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Raymond Peter Zambuto, CCE, FASHE, FHIMSS, FACCE President, Technology in Medicine, Inc. Co-Chair IHE Patient Care Devices Domain Emanuel Furst, PhD, CCE.

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Presentation on theme: "Raymond Peter Zambuto, CCE, FASHE, FHIMSS, FACCE President, Technology in Medicine, Inc. Co-Chair IHE Patient Care Devices Domain Emanuel Furst, PhD, CCE."— Presentation transcript:

1 Raymond Peter Zambuto, CCE, FASHE, FHIMSS, FACCE President, Technology in Medicine, Inc. Co-Chair IHE Patient Care Devices Domain Emanuel Furst, PhD, CCE President, Improvement Technologies, LLC Technical Project Manager, IHE Patient Care Devices Domain IHE Patient Care Devices Domain A Roadmap to Interoperability

2 History –1998 – HIMSS and RSNA form IHE Initiative –2001 – HIMSS IHE Road Show –2003 – ACCE and IHE begin Task Force for IHE Education to CE Community –2005 – IHE-PCD Launched –2007 – First Public Demonstration of Medical Device Interoperability + IHE-PCD is a Collaborative Effort

3 Survey of all IHE UsersSurvey of all IHE Users Over 50% of those surveyed said patient care devices should be the next area developed for IHEOver 50% of those surveyed said patient care devices should be the next area developed for IHE HIMSS 2005 Annual Survey Results

4 IHE PCD Formed in September 2005 IHE Charter - The Patient Care Devices Domain is concerned with Use Cases in which at least one actor is a regulated patient care device. The PCD coordinates with other IHE clinical specialty based domains such as medical imaging. Current membership is approximately 200 and growing.

5 Device Enterprise Communication Profile – 2006-7 Provides the ability of a device to send physiological data directly, or through a gateway. Sampled data from continuous parameters (heart rate, blood pressure, SpO2) or intermittent parameters such as NIBP are included.

6 HIMSS Showcase Feb. 2007 The PCD display generated a great deal of interest as six companies demonstrated the ability to transfer physiologic data.

7 IHE PCD 2007 Interoperability Showcase Demonstration




11 Connectathon Recruit Resources Set Priorities Develop Technical Framework Process for Current Cycle (2007-8) 2006 SurveyCall for Short Proposals Vetting by Planning and Technical Committees Interoperability Showcase Demonstration

12 Respondent Demographics 171 Individual Responses = Hospital Based

13 Relationship of Clinical Engineering and IT *26 of the 103 Non-Vendor Respondents do not work in hospitals

14 Importance of Interoperability - Hospital Respondents

15 What are the priority devices for interoperability? = Users = Vendors Percent of respondents that consider it important

16 Short Proposals Submitted for 2007 VersionAuthor/ Champion Profile File NameNo. Name Patient ID4.11Ray Zambuto RealTimeClinicalDataManagementStorageAndRetrieval1.0Jack Harrington CrossEnterpriseSharingofPatientCareDeviceData-Synchronous1.0Jack Harrington IHE-ECG-Workflow1.0Jack Harrington InfusionPumpIntegrationToBPOC1.0Scott Zaffrin PoCRealTimePnPDeviceIntegration1.0Todd Cooper SmallDataElementExchange1.1 Karen Witten, Beth Hurter HomeTelehealth1.1 Vern Williams, Jim McCain Alarm Interoperability1.0 Elliot Sloane, Tobey Clark PCAInfusionSafety1.0 Julian M. Goldman, MD PCD-02Query1.0Paul Schluter

17 Proposals Adopted for 2007* Author/ Champion Profile File Name Name Patient IDRay Zambuto PCD-02QueryPaul Schluter PoCRealTimePnPDeviceIntegrationTodd Cooper HomeTelehealth Vern Williams, Jim McCain * Based on resource limitations. Additional work can be added if author/champion demonstrates sufficient additional resources

18 Subscribe to Patient Data 2007 An optional publish/ subscribe mechanism for applications to negotiate which PCD messages are communicated to a given application based on negotiated predicates (i.e., filter by patient, parameter or certain other characteristics)

19 Patient Identity Binding 2007 Automates the entry of patient identification to Patient Care Device systems, providing the potential for improving throughput, reducing errors, and increasing safety and increasing device and drug effectiveness.

20 Point of Care Plug and Play 2007 This profile should be available for public comment by the end of July.

21 Roadmap for 2008 and Beyond

22 The ability to influence the Technical Framework (public comment period just beginning for the Supplements) A years marketing advantage over those who dont participate Participation in the Jan. 2007 Connectathon and the Feb. 2007 HIMSS Showcase with other PCD systems Participation in 2007 Provides


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