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Energy is one of the most vital elements for the existence of all living beings on the earth. The increasing demand for energy, gradual rise in oil prices,

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2 Energy is one of the most vital elements for the existence of all living beings on the earth. The increasing demand for energy, gradual rise in oil prices, depletion of fossil fuels, unchecked deforestation and exponential population growth have aggravated the cooking energy problem. In this crucial situation, solar energy which is pollution free, cost free and available in abundance during most days of the year, offers a practical solution to the household energy problems. Solar cooker that works on solar energy is a great boon to both rural and urban households. It is a simple, safe and convenient way to cook food by consuming cost free fuel. According to some of the oldest scriptures of India, Rigveda and Brahma Grantha, Solar cooked food was called “Amritha” and the cooking appliance was known an “Akshayapatra”.



5 1.To find out the use of different types of solar cooker. 2. To know the advantages and constraints of home makers regarding the use of solar cooker.

6 Method Survey Pilot Study Tool Questionnaire Main study Analysis Sample N = 50 Main Main

7 Age range: 35 – 45 years Education: Graduates Type of family: Nuclear Type Family size: 1 to 4 members Major fuel used for cooking : LPG Secondary fuel : Solar energy Types of solar cooker used by the respondents Higher percentage (98%) of the respondents possessed Box type solar cooker followed by the solar oven. Among 98 percent of the respondents, 84 percent possessed box type solar cooker with single reflector followed by double reflectors. About 58 percent of the respondents purchased solar cooker in the price range of Rs2001 and above. Majority of the home makers (44%) purchased solar cooker in the last 5 to 10 years. Most of the home makers preferred box type solar cooker over the other three types because these cookers are durable, easy to handle, easy to clean and portable.

8 Factors N = 50Percentage Care and maintenance12 Saves fuel/energy32 Tasty food18 Status Symbol06 Subsidies10 Interested in using natural energy for cooking22 Table-1: Factors considered while purchasing solar cooker


10 Response on the operation of the solar cooker All the respondents felt that their solar cookers were convenient to operate and the sizes of their cookers were adequate for their family. About 90 percent of the respondents tracked the mirror of their solar cookers according to the direction of the sun, but a few (6%) of the home makers did not change the direction of the mirror. A majority of the respondents (90%) felt that the size of the vessel/containers were adequate to cook food for their family. Most of the respondents (62%) used aluminum vessels and 38% used stainless steel vessels.

11 Table – 2: Preference on type of vessel N = 50 Type of vessel IIIIIIWeighed mean Ranking X 2 Aluminum vessel 54 (27) 46 (23) -1.46I14.38** Stainless steel vessel 36 (18) 48 (24) 16 (8) 1.80II Non stick vessel 12 (6) 6 (3) 82 (42) 2.70III Figures in the parenthesis indicate the number of respondents ** Significant at 1% level Sources: Field Survey

12 Response on the frequency of use of solar cooker A higher percentage of the home makers (79%) used solar cooker more frequently during summer and winter, when the intensity of the sun is high. Most of the respondents (56%) stated that they cooked two dishes at a time followed by 26 percent who cooked one dish, 11 percent three dishes and 7 percent cooked four dishes at a time. Cent percent of the home makers adopted the practice of pre – heating their solar cooker, cutting vegetables to the desired size and soaking of pulses (74%) and soaking of cereals (24%) as a prior preparation before cooking in a solar cooker. All the respondents followed the boiling method to cook food in their solar cooker followed by 64 percent who used it for baking, 38 percent for roasting and a few (10%) for steaming.

13 DishesPercentage Rice100 Sambar88 Lime Rice36 Vangibath10 Bisebelebath56 Pulao60 Idli10 Kesaribath08 Cakes64 Biscuits48 Boiled Eggs28 Pudding12 Dal24 Roasting Groundnuts32 Roasting Rava38 Fish and Meat dishes16 Boiling vegetables10 Table – 3: Preparation of different dishes in solar cooker


15 AdvantagesPreferential rankingRankingX 2 r IIIIIIIVVVIVIIWeighed Mean Fuel requirements are reduced 54102422442.16I 17.35** Food becomes very tasty 1618 10 12163.80III Minimum attention is required 614816218364.92VII Hygienic101214 1218204.40V Economical4414321036104.58VI Friendly to the environment 6618 281684.36IV Retention of nutrients 43648 643.78II Table- 4: Response on the Advantages of solar cooker

16 ConstraintsPercentage Food cannot be cooked during the night and cloudy days82 Takes more time to cook80 Cooker containers are not convenient to handle48 Difficult to carry from one place to another32 Fried items cannot be prepared16 Breakfast cannot be prepared24 Table – 5: Constraints of home makers in using solar cooker N = 50

17 The major problem faced by the respondents while using solar cooker was its heavy weight, food could not be cooked whenever they wanted and that it took more time to cook food and food did not get cooked if the intensity of the sun was low. Respondents were satisfied with the advantages of solar cooker offered as a method of cooking. To combat this major drawback, there are solar cookers like the concentrating type, heat accumulating and steam cookers which are available in the market but the cost is higher when compared with that of the box type solar cooker. Solar cooker must be made available at a subsidized rate laying more stress on its advantages rather than disadvantages. Using solar energy for cooking at least one meal a day can save a lot of fuel, money and reduce environmental pollution. When we review today’s situation there is a lot of stress on alternative energy sources as it helps in combating the energy crisis and global warming to save our mother earth.


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