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Careers and Study After Cornell Physics A Career in H.S. Physics Teaching Marty Alderman, Physics Teacher! PhysTEC TIR (Teacher In Residence) 101 Clark.

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Presentation on theme: "Careers and Study After Cornell Physics A Career in H.S. Physics Teaching Marty Alderman, Physics Teacher! PhysTEC TIR (Teacher In Residence) 101 Clark."— Presentation transcript:

1 Careers and Study After Cornell Physics A Career in H.S. Physics Teaching Marty Alderman, Physics Teacher! PhysTEC TIR (Teacher In Residence) 101 Clark Hall607.255.8158

2 The Next Step Graduate School ResearchTeaching Other Careers

3 Picking A College o Location o Size o Broad field of interest o Prestige o Cost o Social climate o Weather (OK, maybe not for Cornell)

4 Picking A Career o Interesting Work o Meaningful Work o Control of Work o Sufficient Income o Quality Benefits o Secure Benefits o Job Security o Job Choice o Location Choice o Vacation Time o Flexible Time o Compatible w/ Family o Status o Pension o Opportunities For Advancement o Work Load

5 The Teacher’s Work ► You’re a PHYSICS teacher! You have the best toys! ► Every student is different, and a new opportunity. Teaching is not boring! ► The students have energy that is contagious ► You are in control of your own work space ► You are appreciated (most of the time) by students, parents, and the community

6 The Teacher’s Work Extracurricular activities help make work even more interesting and fun! ► Science Olympiad  (My students came in second in the Nation in the Wright Stuff event, and Forth overall this year! Sometimes teachers get to brag a little!) ► Authentic Science Research  NY State Jr. Science & Humanities Symposium  Westinghouse Science Talent Search ► Team America Rocketry Challenge

7 The Teacher’s Work ► No Illusions:  The work is not easy (but you’re used to that!)  Grading papers is time consuming  There are limited opportunities for Advancement  There are times when you have to work with students and parents with serious ‘issues’

8 The Teacher’s Work ► BUT:  You can make a huge difference in the lives of a lot of people!!!  Your work is some of the most meaningful work there is.  Your work is always interesting.

9 The Teaching Job Market ► There is a critical shortage of physics teachers worldwide.  You can choose where you want to live, including international schools.  You can choose the kind of school you want to teach in (rural, suburban, urban).  Some places are even offering finder’s fees and signing bonuses. (Eat your heart out, athletes!)  You can definitely feel needed.

10 Quality Benefits ► Tuition reimbursement ► Funding to attend conferences ► Sufficient income … comparable to salaries at many colleges! ► Health insurance equal to or better than industry ► A very good pension plan

11 Family Friendly ► This may not be first on your mind at the moment, but teachers are done with scheduled time at roughly the time kids would get home from school. ► You have great vacation time that matches vacation for the kids. (In industry you start with 1-2 weeks … Max!)

12 VACATION ► Did I mention vacation time?!  It is flexible time for you.  Some choose to teach summer school for extra income  Some take graduate courses for advancement  Some attend summer workshops  Some work odd jobs that they choose to take on.  Some just enjoy the free time and time with their families.

13 Security ► There is NO WAY your job will be ‘shipped overseas’!!! You are needed right here. Can industry say that? ► Once you have tenure, you can’t be fired without cause just to hire someone at lower pay. ► Your retirement pension fund can’t be raided like in so many industries today.

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