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Unit 3 Asking the way (Sound time, Checkout time &Ticking time)

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2 Unit 3 Asking the way (Sound time, Checkout time &Ticking time)

3 本课时以问路为主线,主要教学内容和目 标是: 1 、帮助学生熟练掌握更多的问路和指 路方式。 2 、 Sound time, 引导学生掌握 “sh” 在单词中的发音。 3 、 Checkout time ,引导 学生在游戏中熟练运用句型进行问路和指路; 引导学生用较丰富的语言介绍自己家到学校 的路线并完成相关写话。 *Teaching contents and aims :

4 Step 1 Revision

5 Retell Cartoon time Bobby and Tina want to... First, they...Next, they... Then, they... Finally, they... Bobby and Tina want to... First, they...Next, they... Then, they... Finally, they...

6 Give Bobby some good ideas to get to the cinema in time. Give Bobby some good ideas to get to the cinema in time.

7 Step 2 Sound time

8 Help Sharon get to the shoe shop. Help Sharon get to the shoe shop.

9 Meet Sharon Sharon 莎伦 Sharon 莎伦 shoe shoe shiny 闪耀的;有光泽的 shiny 闪耀的;有光泽的

10 Help Sharon find the best way. Shoe Shop Can you show me the way to the shoe shop, please? Can you show me the way to the shoe shop, please? Yellow Road

11 Help Sharon find the best way. Shoe Shop Which to choose? 选择哪一个? Which to choose? 选择哪一个? Yellow Road

12 Sound time A: Shiny shoes, shiny shoes. Which to choose? B: The _______( 颜色 ) shiny shoes. A: Shiny shoes, shiny shoes. Which to choose? B: The _______( 颜色 ) shiny shoes. All: Yeah! Help Sharon choose the shiny shoes

13 Sound time Sharon shoe shop she shiny Sharon shoe shop she shiny sh / ʃ / sh / ʃ /

14 Sound time sh / ʃ / sh / ʃ / sheep shipshould____ 应该 sure _____

15 Read and group Shirley and Sally sell shirts at their shop. Shirley and Sally sell shirts at their shop. Shall we see the show at School on Saturday? Sure. 1. shoe ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ 1. shoe ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ 2. six ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ 2. six ______ ______ ______ ______ ______

16 Step 3 Checkout time Pick and say

17 Shoe Shop Tip: 选择一张地点单词卡,同桌玩这个游戏。 Tip: 选择一张地点单词卡,同桌玩这个游戏。 A: Excuse me, how do I get to...? A: Excuse me, how do I get to...? B: Walk along...

18 Step 3 Checkout time Draw and write


20 I live in Tianmu Garden. It is on Tianmu Road. It is near No.2 People's Hospital. I often come to school by bus. First, I get on the bus at No.2 People's Hospital Stop. Then, I get off at No. 1 People's Hospital Stop. Then, I walk to school. It's on my left. I live in Tianmu Garden. It is on Tianmu Road. It is near No.2 People's Hospital. I often come to school by bus. First, I get on the bus at No.2 People's Hospital Stop. Then, I get off at No. 1 People's Hospital Stop. Then, I walk to school. It's on my left. Bus

21 Draw and write I live in/ on. It is near. I often come to school. First, I________________ ____________________________________________

22 I can ask and tell the way in many ways. I’ve got _______ stars. Ticking time I know the sound of "sh". I can talk about and write about the way from my home to school. What can you do after having this lesson? What can you do after having this lesson?

23 Homework 1. Talk about the way from your home to your school to your family in English. 1. Talk about the way from your home to your school to your family in English. 2. Try to find more words with the sound / ʃ / 2. Try to find more words with the sound / ʃ / 3. Finish Workbook, Period 3. 3. Finish Workbook, Period 3.

24 Bb design Unit3 Asking the way (4) Asking the way: Showing the way: sh / ʃ / ________ _________ _________ __________ _________ s / ʃ / sure Excuse me, *is there a...? where’s the...? *how do I get to the...? *can you show me the way to...? *which bus is for...? *how many stops are there?... It’s on... Street/ Road. *It’s near/ far... *Go along... Turn left/ *We can go by bus/ taxi/ metro. Get on/ off at... Station....


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