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Published byJaden Compton Modified over 11 years ago
GEO Architecture and Data Committee Architecture Workshop Hosted by the European Commission At the Joint Research Centre February 2008
Architecture Workshop Opening Plenary StartTopicSpeaker 1300Opening 1305Welcome to EC/JRCAllesandro Annoni 1320LogisticsJRC 1325Recap of 2007 - IOC for GEOSS Core Architecture Percivall, et. al. 1355UIC/ADC CollaborationEllsworth LeDrew 1405User & Architecture Workshop Series Francoise Pearlman 1420Plan for WorkshopGeorge Percivall 1430Adjourn Plenary
Architecture Workshop Opening Plenary, February 4-5, 2008, Ispra 3 Architecture Workshop Welcome to JRC and logistic Alessandro Annoni Head of Spatial Data Infrastructures Unit Joint Research Centre European Commission
Architecture Workshop Opening Plenary, February 4-5, 2008, Ispra 4 Court of Auditors The European Parliament The Council of Ministers Committee of the Regions Court of Justice Economic and Social Committee SG.RELEXENTRENV INFSOJRC ….... IES... RTD IRMMIPSC ….. IPTS ….... The EU Institutions The college of Commissioners The European Commission
Architecture Workshop Opening Plenary, February 4-5, 2008, Ispra 5 … to provide customer-driven scientific and technical support for the conception, development, implementation and monitoring of EU policies … …the JRC functions as a reference centre of science and technology for the EU, independent of private and national interests... Mission of the Joint Research Centre
Architecture Workshop Opening Plenary, February 4-5, 2008, Ispra 6 JRC Structure IRMM – Geel, Belgium Institute for Reference Materials and Measurements IE – Petten, The Netherlands Institute for Energy ITU – Karlsruhe, Germany Institute for Transuranium elements IPSC - IHCP - IES – Ispra, Italy Institute for the Protection and the Security of the Citizen Institute for Health and Consumer Protection Institute for Environment and Sustainability IPTS – Seville, Spain Institute for Prospective Technological Studies 7 Institutes in 5 Member States Total staff: > 2200 people
Architecture Workshop Opening Plenary, February 4-5, 2008, Ispra 7 Logistic information Internet Wi-Fi freely available in this room PC available with Internet access in the room at the end of the corridor Lunch Lunches available at the JRC Self Service (100 m. from here)
Architecture Workshop Opening Plenary, February 4-5, 2008, Ispra 8 Logistic information (transportation) 4th of Feb Guests of Hotels Europa e Le Terrazze (Ispra) will be picked up by the Air Pullman service at 17:30 from the Bldg 36. Guests of Hotel dei Tigli (Angera) will be picked up at 17:30 by a JRC bus service. All guests are kindly requested to look carefully to the pick up list which will be updated every day and in case of problem inform the organisers. 5th of Feb Guests will be picked up by at 8:30 from their hotels
Recap of 2007 - Initial Operating Capability for the GEOSS Core Architecture George Percivall, et. al.
