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Conference Planning Shannon Borneman ILF Conference Manager 317-257-2040 ext. 102.

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Presentation on theme: "Conference Planning Shannon Borneman ILF Conference Manager 317-257-2040 ext. 102."— Presentation transcript:

1 Conference Planning Shannon Borneman ILF Conference Manager 317-257-2040 ext. 102

2 Conference Planning Annual Conference Call for Programs Sponsoring speakers/programs Unit Conferences Step by step conference planning – 3 months out through the day of Publicizing your conference Financial Plan do’s and don’ts Important deadlines and forms Working with the facility and caterers – who does what?

3 Annual Conference Call for Programs Sent out January 2014 Due March 14 th, 2014 Program selection made end of March or early April 2014 Speakers AND presenters informed of results within one week of conference committee meeting Call for Programs form will be available on website under 2014 Annual Conference tab (p. 3.41-3.42) Nov. 17-19, 2014 Marriott East Indianapolis

4 Annual Conference Sponsoring Programs Program Planner Fill out Call for Programs accurately! Make initial contact with speakers (inform ILF if speaker requests honorarium p. 3.36 – 3.37) Inform Conference Manager of all speaker AV needs Supply a host/presider for room to check badges, make announcements/introductions, and pass out evaluations Submit speaker bio and picture (when asked) for speaker to ILF office two months prior to conference ILF Send out speaker packet to all accepted speakers Supply AV needs (additional requests 30 days prior to conference) Communicate with speakers Negotiate honorariums. Per diems, and lodging costs

5 Annual Conference Exhibits Any organization, corporation, business, unit, division, or association wishing to sell, display, or promote must sign exhibitor contract Exhibitor contract sent out late January/early February 2014 Table available to promote items by registration desk – must be approved by Conference Manager

6 Annual Conference Publicity Preliminary Program Selected library journals Focus Statewide news media Info on award winners will be sent to news media one week prior to conference Final Program – ALL CHANGES MUST BE MADE 4 WEEKS PRIOR TO CONFERENCE!!

7 Questions? SAVE THE DATE: November 17-19, 2014 Marriott East Indianapolis

8 Unit/District Conferences Planning Checklist (p. 3.1) 8-10 at LEAST to properly plan and promote event LEAST 3 months prior: Event basics (location, speakers & sessions, decide on a need to pay honorariums, food ideas, and internet needs for attendees & speakers) Speaker info form p. 3.19 Send Conference Manager food preferences and catering choices Decide cost for attendees (Non-Members charged 1.5 times member rate!) All session descriptions and titles to Conference Manager Agenda decided Complete Financial Plan Example April 15Conference February 15Sessions decided, approval for LEUs by ISL done (done by ILF), etc… January 15Honorarium negotiations, location contracted, catering contracted, session descriptions and titles, prices decided for both attendees and exhibitors, and flow of the conference all finished.

9 Unit/District Conferences Financial Plan (p. 3.7) Financial plan will be available online under resources or emailed upon request Five tabs at bottom of screen to follow along ONLY fill in the PINK boxes

10 Unit/District Conferences Financial Plan (p. 3.8-3.9) Basic Information Conference Location Coordinator Information Last year’s attendance Anticipated attendance for 2014 Vendors/Exhibitor last year numbers and anticipated 2014 In-gratis registrations (5 MAXIMUM) Registration Fees Vendor/Exhibitor Fees Donations Withdrawal from CPA Account

11 Unit/District Conferences Financial Plan (p. 3.10-3.12) Expenses Conference planning meetings Facility Food & Bev – Fill out ONE option Option 1 – Per person costs Option 2 – Total amount Tech Equipment Speaker Fees Publicity & Printing Supplies Misc

12 Unit/District Conferences Financial Plan (p. 3.13 – 3.14) Automatically populated Use this to tell how your budget is working Submit ENTIRE excel document for approval to and CC: Once Financial Plan approved: Send out Exhibitor Contract (p. 3.18) to known lists (done by ILF and Committee)

13 Unit/District Conferences 2 Months Prior to Event Location and Caterers contacted (assistance from ILF) LEU/PGP approval by ISL (done by ILF) Registration site created (done by ILF) Publicity form turned in (form – p. 3.15 with due dates) Create evaluation form (p. 3.23) Decide materials needed for day-of conference

14 Unit/District Conferences One Month Prior to Event: Confirm AV needs with speakers and inform Conference Manager of these needs Confirm with caterer the menu, expected numbers, and food guarantee due date (done by ILF) In-gratis form turned in (p. 3.21) Supply ILF with items to be printed or ordered

15 One Week Prior to Event: Turn in food guarantee to caterer Confirm room set up with location Send info out to exhibitors & speakers Confirm volunteers needed for day of event Regular Registration ends. Late fee begins (25%) Unit/District Conferences

16 Day of Event: ILF staff arrives one hour prior to registration opening Assure at least one volunteer denoted to welcome and assist at registration ILF staff and committee confirm room sets ILF staff and committee take pictures Collect evaluations, LEU forms, and issue certificates Committee stays for clean up Unit/District Conferences

17 After the Event: Supply ILF with copy of meeting minutes, names of new officers, and contact info Review invoices and evaluations Final report (p. 3.24) due to ILF office by 2 months following your conference (email: Unit/District Conferences

18 Questions?

19 THANK YOU!! Shannon Borneman ILF Conference Manager 317-257-2040 ext. 102

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