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Activities planned, TO DO's and timing 16th Technical Committee meeting Ljubljana IWT - Belgium15-16 Sept. 2009.

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Presentation on theme: "Activities planned, TO DO's and timing 16th Technical Committee meeting Ljubljana IWT - Belgium15-16 Sept. 2009."— Presentation transcript:

1 Activities planned, TO DO's and timing 16th Technical Committee meeting Ljubljana IWT - Belgium15-16 Sept. 2009

2 2 Contents  Activity planning  TO DOs and timing

3 3 Activity planning Preparations CRC Workshop in Bucharest 25 November 2009 Suggested theme: CRC monitoring and evaluation Topics & Speakers (who?): -Eric Sleeckx (IWT) -Dag Kavlie (RCN) -[and: Martin Hussey (EI)?] -Update on the ongoing research -Finalizing the "Report on monitoring and evaluation of CRCs"

4 44 Activity planning Preparations TC meeting in Bucharest, EUFISCSU, 26 November 2009 Format: 1-day event, 10am-15pm Agenda: 1.Admin, contractual & financial issues 2.Communication issues 3.WPV Report on LT collaboration – discussion of the draft -Foundation for the ST/MT action plan (+ roadmap) -Steps towards the MoU on the implementation of the action plan on future cooperation? 4.Toolbox for CRC programme managers 5.Continuation of Compera after 2010 – options? 1.Concrete plans for the future? 6.Survey on internationalisation of CRCs 1.Final report on general part (survey) 2.First draft on case-studies part (interviews)

5 5 Activity planning Preparations SC meeting in Stockholm VINNOVA, 21 January 2010 Format: 1-day event, 10am-15pm Agenda (suggested): -Summary status regarding the 8th periodic reporting (IWT) -Results of the TF on Monitoring & Evaluation of CRC programmes (RCN + IWT) -Results Joint Study on Internationalisation of CRCs (Technopolis) – to be approved by the SC members -WPV Report on long term cooperation (NKTH)– to be approved by SC meeting -Foundation for the ST/MT action plan (+ roadmap) -Steps towards the MoU on the implementation of the action plan on future cooperation? -Presentation of the toolbox for CRC programme managers (VDI-TZ) -Extended communication plan(VDI-TZ) Reports in red are needed for dictribution among the consortium no later than early january !!

6 66 Activity planning Preparatory meeting for the Concluding COMPERA meeting Brussels, IWT, 11 March 2010 Agenda (suggested): -Results and report on the outcomes of the three workshops on CRCs and CRC programme management (IWT) -Short term and medium term action plan (+ roadmap) for future cooperation between COMPERA partners (NKTH) -The final MoU on the implementation of the action plan on future cooperation (NKTH) -Set of new documents needed for the negotiation with the EC, the national and the regional bodies (if needed, following the decision taken by the SC) (NKTH) -Final versions of the toolboxes (VDI-TZ)

7 7 Activity planning Preparations Concluding COMPERA meeting Vienna, FFG, 5 May 2010 Agenda (same as preparatory meeting): -Results and report on the outcomes of the three workshops on CRCs and CRC programme management (IWT) -Short term and medium term action plan (+ roadmap) for future cooperation between COMPERA partners (NKTH) -The final MoU on the implementation of the action plan on future cooperation (NKTH) -Set of new documents needed for the negotiation with the EC, the national and the regional bodies (if needed, following the decision taken by the SC) (NKTH) -Final versions of the toolboxes (VDI-TZ)

8 TO DOs 1.Preparation of planned meetings: 1.Bucharest WS/TC – EUFISCSU – by end September 2.Stockholm SC – VINNOVA – by end October 3.Final meeting – FFG – by end December 2.Tasks: 1.Toolboxes – VDI-TZ 2.Communication plan and strategy – VDI-TZ 3.Results of the three workshops – RCN/IWT  Final versions ready for distribution by the end of February 2010 (M 57, cf. DoW) at the latest. 4. Towards continued cooperation (NKTH), including a roadmap and the MoU (if applicable)  Final version ready for distribution by mid April 2010 (M 59, cf. DoW) at the latest. 8

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