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Renewable Energy PPKSE 06/07 SAA. Wind energy Derived from movement of the air. Caused by differences in atmospheric temperature and rotation of the earth.

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Presentation on theme: "Renewable Energy PPKSE 06/07 SAA. Wind energy Derived from movement of the air. Caused by differences in atmospheric temperature and rotation of the earth."— Presentation transcript:

1 Renewable Energy PPKSE 06/07 SAA

2 Wind energy Derived from movement of the air. Caused by differences in atmospheric temperature and rotation of the earth. Depending on climate condition and geographical topology, wind varies in intensity over a day, season or a year. Wind farm use turbines ti harness wind energy and generate electricity. Wind turbines usually have three blades.

3 A single wind turbine typically can power 500 homes. The site must receive strong and steady wind throughout the year (>23km/h on average) and also close to electricity grid. Wind energy costs are directly related to available wind speeds.

4 Biomass energy Biomass refers to any organic matter on earth. In Malaysia, biomass resources are mainly from palm oil mill residues, bagasse, rice husks and wood/forest residues. Gasification is a recent technology of converting solid biomass into gas for use in a gas engine or a turbine to generate electricity. Application: palm oil industry at Keck Seng Bhd in Masai, Johor and food industry in Shah Alam

5 Hydropower Hydro-electric power is electricity produced from the kinetic energy of falling water. Water is held in a dam and allowed to flow through a turbine and generator to produce electricity. The amount of energy produced is determined by the height from which the water falls and its flow rate. Generation of hydropower does not produce any greenhouse gas emissions.

6 Cogeneration Simultaneous production of two or more forms of usable energy from a single energy source. A high efficiency energy system that produces both electricity and valuable heat from only one fuel source. Cogeneration cycle consist of: Topping cycle – fuel used to produce electrical energy first, then thermal energy. Bottoming cycle – fuel used to produce thermal energy then electrical energy.

7 Types of cogeneration plant

8 Ideal cogeneration site Requires reliable power Has a relatively steady electrical and thermal energy demand pattern Has a higher demand for thermal energy compared to electrical energy Has a long operation hours in a year Inaccessible to the grid

9 Cogeneration in Malaysia Has existed in Malaysia for long time, but more can be done. District cooling most common due to tropical climate. Licensing under purview of Ministry of Energy, Water & Communication.

10 Typical use of cogeneration in Malaysia

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