GEOSS Core Architecture Initial Operating Capability (IOC) Core Architecture –GEO Web Portal, Clearinghouse, and Registry –Process to register, discover and use services –GEOSS Interoperability Arrangements During 2007, GEO ADC guided development of IOC through its core tasks: –AR-07-01 - Enabling Deployment of Architecture –AR-07-02 - Architecture Implementation Pilot Results demonstrated at EO Summit and GEO-IV
Core Architecture GEOSS Component, Service registry Standards, Special Arrangements Registries references GEO Web Portal and other Clients searches Offerors contribute to register GEOSS Clearinghouse Catalogues Services User accesses list of catalogues accesses searches invokes reference
AI Pilot Milestones - 2007 Call for Participation (CFP) –CFP Preparation based on RFIsFebruary & March –CFP ReleaseApril 13 –CFP Responses DueMay 11 Pilot Kickoff meetingJune 5&6 –Hosted at ESA-ESRIN Deploy, Integrate, Test 4 mo.June to September Demo Capture WorkshopSeptember 10&11 Core Architecture Implementation Report November
GEO Task AR-07-02 GEO Architecture Implementation Pilot - 2007 Demonstrated effective development process: –CFP, Kickoff, Execution, etc. –Approximately 120 organizations Established effective communication methods –For international coordination Produced Screencasts of Initial Operating Capability – Prepared Core Architecture Implementation Report
Geographic distribution of CFP-2007 Responses
GEOSS Architecture Status Architecture initially defined in CFP, April 2007 Validated through ADC core tasks, etc. Deployed, tested and demonstrated in 2007 Component types and interactions confirmed Recommendations for Interoperability Arrangements Consistent with GEOSS Strategic Guidance Document and Tactical Guidance Document
GEOSS Engineering Architecture
GEOSS Initial Operating Capability (IOC) IOC established in 2007 64 Components & 75 Services registered (21 Nov 07) –Process and components for registration; SIF User interfaces to services –GEO Web Portals (3), Community Portals (27) and Application Clients (13) Several organizations capable of providing –GEO Web Portal solutions –GEOSS Clearinghouse solutions
GEO Web Portal Demonstrated that organizations are capable of providing workable GEO Web Portal solutions –Compusult: http://www.geowebportal.org –ESA-FAO: http://www.geoportal.org –ESRI: Though visibly similar & meeting basic requirements, the three offer different feature sets. Cape Town Declaration: We commit to explore ways and means for the sustained operations of the shared architectural GEOSS components and related information infrastructure.
GEOSS Architecture - Further Development Increase collaboration with GEO Committees, Communities of Practice and relevant GEO Tasks. –Broader international participation Increase commitment to Operational requirements to support persistence – Portal, Clearinghouse and other services Add Sensor Component Types –Task, acquire and process observations –Inter-calibration scenario, e.g., CEOS Workflow for observation processing and decision support, e.g., Fed Earth Observation (FedEO) pilot
AR-07-02 Task Definition Task Sheet slightly revised at ADC-5, September 2007 Architecture Implementation Pilot emphasis retained: Portals, Clearinghouse, Catalogues, and Services –Including sensor interoperability services Two items added –Persistent Infrastructure for Service Integration –GEOSS User and Architecture Workshops
GEO Architecture Workshop February 4&5, 2008 –Co-located at JRC Ispra with ADC-6 Purpose: Consensus building in support of CFP Topics –Scenario candidates: defined with UIC & CoP –Begin refinement of the CFP-2007 architecture –Sustained operations for information components –Other Implementation Report topics
UIC/ADC Collaboration Ellsworth LeDrew GEO UIC Co-Chair
The GEO User Requirements Approach to Achieving Societal Benefits Gary J. Foley, USA Ellsworth LeDrew, IEEE Thierry Ranchin, France Francesco Pignatelli, JRC
Terms of Reference- GEO User Interface Committee Goal To engage users in the development and implementation of a sustained GEOSS that provides the data and information required within and among the nine societal benefit areas as specified by user groups on national, regional and global scales Also a specific goal to address cross-cutting issues and oversee the Communities of Practice (CPs), ensuring continuity & avoiding duplication.
UIC Objectives Enable GEO to address in a systematic, targeted, focused and comprehensive way the needs and concerns of a broad range of user communities in developing and developed countries, across issues and trans-disciplinary needs, with a particular focus on fostering new or less organized communities. Enable GEO, in the implementation of GEOSS, to engage a continuum of users, from producers to the final beneficiaries of the data and information Facilitate linkages and partnerships between established Communities of Practice (CoP) and new user groups or organizations interested in collaborating.
