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BSBPMG503A Manage Project Time Manage Project Time Unit Guide Diploma of Project Management 17872 Qualification Code BSB51507 Unit Code BSBPMG503A.

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Presentation on theme: "BSBPMG503A Manage Project Time Manage Project Time Unit Guide Diploma of Project Management 17872 Qualification Code BSB51507 Unit Code BSBPMG503A."— Presentation transcript:

1 BSBPMG503A Manage Project Time Manage Project Time Unit Guide Diploma of Project Management 17872 Qualification Code BSB51507 Unit Code BSBPMG503A

2 BSBPMG503A Manage Project Time BSBPMG501A Manage Application of Project Integrative Processes BSBPMG502A Manage Project Scope BSBPMG503A Manage Project Time BSBPMG504A Manage Project Costs BSBPMG505A Manage Project Quality BSBPMG506A Manage Project Human Resources BSBPMG507A Manage Project Communication BSBPMG508A Manage Project Risk BSBPMG509A Manage Project Procurement Units of Study – Diploma Units in the Diploma of Project Management

3 BSBPMG503A Manage Project Time Manage Project Time On completion of this unit you will be able to - –manage time within projects –determine and implement the project schedule –assess the outcomes of time management This unit is Ungraded which means that you will be found Competent or Not Yet Competent based on the completion of the assessment activities and the evidence of competency provided.

4 BSBPMG503A Manage Project Time Elements of Competency Each unit of study is composed of elements of competency Manage Project Time comprises 3 elements of competency – 1.Determine project schedule 2.Implement project schedule 3.Assess time management outcomes Elements of competency are further broken down into performance criteria, these can be found on the next slides

5 BSBPMG503A Manage Project Time 1. Determine project schedule 1.The duration and effort, sequence and dependencies of tasks are determined from the scope definition as the basis for the project schedule 2.Input to and approval for the project schedule are obtained from stakeholders and a higher authority 3.Within delegated authority, methods, techniques and tools are selected and used to determine preferred schedule, time management plan(s), resource allocation and financial requirements 4.Agreement to the schedule is obtained from a higher project authority and communicated to stakeholders to provide the basis for measurement of progress

6 BSBPMG503A Manage Project Time 2. Implement Project Schedule 1.Mechanisms are implemented to measure, record and report progress of activities in relation to the agreed schedule and plans 2.Ongoing analysis of options is conducted to identify variances and forecast the impact of changes to the schedule 3.Progress is reviewed throughout the project life cycle and agreed schedule changes are implemented to ensure consistency with changing scope, objectives and constraints related to time and resource availability 4.Responses to perceived, potential or actual schedule changes are developed, agreed by a higher project authority, and implemented to maintain project objectives

7 BSBPMG503A Manage Project Time 3. Assess time management outcomes 1.Project outcomes are reviewed from available records and information to determine the effectiveness of time management activities 2.Time management issues and recommended improvements are identified, documented and passed on to a higher project authority for application in future projects

8 BSBPMG503A Manage Project Time One of the critical elements of competency for this unit of study is the use of project scheduling tools If you are not already familiar with the use of a scheduling tool then you will need to undertake self study to gain this competency MS project is the most common and easily available project scheduling tool and can often be purchased at a discounted student rate You will need to ensure that you can Construct a Work Breakdown Structure and GANTT chart Schedule activities using interdependencies Set a baseline and determine the critical path Allocate resources and costs to activities Enter actual progress and report progress Scheduling Tools

9 BSBPMG503A Manage Project Time Associated Readings Mandatory – PMBOK Chapter 4 - 4.1, 4.2, 4.6 PMBOK Chapter 6 – 6.1, 6.2, 6.3, 6.4, 6.5, 6.6 Recommended – Learning Guide 1 – Define Project, page 12 Learning Guide 2 – Develop Project Plans, pages 6, 18 and 19 Learning Guide 3 – Administer & Monitor Project, pages 8 to 12 Learning Guide 4 – Finalise Project, page 6 Learning Guide 5 – Review project, pages 2 to 5

10 BSBPMG503A Manage Project Time Team Assignment Criteria Team Assignment Components MarksBasic CompetencyHigher Competency Work Breakdown Structure including deliverable/activity duration (start and end dates) and interdependencies 12  Basic WBS presented in Excel or a table  High level deliverables and activities included  Some interdependencies are indicated  Detailed WBS in MS Project  Phases broken down into detailed deliverables and activities with appropriate indentation  Interdependencies on all activities Baselined Gantt chart indicating the critical path 5  Basic Gantt chart  Report showing critical path  Detailed Gantt chart  Report showing critical path and the duration Explanation of the tools and techniques used to estimate the activity durations and timelines 8  Basic understanding of tools and techniques  At least two estimating methods used  Advanced understanding of tools and techniques  More than two methods used and experts consulted Total2519.5 to 2525.5 to 30

11 BSBPMG503A Manage Project Time Individual Assignment Criteria Individual Assignment Components MarksBasic CompetencyHigher Competency Work Breakdown Structure including deliverable/activity duration (start and end dates) and interdependencies 5  Basic WBS presented in Excel or a table  High level deliverables and activities included  Some interdependencies are indicated  Detailed WBS in MS Project  Phases broken down into detailed deliverables and activities with appropriate indentation  Interdependencies on all activities Baselined Gantt chart indicating the critical path 5  Basic Gantt chart  Report showing critical path  Detailed Gantt chart  Report showing critical path and the duration Tracking Gantt chart showing actuals versus planned timeframes 5  Tracking Gantt with actuals showing variance with original plans  Evidence of replanning to bring project back to original timeframe despite variations Explanation of the tools and techniques used to estimate the activity durations and timelines 5  Basic understanding of tools and techniques  At least two estimating methods used  Advanced understanding of tools and techniques  More than two methods used and experts consulted Explanation of the tools and techniques used to track and capture actual time and check progress against baseline 10  Basic understanding of tools and techniques  At least two capture and tracking methods used  Advanced understanding of tools and techniques  More than two methods used and experts consulted Change Requests – showing impact on time 10  Multiple change request forms including analysis of the impacts on the overall project objectives  Evidence of approval or rejection of the change requests  Revised baselined Gantt chart and critical path  Evidence of implementation of approved change requests  Change Request Log Project Performance Reports10  Multiple project status reports tracking of project objectives of time, cost and scope  Multiple project status reports showing changes to time and cost due to approved changes Total5032.5 to 4242.5 to 50

12 BSBPMG503A Manage Project Time Best wishes for your studies Northern Beaches TAFE and the Business and Commerce Business Line of the Northern Sydney Institute wish you success in your studies!

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