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Why buy a Check Cashing System that will be obsolete soon? Since 2007 CheckWare Systems has gone through: 1. 3 Hardware System upgrades 2. 3 Microsoft.

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Presentation on theme: "Why buy a Check Cashing System that will be obsolete soon? Since 2007 CheckWare Systems has gone through: 1. 3 Hardware System upgrades 2. 3 Microsoft."— Presentation transcript:

1 Why buy a Check Cashing System that will be obsolete soon? Since 2007 CheckWare Systems has gone through: 1. 3 Hardware System upgrades 2. 3 Microsoft OS changes 3. 31 Licensed report changes 4. Added RDC (Check21) 5.Added Bar Code ID Reading 6. added Debit Card loading 7. Added Phone Topping 8. Added Touch Screen Application 9.Added up 60 month Record/Image Remote Back-up 10.Most importantly - CheckWare Systems added Audit Support.

2 1.$ave Cash 2.Get TAX DEDUCTION (operating expense) 3.36 Month Hardware/Software Guarantee 4.Touch Screen Functionality 5.“One Scan and You’re Done” labor $avings 6.$ave trips to the Bank (if you qualify)

3 If you bought our Oldest System

4 If it looks like this call and trade it in!!

5 This needs to be replaced

6 This needs an upgrade

7 Not used anymore

8 This is what you need!

9 Rent S2850-1 Model S2850-1 consists of: CheckWare Check Cashing Software Suite Honeywell Barcode Scanner Logitech Hi-Res Camera Keylok USB Dongle 36 Months Unlimited Software Upgrades 36 Months of Hardware Warrantee Support 90 Days Real time, On Line, Interactive Support Up to 60 Months of Backup Storage Magtek STX Scanner Samsung Touch screen PC 36 Months Use of CheckWare License, including all License upgrades and report upgrades at no extra charge. $236/per month

10 Model S2850-2 consists of: CheckWare Check Cashing Software Suite Honeywell Barcode Scanner Logitech Hi-Res Camera Keylok USB Dongle 36 Months Unlimited Software Upgrades 36 Months of Hardware Warrantee Support 90 Days Real time, On Line, Interactive Support Up to 60 Months of Backup Storage Magtek STX Scanner Samsung Touch screen PC Integrated 6 Slot CASH DRAW Includes cable, Software and integrated Close-Out Software 36 Months Use of CheckWare License, including all License upgrades and report upgrades at no extra charge. $253/per Month

11 Model S2850-3 Model S2850-3 Consists of: CheckWare Check Cashing Software Suite Honeywell Barcode Scanner Bitmap Logitech Hi-Res Camera Keylok USB Dongle 36 Months Unlimited Software Upgrades 36 Months of Hardware Warrantee Support 90 Days Real time, On Line, Interactive Support Up to 60 Months of Backup Storage Magtek STX Scanner Bitmap Samsung Touch screen PC Integrated 6 Slot CASH DRAW Includes cable, Software and integrated Close-Out Software Close-out Software Epson Printer Including Cable and programming for Check Cashing Receipts 36 Months Use of CheckWare License, including all License upgrades and report upgrades at no extra charge. $273/per Month

12 How Much Do You Want to $ave? $ave Capital If you spend your capital you can’t use it to: 1.Cash Checks 2.Buy Inventory 3.Pay your Employees and Yourself.

13 $ave Time

14 Save Your Marriage Save 7+ hours per week of standing in line at the Bank Save 6+ hours per week of (double) close out time Make more $ in less time Get home and see your Family!!!

15 What to do If you want to take advantage of these savings and get your Free Bees and Cash Savings 1. Select your package S2850-1; S2850-2 or S2850-3 2. Select your Free Bees One Scan CheckWare21 pkg …. $500 Off Business/Personal Debit Card pkg … $500 Off* Mobile Phone Reload pkg……. $250 Off* *Must use a receipt printer (S2850-2 or S2850-3)

16 Pull Down and Fill out the Necessary Paperwork

17 Send the paperwork to CheckWare Systems Carrier Pigeon e-mail FAX

18 Get Approval from our Financial Associates

19 A CheckWare Systems rep will call you And give you delivery date, training date and set-up information for your Free Bees

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