The GEOSS Architecture Users and Scientific Communities Served By GEOSS Common Approaches Systems within their Mandates UIC Goal Organize this side of the GEOSS Architecture
A user-led community of stakeholders, from providers to the final beneficiaries of Earth observation data and information, with a common interest in specific aspects of societal benefits to be realized by GEOSS implementation. The Communities of Practice will be self organized and will include stakeholders required to achieve benefits. Communities of Practice: What are They?
Communities of Practice Each CP will have slightly different objectives but of necessity there will be common objectives such as: To provide a forum for discussion and to identify, gather, and seek agreement on their particular user community requirements; To identify linkages and opportunities for collaborative strategic and technical projects. Coordinate the target delivery to enable the realization of societal benefits To advise the User Interface Committee, GEO Plenary and all other CPs on matters relating to their particular area of interest or societal benefit. Objectives:
Development of GEO Communities of Practice The Current GEO Communities of Practice –Air Quality and Health: May 5, Toronto –Energy: –Coastal ecosystems: IGOS-P –Forests –Geohazards –Water Cycle: IGOS-P –Water & Health –Biodiversity
An Example Community of Practice Air Quality & Health The Public
UIC & the GEO Workplan Tasks The main focus of the UIC to date is on Task US-06-01 Other tasks are assigned to the UIC so that the Committee can draw from these tasks the following: –User communities to engage –User requirements identified in the conduct of the task –Involvement in Communities of Practice
GEO TASK US-06-01 Establish a GEO process for identifying critical Earth observation priorities common to many GEOSS societal benefit areas, involving scientific and technical experts, taking account of socio-economic factors, and building on the results of existing systems requirements development processes.
UIC Meeting August, 2007 A Process for TASK US-06-01 The User Requirements Gathering Processes Presentation by Dr. Lawrence Friedl User Needs and System Performance Utility (UNSPU) Proposed Functional Specifications Presentation by Dr. Hans-Peter Plag
The User Requirements Gathering Processes A 2-year timeline of US-06-01 activities. How an Advisory Group and an Analyst will work together to develop the priorities within each SBA. The analyst will be the primary coordinator and organizer of the activity to meet the schedules, and will interact with and utilize the Advisory Group for each SBA. UICs Refined Process in nine steps. Explanation that the process harvests observation needs expressed in existing documents.
Progress since August 2007 Completion of Improving Management of Energy Resources, the Strategic 5-10 Year Plan by the GEO Energy CP, Oct. 12, 2007 Initiation of US-06-01 work by analysts for –Energy SBA – lead IEEE –Biodiversity SBA – lead USEPA –Health SBA – lead USEPA
Whats Next Completion of the first round of user requirements gathering by August 2008. Next meetings of the UIC –Toronto, May, 2008 –TBD, September, 2008
Evolving Links to ADC 2 – 3 April, 2007, Scope of potential demonstration projects reviewed by George Percivall at UIC meeting, Geneva. ADC/UIC co-sponsorship of Workshop in Yellowknife in association with Canadian IPY GeoNorth program entitled The Impact of Climate Change and Variability on Energy Development and Biodiversity in the Arctic. Included Demonstration Projects. Kick the Tires workshop on Air Quality as part of UIC Committee meeting (6-8 May, Toronto) held on May 5. Announcement forthcoming after details to be worked out this week.
