTER BALANCED ASSESSMENT CONSORTIUM SBAC

5 Good Morning/Afternoon 1-15-2015 Step 1: Grab your notebook & your copy of the odyssey Step 2: Start a fresh page or continue from where you last were date it and label it DO NOW: Journal Answer each of these questions and tell me why you know that is the correct answer. The incidents and story of the Odyssey are based on A. Now-lost records B. Ancient history books C. Myth and oral tradition D. Homer’s Life To delay the Suitors for three years Penelope A. Hides away B. Weaves and unweaves a loom or tapestry C. Pretends to be sick D. Grieves for her self When Circe turned his men into swine who came to give him a message Odysseus? A. Athena B. Hermes C. Zeus D. Poseidon E. The Soothsayer

6 Quiz Review You will want to know the traits of an Epic Hero What makes Odysseus a Tragic Hero? The Review of the Monomyth

7 Below your reading logs answer the following questions: 1.Who recognizes Odysseus as master of Ithaca? What is the effect of this scene? In what way is it symbolic? 1.In book 17, Athena urges Odysseus to beg from all of the suitors to “test them, so we can tell the innocent from the guilty,” even though she doesn’t plan to spare any of them. Why would she do this? What does it show about Odysseus’ character that he not only complies, but really throws himself into the role, especially with Antinous? Odyssey: The Beggar and the Faithful Dog

8 As Odysseus must soon prepare to take back his castle we need to think about how he will defend himself. This is a kill or be killed scenario... Brainstorm with your table mates a list of weapons available to Odysseus? (put in notebook) What other cultures use those weapons? How has weaponry changed over time? If you were around then what weapon would you choose? Weaponry of the Odyssey


10 Missing Book Presentations Take Diligent notes while your peers teach you about parts of the Odyssey that you will not read. Ask any questions you may have so there is clarity.

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