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Joanne Crease - Dane Court Learning intention: To be able to recite the alphabet in French To be able to ask and understand how to spell words in French.

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2 Joanne Crease - Dane Court Learning intention: To be able to recite the alphabet in French To be able to ask and understand how to spell words in French To recognise the difference between British and French handwriting

3 Joanne Crease - Dane Court Starter - 1 Put these French towns in alphabetical order. 1.Lille 6. Amiens 2.Calais 7. Marseille 3.Paris 5. Toulouse 4.Bordeaux 8. Nice

4 Joanne Crease - Dane Court Starter - 2 With the person sitting next to you, see how many of these towns you can spell in French. 1.Paris 5. Toulouse 2.Lille 6. Amiens 3.Calais 7. Marseille 4.Bordeaux 8. Nice

5 Joanne Crease - Dane Court With the person sitting next to you, take it in turns to test each other to see how much of the French alphabet you can remember without looking. Starter - 3

6 Joanne Crease - Dane Court Comment ça s’écrit? Ça s’écrit … Aaah Bbay Csay Dday Eeuh! Feff Gjay Hash Iee Jgee Kcar Lel Mem Nen Ooh! Ppay Qcoo Rair Sess Ttay Uoow Vvay Wdoobla vay Xiks Yee grec Zzed

7 Joanne Crease - Dane Court Comment ça s’écrit? Ça s’écrit … 123 456 789

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