GEOSS User & Architecture Workshop Series - Summary of Proceedings Francoise Pearlman IEEE
GEOSS User & Architecture Workshop Series For Proceedings go to and select conferences
GEOSS Architecture and Societal Benefit Areas Addressed in 15 Workshops Canberra-07 Models Tshwane-05 Disasters & water Beijing-06 Energy Seoul-05 Disasters Yellowknife-07 Climate & biodiversity Denver-06 Climate Boulder-07 Energy Corte-06 Energy & Ecosystems Barcelona-07 SoS interop. & biodiversity San Jose Costa Rica-07 Agriculture Ouagodougou-07 Water & health Goa-06 Water & Health San Diego-07 Comm & Networks Honolulu-07 SoS Engineering & Architecture Kuala-Lumpur-07 Disasters
Workshops supporting organizations
A typical Proceedings includes Workshop Flyer Description Agenda Briefings Breakout Session Reports Conclusions IEEE GEOSS Workshop The User and the GEOSS Architecture XIV - Organized by: Dr. Changyong Cao - NOAA/NESDIS, Washington DC Prof. Al Gasiewski – University of Colorado, Boulder, CO Dr. Siri Jodha Singh Khalsa – University of Colorado NSIDC, Boulder, CO Dr. Jay Pearlman – The Boeing Corporation Mr. Ivan Petiteville – ESA Opening GEOSS Architecture & Interoperability User Perspective (Societal Benefit focus) Demonstrations Break-out Sessions Summary Selected briefings Are recorded and Available on the ICEO Site under Resources (Audio & slide lectures) Demonstrations material And video clips are uploaded To the OGC Web site
Breakout Sessions – User/Developers Perspective Sample Questions –What is a user? –What are the needs and concerns for GEOSS from a user perspective? –What are the most important information from GEOSS for user applications? –If the architecture is developed over a number of years, what features should be developed early? – What features are missing that you would like to see included
Breakout Sessions – Summary Findings I A spectrum of Users –End Users (Top level Decision/policy makers, managers) in need of user friendly information –Researchers more focused on source and quality of data –Accommodate different needs & level of expertise Users versus Providers –Encourage connectivity between the two and between models and data providers –Iterative, interactive feedback from users & ability to correct errors Models –Need for interoperable cross-domain models –Improved connection between modeling and observation communities
Breakout Sessions – Summary findings II Emphasis on Data Key data characteristics –Discovery, accessibility, distribution, visualization/layering, sharing Data packaging –Clear documentation – especially when cutting across benefit areas –Standards –Meta-data Frequently mentioned concerns –Timeliness (from real time to paleo-data) –Security/authentication (access to proprietary data...) –Quality (Trusted source; Quality Assurance and Control; Data lineage) –Continuity of data source –Compatibility –Sharing policies Data distribution mechanism –Internet vs mobile access (including ad-hoc networking) –Feedback mechanism
Breakout Sessions – Summary Findings III SoS Architecture key desired characteristics –Offer simple, seamless services –Supports high availability, reliability, security, authentication –Facilitate interoperability –Allows for technology evolution & new technology insertion Thoughts on interoperability Focus on connecting systems within a community Interfaces are abstracted in wrappers developed cooperatively by Providers & Users Include ontology in Interoperability registry Build a little, test a little: demonstrations, prototypes and pilots are essential
Demos and Pilots Demonstration of the core architecture –Service registration and discovery process –Application of the architecture to eight societal benefit scenarios –use of the portal candidates Screencast videos of the demonstrations are available on-line: Demo team in Yellowknife, Canada
A look forward- Workshops for 2008 Accra, Ghana - 08 Water Security & Ecosystems Beijing, China-08 Air Quality & Health Kobe, Japan-08 Oceans & Water Quebec, Canada-08 Science Modeling & Data Policy Toronto, Canada-08 UIC workshop Boston, USA-08 Air Quality & coastal Ecosystems Spain-08 Architecture Of GEOSS Honolulu, Hawaii-08 Communications For disaster management
