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Latin America’s Independence Movements. What were the causes of independence? Bourbon and Pombaline reforms in Spain and Portugal Peninsulares held most.

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Presentation on theme: "Latin America’s Independence Movements. What were the causes of independence? Bourbon and Pombaline reforms in Spain and Portugal Peninsulares held most."— Presentation transcript:

1 Latin America’s Independence Movements

2 What were the causes of independence? Bourbon and Pombaline reforms in Spain and Portugal Peninsulares held most of the power over majority people Church power became limited Increase in taxes 2 new viceroyalties established: New Granada (Bogota) and La Plata (Buenos Aires) Colonies were limited in manufacturing Colonial militias divided among race lines Napoleon eventually takes Spain and colonists don’t recognize his leadership and proclaim to be autonomous American and French Revolutions Castas system

3 Haitian Revolution-1791-1804 French Revolution was catalyst for change gens de coleur (free non- whites) & French Assembly vs. Whites Slave rebellions, abolishment in 1793

4 Touissant L’Ouverture and Haiti Touissant L’Ouverture defeated French, but then fought the British until 1798 Civil War now: Petit blacks vs. gens de coleur Touissant recognized by new French government as Governor-General, 1801 1802 Napoleon’s French troops sent to St. Domingue Touissant attempted negotiations, but arrested and sent to Alps where he died

5 Haitian Independence Effects By 1803, Napoleon evacuated French troops January 1, 1804 Republic of Haiti proclaimed, most whites left Jean-Jacques Dessalines crown himself Emperor gens de coleur in power while petit blancs back to fields All whites were massacred in Haiti Assassinated in 1806 Haitian society kept social classes and gens de coleur replaced whites as top group!

6 Haiti Today: 2004 French and US backed coup ousted elected president -France sent troops on the ground 2006 New elections and in 2008 Parliament overthrew the president, causing riots and long period without a gov’t. In 2006, Haiti was ranked 1 st by Corruptions Perceptions Index Port Au Prince was named “most dangerous place on Earth” by the UN Government is semi-presidential where president and PM work together and are responsible to Parliament 2010 first elections, still questionable, but Michel Martelly and Laurent Lamothe lead

7 Three Years after the earthquake that killed 315,000: 325,000 living in tents unemployment at 70% cholera outbreak=470,000 cases, 6631 deaths, worst cholera outbreak in modern history improved water and sanitation needed, the US has spent over $75 million for this Do we need to have a collection drive? Send it to the Red Cross?

8 New Spain’s Independence:

9 Mexican (New Spain)’s Independence Father Hidalgo began revolution on September 16, 1810 *now Mexico’s independence day! -wanted to address hunger, poverty and taxes His call to arms led to 80,000 people chaotically fighting, Spain was able to capture and execute him in 1811 Father Morelos continued the fight and drafted the Constitutional Decree for the Liberty of Mexico which established an independent republic. Executed 1814.

10 Mexico’s Independence Became a prolonged war of attrition Peninsulares, creoles, church leaders and military leaders decided to take action and Augustin Iturbide led movement which defeated royalists Created Plan de Iguala -independence from Spain -supremacy of Catholic Church -Equality for peninsulares and creoles Treaty of Cordoba recognized independent Mexico Iturbide became emperor and social order stayed (prelude to civil war later on!)

11 Venezuela’s Independence Independence claimed in 1806 by Francisco de Miranda Creoles established independent Republic of Venezuela 1811 -power based on property -eliminate slave trade, but not slavery (non-whites NOT included) Became a civil war Spanish officer, Jose Boves led mixed race army and took Caracas that ended republic and began reign of terror Spain sent troops and retook Caracas 1815

12 Simon Bolivar and Venezuela Reinforced cause of liberation and unity and welcomed all Continued fighting against Spanish royalists and an army coup weakened Spain to negotiation Venezuela became part of Gran Colombia-Venezuela, Ecuador, Colombia and Panama! -1830 Ecuador and Venezuela will secede and be ind. Bolivar established dictatorship because he feared non-white majority. -attempted to enforce legal equality -rewarded military leaders with land where they had local dominance -but the class system and racial issues remained, much to his dismay 1828 an assassination attempt nearly killed him and by 1830 he died from TB and exhaustion Video clip!

13 San Martin and Chile Martin had a different way of viewing independence from Bolivar; but both knew it was a continental cause Martin’s army along with Chilean army under O’Higgins met Spanish army at Battle of Chacabucho (outside of Santiago) in 1817 Martin divided his army in two and surrounded Spanish -500 Spanish were killed, 12 Patriots killed In 1818 a battle at Maipu settled Chilean control with independence How was this battle different from previous ones?

14 Brazil’s Independence Napoleon’s war was the catalyst for change Portugal installed several similar reforms like Spain -limited manufacturing, only trade with mother country, slavery Napoleon and Portugal’s monarchy -Prince Dom Joao fled and remade Rio as capital -many trade restrictions and manufacturing restrictions lifted -Brazil was made equal to Portugal (NOT a colony) After Napoleon’s defeat, Portuguese wanted their king back who refused to return until 1821

15 Brazil’s Independence Prince Dom Pedro was left in charge of Brazil Portuguese attempted to re- establish Brazil as a colony Dom Pedro remained, declared Brazil independent on September 7, 1822 and named himself emperor -May 1823 he established an assembly with liberal gov’t

16 Pedro’s “Constitution” Impact of the assembly? Pedro dissolved it as it limited his power and wrote new Constitution in1824 -bicameral legislature: lower house indirectly elected by men; upper house selected by emperor for life terms -emperor held right to dissolve legislature -emperor held right to appoint cabinet and dismiss people at will -Catholicism became state religion and he was head of church 1889 Monarchy ended What about this independence movement is different?

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