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Welcome to Career/College Night Greetings from School Personnel Parent-to-Parent Tips from Ms. Russell Language Arts- Mrs. Sanders Power Point Presentation-

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Career/College Night Greetings from School Personnel Parent-to-Parent Tips from Ms. Russell Language Arts- Mrs. Sanders Power Point Presentation-"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Career/College Night Greetings from School Personnel Parent-to-Parent Tips from Ms. Russell Language Arts- Mrs. Sanders Power Point Presentation- Mrs. Belisle Meet the Colleges Meet the Military Q & A Session


3 Graduation Requirements 2013-2014 9 th Grade -New Diploma -Common Core Standards

4 ALABAMA HIGH SCHOOL DIPLOMA This one approach to the Alabama High School Diploma removes the need for endorsements or the Alabama Occupational Diploma. The focus will be on the coursework taken that necessitates a clearly articulated and individualized four-year high school plan built for each student based on the results from the EXPLORE academic and career interest assessment and middle school coursework. 12-11-12 4

5 State Required Credits English Language Arts 4 Mathematics 4 Science 4 Social Studies 4 Physical Education 1 Health Education 0.5 Career Preparedness 1 CTE/Foreign Language/Arts Education 3 Electives

6 Educational Pathways of High School Career Readiness- High School Diploma with CTE classes to match career interest. Articulation Agreements with colleges for HS classes Dual enrollment or apprenticeship College Readiness- Honors Diploma Articulation Agreements with colleges for HS classes GPA & ACT Dual enrollment Testing Requirements End of Course Test (% of final grade) ACT Products

7 Graduation Requirements 10 th Grade High School Diploma 4 years of Eng, Math, Sci, Hist PE, Health, Fine Arts, Computer Apps Electives 30 Total Credits End of Course Test (% of Final Grade) Honors Highest level classes offered at school 2 consecutive foreign languages

8 Graduation Requirements 11 th Grade High School Diploma 4 years of Eng, Math, Sci, Hist PE, Health, Fine Arts, Computer Apps Electives 30 Total Credits End of Course Test (% of Final Grade) Honors Highest level classes offered at school 2 consecutive foreign languages

9 Graduation Requirements 12 th Grade High School Diploma 4 years of Eng, Math, Sci, Hist PE, Health, Fine Arts, Computer Apps Electives 30 Total Credits Must Pass Graduation Exam Honors (Val/Sal & Honor Court) Highest level classes offered at school 2 consecutive foreign languages

10 Dual Enrollment Meet qualification of the College Educational Pathways in College (College or Career) College Pathway- Taking classes that will transfer to a 4 year university Career Pathway- ESCC- Aviation-- take classes in Geneva-- Bus Adm., Child Dev. Comp App, Comp Graph, Comp Main, Comp Prog, Criminal Just, EMS Health Info Tech, Paralegal, Microcomp Tech, Office Adm., Paramedic,3-D Simulation

11 Dual Enrollment LBW Air Cond./Refr., Auto Mech., Diesel Mech., Child Dev, Comp Sci., Culinary Art, EMS, Draft & Design, Office Adm., Welding Wallace (Dothan)Air Cond./Refr., Auto Body, Auto Tech, Office Admin, Cabinet/Carpentry, Child Dev, Computer Sci., Cosmo, Draft. Design, Electrical Tech, Industrial Main, Machine Tool, Masonry, Welding

12 Applying to College Sophomores- make good grades, get involved, start a portfolio/resume. Juniors- take the ACT, research colleges online, make college visits, update your portfolio/resume. Seniors- APPLY! *Universities- Applications should be completed in the fall of your senior year. Applying online is preferred by most colleges. *Junior Colleges- Apply to 2-year schools after Christmas. Must complete FAFSA for scholarships.

13 PLAN-Preliminary ACT (10 th Grade given in school) ACT-American College Testing Taken in April of the Junior year (in school) If necessary, repeat the ACT at the end of the Junior year and again at the beginning (Sept. or Oct.) of the Senior year. What is a good score? 20-24 for admissions 27 and above for academic scholarships

14 ACT Preparation Study! Even before you take the test for the first time. Free online practice websites (ACT) (ACT) (both) Work with students who have earned high scores Practice books at Barnes &Noble or Books a Million Why study??? Because……..