Plan for the Architecture Workshop
Architecture Workshop Interactive meeting to develop requirements for GEOSS Architecture developments. Results will become part of a Call for Participation in 2008. Scenarios identified through collaboration of the GEO UIC and ADC Domain-specific GEO Tasks can utilize AIP (AR-07- 02) to utilize the GEOSS Core Architecture
Workshop sessions User Scenario –Air Quality & Health –Biodiversity –Energy - Solar –Disaster Response –Water/Drought –Inter-calibration Implementation Topics –IOC –Clearinghouse, Catalogues, Registries –User Portals & Apps –Workflow –Sensors Interoperability –Test Facility for GEO Registration
Workshop - Mondays Agenda Start (Duration) Activity 1300 (90)Opening Plenary 1430 (20)Refreshment Break 1450 (90)Session 1a: Air Quality & Health Scenario - John White - Session 1b: Inter-calibration Scenario - Stephen Ungar - Session 1c: Initial Operating Capability - Doug Nebert - 1700Adjourn
Workshop - Tuesday Morning Agenda Start (Duration) Activity 0900 (90) Session 2a: Biodiversity Scenario - Doug Muchoney and IP3 group Session 2b: Energy - Solar Scenario - Lionel Menard Session 2c: Clearinghouse, Catalogues, Registries - Doug Nebert 1030 (20) Refreshment Break 1050 (90) Session 3a: Disaster Response Scenario - Guy Séguin Session 3b: Sensors Interoperability - Ingo Simonis Session 3c: Test Facility for GEO Registration - Paul Smits 1220 (70) Lunch
Workshop - Tuesday Afternoon Agenda Start (Duration) Activity 1330 (60) Session 4a: Water/Drought Scenario - David Arctur - Session 4b: Workflow - Pier Giorgio Marchetti - Session 4c: User Portals and Applications - Ingo Simonis - 1430 (20) Refreshment Break 1450 (90) Closing Plenary 1700Adjourn
Position Papers Data Policy white paper for GEOSS - overall Energy data centre STFC - Energy Session GEO ADC IP3 Proposed Activities 2008 - Biodiversity Session Satellites for risk management - Natural Disaster Session ESA-FAO GeoPortal position paper - User Interface Session GEOSS: A Global SDI Framework - Clearinghouse Session Standards in a Distributed Digital Library of Geospatial Services - Workflow WGCV's Data Quality Framework - Inter-calibration Global Space-based Inter-Calibration System (GSICS) - Inter- calibration session OGC Sensor Web Enablement Standards - Sensors
Things to consider in all sessions User needs User and Architecture Workshop outcomes Architecture Modeling Data Policy Paper Broader international participation
Coordinating Tasks
Backup slides
GEO Task AR-07-02 Architecture Implementation Pilot Lead incorporation of contributed components consistent with the GEOSS Architecture… …using a GEO Web Portal and a GEOSS Clearinghouse search facility …to access services through GEOSS Interoperability Arrangements …in support of GEOSS Societal Benefit Areas
GEOSS Core Architecture Implementation Report GEOSS Architecture –Initial Operating Capability –Engineering viewpoint: Component Types –GEOSS Interoperability Process Registry System and Clearinghouse –Use Case and Requirements –Clearinghouse Candidates assessment –Distributed search vs. harvest trade study GEO Web Portal –GEO Web Portal Definition and Requirements –GEO Web Portal candidates assessment
GEOSS Registries
AI Pilot Development Approach DevelopmentActivities Phase D Kick-offWorkshop Phase C Call for Participation Phase B ConceptDevelopment Phase A PersistentDeployment Phase E
SBA Scenario Demonstrations 2007 Registry & Clearinghouse workflow GEO Web Portal - Compusult GEO Web Portal - ESA/FAO GEO Web Portal - ESRI Wildland Fires in Africa Ecosystems & Biodiversity in Africa Ecosystems & Biodiversity in Polar Regions Response to Oil Spill Response to Volcano Response to Hurricane
GEOSS AI Pilot Screencasts
AI Pilot Screencast Participants CIESIN Compusult Cubewerx EADS Astrium EC/JRC EPA ESONET ESRI FAO FGDC GBIF Generalitat Valenciana GeoConnections GIM GMU JAXA JRC Meraka/52north NASA NOAA NRCAN NSIDC OGC PCI Geomatics Sapienza Consulting SDSC Spacebel UK BADC University of Maryland USGS Vightel WCMC
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