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Energy Renewable Energies in Germany at a Glance October, 26, 2010, Jyväskylä, Finland Robert Wagner, Consultant by Order.

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Presentation on theme: "Energy Renewable Energies in Germany at a Glance October, 26, 2010, Jyväskylä, Finland Robert Wagner, Consultant by Order."— Presentation transcript:

1 Energy Renewable Energies in Germany at a Glance October, 26, 2010, Jyväskylä, Finland Robert Wagner, Consultant by Order of the Renewable Energies Export Initiative of the German Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology

2 Agenda  Introduction to the Renewable Energy Export Initiative  Current Situation of the Renewable Energies in Germany  Participating German Companies

3 Energy Introduction to the Renewable Energy Export Initiative

4 The Renewable Energy Export Initiative at a Glance official aim of the German Government:  pay a significant contribution to international climate protection Government supports since 2002 through “renewables - Made in Germany”:  worldwide dissemination of German renewable energy technology  transfer of renewable energy know-how  promotion of foreign trade

5 The Renewable Energy Export Initiative at a Glance  carried out under the auspices of the Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology  in cooperation with various partner organizations  German Chambers of Commerce Abroad, Germany Trade and Invest  Deutsche Energie-Agentur GmbH (German Energy Agency) - responsible for national +international public relations

6 The Renewable Energy Export Initiative at a Glance  German companies shows expertise, products and present possibilities for cooperation  http://www.renewables-made-in-  Business information & contact events abroad  organized by the German-Bilateral Chamber of Commerce (AHK)

7 The Renewable Energy Export Initiative at a Glance


9  Virtual market place B2B Renewable Energies  multilingual online business platform  provides valuable information about international markets  directory of companies in the renewable energy sector 

10 The Renewable Energy Export Initiative at a Glance

11 Energy Current Situation of the Renewable Energies in Germany

12 Electricity Generation from RES in Germany Source: Development of Renewable Energy Sources in Germany 2009 Published: 18 March 2010. http://www.erneue rbare- dfs/allgemein/appl ication/pdf/ee_hint ergrund_2009_en_ bf.pdf 10.7 % biogas

13 Electricity Generation from biogas plants in Germany Sources: 2009/, and 17/06/10 and 23rd April 2010 http://www.bioenergie. de/fileadmin/fnr/images/aktuelles/medien/RZ_Grafik_Anbau_09_rgb_300_ENG.jpg agricultural biogas plants 2009: ~ 3.600 (estimation: 80 % of all plants are agricultural plants) cultivation area for energy crops 2009: ~ 530,000 ha

14 Renewables – investment and jobs in Germany 2009 Source: Development of Renewable Energy Sources in Germany 2009 Published: 18 March 2010. http://www.erneuerbare- Jobs in sector biomass 2009: 109,000 36 % of all jobs in sector renewables

15 Energy Participating Companies

16 Participating German Companies CompanyRepresentativeBusiness segment Schnell Zündstrahlmotoren AG & Co. KG Wolfgang JörgerBlock heat and power plants LEHMANN Maschinenbau GmbH Thilo LehmannEngine construction Clariant Produkte (Deutschland) GmbH Dr. Ingmar PiglosiewiczProduction of absorption fluid for biogas preparation WELtec Biopower GmbHThomas WilkensConstruction of biogas power plants FARMATIC Anlagenbau GmbH Tatjana LaserPower plant construction, Digestate drying

17 Thank You very much for Your kind attention

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