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GEOSS Architecture Implementation Pilot Water Information Services with GEOSS Interoperability Arrangements George Percivall Open Geospatial Consortium.

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Presentation on theme: "GEOSS Architecture Implementation Pilot Water Information Services with GEOSS Interoperability Arrangements George Percivall Open Geospatial Consortium."— Presentation transcript:

1 GEOSS Architecture Implementation Pilot Water Information Services with GEOSS Interoperability Arrangements George Percivall Open Geospatial Consortium Task lead AR-09-01B April ISRSE Sydney

2 A process, elaboration of GEOSS Architecture
SBA Tasks, UIC, CBC, STC User Needs, Scenarios requirements Design, Develop, Deploy ADC activities including: Architecture Implementation Pilot (AIP) Task AR-09-01b support Operational Capability GEOSS Common Infrastructure (GCI) Task AR-09-01a persistent implementation Of particular interest for the GMES data products : - Data Sharing Principles, Quality Assurance for Earth Observations, SIF convergence guidelines and practices - Long Term Data Preservation - Risk Management, disaster/failure recovery 2

3 GEOSS Interoperability Arrangements - From the GEOSS 10 Year Plan Reference Document -
Interoperability through open interfaces Interoperability specifications agreed to among contributing systems Access to data and information through service interfaces Open standards and intellectual property rights GEOSS adopting standards; agreed upon by consensus, preference to formal international standards GEOSS will not require commercial or proprietary standards Multiple software implementations compliant with the open standards should exist Goal is that at least one of the implementations should be available to all implementers "royalty-free"

4 GEO Task AR-09-01b Architecture Implementation Pilot
Support SBAs by developing new process and infrastructure components for GCI and the broader GEOSS architecture Demonstrate and document results to inform GEOSS Development Baseline progress “fostering interoperability arrangements and common practices for GEOSS” Consistent with that, Task AR 09-01b is defined as: highlighting the development and testing of contributed components and leveraging of the GEOSS Common Infrastructure in a pilot setting exercising interoperability arrangements to serve SBAs/CoPs

5 AIP-3 Results - February 2011
SBAs Areas Energy Disaster Management E-Habitat Arctic SDI Air Quality Water - Drought Informatics Areas Engineering Use Cases Data Harmonization Data Sharing Semantics Water Ontology Global Drought Monitor Portal EDO Drought Index

6 AIP Architecture Elements
Components Manageable units hardware, software, networks Services Methods for components to interact using GEOSS Interoperability Arrangements Use Cases Describe what can be done with Services, e.g., Discovery, Access, Workflow, etc. Scenarios Meet SBA User needs; accomplished with Use Cases

7 Components Interact thru Services
GEOSS Clearinghouse GEO Web Portal GEOSS Common Infrastructure Components & Services Standards and Interoperability Best Practices Wiki User Requirements Registries Main GEO Web Site Registered Community Resources Community Portals Client Applications Client Tier Mediation Tier Catalogues Alert Servers Workflow Management Processing Test Facility Search Brokers Access Tier GEONETCast Access Brokers Sensor Web Model Long Term Archives

8 AIP Use Cases

9 Drought Scenario and Use Cases (simplified)
Reference: “Global Drought Monitoring Service through the GEOSS Architecture”, Drought and Water Working Group, Engineering Report, GEO AIP-3, February 2011

10 European Drought Observatory use of EuroGEOSS
Contact: Stefano Nativi




14 Semantics applied to Water in GEOSS GEO Tasks: Semantics, DIAS, AIP
Ontology Engineering Integration of independent thesauri that are sharing the same data format, SKOS Integrate more general ontologies created with primitives in schema languages (e.g. SWEET) AIP-3 development of an ontology of water-related terms, based on CUAHSI ontology using the CMap2 visual tool. OWL ontology for grounding broker's search

15 Land Surface Module of the Water Ontology

16 Semantic Enabled Search Use Case
GI-DAC broker implemented Semantic Search UC Leverages GENESIS vocabulary service for generating multiple, multilingual queries to be issued to remote catalogs. Multi-lingual searching: Language-dependent search patterns against language-neutral URIs. “Advanced search” allows user to navigate thesauri, define a set of terms and queries to catalogs.

17 Architecture for semantic augmentation

18 Advanced search with the GI-DAC broker
Arabian search string "مناخ" (“climate”) is found in the definitions of six terms from GEMET.

19 DIAS Ontology Browser in GEO URR prototype

20 GEOSS AIP Phase 4 (AIP-4) Activity #1:  Access to Priority EO Data Sources 1a. Thesaurus for EO Observation Parameters 1b. "EO Priority Data Sources” list 1c. Getting EO Data Online Activity #2:  Clients and Mediated Access Enablers 2a. Coordination with GCI 2b. Coordination of Enabler Components 2c. Integration and Usability Testing of Enablers Components AIP-4 CFP responses requested by 6 May 2011 Supporting ADC “Sprint to Plenary”

21 Water Information Services with GEOSS Interoperability Arrangements
GEOSS bold vision endorsed 5 years ago Architecture vision now realized for several societal applications Get involved: GEOSS ADC, SIF, AIP, CoPs A short video is being developed for use at the ministerial in November.

22 References GEO
GEO Architecture Implementation Pilot GEOSS registries and SIF George Percivall

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