15 What does it cost? ESCC $133 per credit hour X 16 hours=$2128 $500 for books Room/Board= Mom & Dad Total=$2628/semester; $5256/year 2 year degree=$10,512

16 What does it cost? LBW $132 per credit hour X 16 hours=$2112 $500 for books Room/Board= Mom & Dad Total=$2612/semester; $5224/year 2 year degree=$10,448

17 What does it cost? Wallace (Dothan) $128 per credit hour X 16 hours=$2048 $500 for books Room/Board= Mom & Dad Total=$2548/semester; $5096/year 2 year degree=$10,192

18 What does it cost? Troy – $249 per credit hour X 16 hours=$3984 – $500 for books – Room=($1,420-$2,530)=$2000 avg. – Board=$1553 – General University Fee ($32 per credit hour)=$512 – Registration Fee=$50 – Total= $8599 per semester; $17,198 per year Four year total= $68,792

19 What does it cost? University of Alabama – $287.50 per credit hour X 16 hours=$4600 – $500 for books – Course fees (average) $375 – Room=$4000 – Board=$1525 (required for Freshmen) – Total=$11,000 per semester; $22,000 per year – Four year total= approximately $88,000 Auburn University =Approximately $12,107/semester Note: Out of state tuition is 2-3 times that of an in-state choice regardless of college.

20 How to pay for it! University and Private Scholarships Military Scholarships Self-Help The Federal Government (FAFSA)

21 The Federal Government Financial aid packages can include: Federal Pell Grant (2012-13 maximum is $5,550 per year) FSEOG-Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant ($100-$4000 per year) for students with exceptional financial need. Varies by school. TEACH Grant for teaching careers ($4,000 per year). Must sign agreement to serve. Visit FWS-Federal College Work-Study Program Loans-Subsidized and Unsubsidized And more... Lots of information available at

22 University Scholarships – Academic—meet requirements and apply by the deadline. (Dec. 1) – Competitive Offers—may involve an interview, resume, etc. – Performing Arts/Leadership/Athletic—usually involves a tryout or audition Athletes, make sure you register with the NCAA. – Check each college’s website for foundation scholarships and departmental scholarships. You may also call the financial aid office of the college. – Sophomores and Juniors – look NOW for summer programs that can lead to scholarships

23 University Scholarships- Academic Example #1: University of Alabama 27 ACT/3.5 GPA = $1500/year or $750/semester ($6,000 total) 28-29 ACT/ 3.5 GPA = $3500/year or $1750/semester ($14,000 total ) 30-36 ACT/ 3.5 GPA=Full Tuition ($34,400 total) 32-36 ACT/3.8 GPA = $8,500/year + tuition + Ipad ($68,400 total) Deadlines vary

24 University Scholarships- Academic Example #2 Troy University 27 ACT/ 3.5 GPA=Full Tuition 31 ACT/3.7 GPA= Tuition, Room, and Board Leadership Scholarship, 22 ACT/3.0 GPA= amount varies Troy “stacks or super scores” for the ACT Deadline is usually March 1 All applications for Troy are online.

25 Private (Foundation) Scholarships Private Scholarships Check affiliations with church, employers, civic groups, etc. Usually smaller amounts per scholarship. Can take to any college. No limit on the number you apply for. Continuously check the guidance office

26 Military Scholarships Academy Appointments-start early, are highly selective, and require a Congressional Nomination ROTC Scholarships—Apply to college and for ROTC Scholarships – Navy, – Air Force, – Army, Veterans Affairs Office-one at every college – Veterans Benefits Visit, click on Benefits, and then tuition Parent’s GI Bill. Info is available at or call

27 Self-Help PACT-Pre-paid Alabama College Tuition Program Savings (both student and parent) Private Loans


29 Visit interested tables For Question & Answer

30 Guest Agenda Message from ESCC- Anne Kelly Message from Al Aviation-Vann Bradshaw Message from LBW-Brandon Ware Message from WCC-Mary Wiggins Message from Troy- Jessica Acord Message from UA- Molly White Message from Navy- Jonathan McCauley Message from Nat Guard- Jarrod Peavey

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