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Class of 2015 Parent Meeting. Our class of 2015 WE ARE 380 STRONG!

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Presentation on theme: "Class of 2015 Parent Meeting. Our class of 2015 WE ARE 380 STRONG!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Class of 2015 Parent Meeting

2 Our class of 2015 WE ARE 380 STRONG!

3 Want to Graduate? O English-4 Units O Math-4 Units O Science-3 Units O US History-1 Unit O Government/Economics—1 Unit O Other Social Studies—1 Unit O PE—1 Unit O Computer Technology—1 Unit O Foreign Language or Career Course-1 Unit O Electives (can be anything!!)—7 Units

4 Attendance O YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE!!!!!!!!! O No more than 5 absences in a semester course O No more than 10 absences in a year course O Do not rely on Seat Time Recovery O Check the Student Portal often

5 Want to attend a Tec School? O Open Enrollment with HS Diploma O SAT/ACT/Tec Test O Can earn an Associate degree—2 years O Can transfer to 4 year college/University

6 Want to attend a 4 year College/University after RHS? O All Graduation Requirements O 2 or 3 years of foreign language O 3 Lab Science O 1 Fine Art O 1 Math beyond Algebra 2

7 SAT/ACT Required by 4 year colleges Retake if your score is close for scholarships Take the Writing Section at least 1 time Deadline for Oct 11 SAT is Sept 12. Deadline for Oct. 25 ACT is Sept 19.

8 Fee Waivers O Students may qualify for a fee waiver for both college applications and the ACT/SAT tests—2 waivers per lifetime O Must receive free or reduced lunch to qualify. O Must have used an SAT waiver to qualify for college application waiver— it’s up to the college whether to accept these. O Waivers are in my office

9 Score Reporting O Colleges/Universities will not accept scores from Riverside as official scores. O Most institutions and NCAA require that scores be sent directly by the testing service. O Can be done at time of registration O Can be requested from testing service for a fee.

10 College Visits O Students are strongly encouraged to make college visits. O Follow procedure in handbook on page 3- middle column. Request made by parent prior to visit College written verification upon return Seniors are allowed 3 days prior to 4 th 9 weeks. THESE DAYS DO COUNT IN YOUR TALLY!!!

11 Resumes O Create your Resume and give to Ms. Collins for her recommendation. Also give one to any teacher or other person you ask to write you a recommendation. O I put a blue sheet in your red folder last year that you may use. I will also accept one on other format. Keep it simple!!!

12 Application Process O Nearly all applications are now online and up and running. O Pick up a yellow “Class of 2015 Transcript for EACH application, even if you are using the Common Application that will go to multiple schools. After tonight, emails will not be honored. O Follow the directions on the form carefully and sign. O Return to Ms. Collins in Guidance. Only if I am out of the office are you to give the form to someone else. I will inform the guidance secretary when this is appropriate.

13 SC Scholarships O SC HOPE Scholarship O LIFE Scholarship O Palmetto Fellows Scholarship O SC Need-based Grant O Lottery Tuition Assistance

14 General Eligibility O US Citizen/Legal Permanent Resident (Green Card) O SC Resident* O No felony convictions O No second or subsequent alcohol/drug misdemeanors O Enroll in a degree-seeking program at an eligible SC institution

15 HOPE SCHOLARSHIP O 3.0 Final GPA O No application O Must attend SC 4 year institution O Up to $2800—1 year award

16 LIFE Scholarship O Eligibility at a 2-year institution O 3.0 Cumulative GPA (based on the SC UGP) upon high school graduation O Eligibility at a 4-year institution O Earn 2 of the follow 3 requirements O 3.0 Cumulative GPA (based on the SC UGP) upon high school graduation O 1100/SAT or 24/ACT O Rank in the top 30% of the graduating class

17 Palmetto Fellows Scholarship O TWO opportunities to apply: O Early Award: Mid-October- December 15 th O Late Award: Mid-April-June 15 th O Counselor driven application process O The application and application materials must be submitted via the high school/home school association and in the Commission office by the established deadlines (listed above)

18 Eligibility Requirements O Rank in the top 6% at the end of the 10 th, or the 11 th, or the 12 th grade academic year O Earn a 1200 on the SAT/27 on the ACT (through the June test administration of the graduating year) O Earn a 3.5 cumulative GPA (based on the SC UGP) O OR

19 Alternate Criteria (without regard to rank) O Earn a 1400 on the SAT/32 on the ACT (through the June test administration of the graduating year) O Earn a 4.0 Cumulative GPA (based on the SC UGP) O $6700 1 st year—Up to $7500 years 2-4

20 LIFE & PFS Enhancements O Must be enrolled in approved math/science major at college O Must earn 14 credit hours of math and/or science by the end of 1 st academic year O Begin at the start of 2 nd year O Up to an additional $2500

21 SC Need-Based Grant O Must complete FAFSA O Can be used at both 2year and 4 year institutions. O Must be considered a degree-seeking student O Up to $2500 for full time student

22 Lottery Tuition Assistance O Degree seeking student at a tech school or 2 year campuses O FAFSA is required O $1140 for full-time student

23 Tuition Grants O Can only be used at a private institution in SC O Must complete FAFSA O Based on Financial Need O Parents must be SC residents O Top 75% or 900 SAT or 19 ACT or 2.0 O Maximum for 2014-15 is set at $3000

24 Academic Common Market O Allows for South Carolina residents who are enrolled in specific programs at out-of-state institutions to be charged only the applicable in-State tuition by the institution in which the student is enrolled O market.html OR google Academic Common Market market.html

25 Mandatory Meetings & Graduation O SENIOR MEETING—RHS AUDITORIUM O Will take place after the end of senior exams and before Graduation Practice. O GRADUATION PRACTICE—BON SECOUR ARENA—12:30 PM—June 1 O GRADUATION—BON SECOUR ARENA—2:00 PM—June 4

26 Upcoming Senior Events O October 2—College Application Day—We will have signups in guidance. O October 20—Senior Assembly— Graduation Materials O October 28—Orders for Cap/Gown

27 STAY IN THE KNOW!!! O Sign up for text alerts!! O Text the message “@Warriorscholarships” to 23559

28 More communication!! Located on Guidance Bulletin Board

29 Senior Life Skills O Seniors should bring their own Transcript Request. O If having difficulty in a class, ask your senior if THEY have spoken to the teacher. Do they know when help sessions are offered? O Seniors must meet deadlines.

30 Thanks for allowing me to work with your children for 3 years!!

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