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Pathfinding Session: Device Integration IHE North America Webinar Series 2008 Todd Cooper Patient Care Device Domain Breakthrough Solutions Foundry, Inc.

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Presentation on theme: "Pathfinding Session: Device Integration IHE North America Webinar Series 2008 Todd Cooper Patient Care Device Domain Breakthrough Solutions Foundry, Inc."— Presentation transcript:

1 Pathfinding Session: Device Integration IHE North America Webinar Series 2008 Todd Cooper Patient Care Device Domain Breakthrough Solutions Foundry, Inc.

2 Learning Objectives Do you have a product that provides or consumes patient care device data? –Why IHE patient device profiles? –What devices & applications do we mean? –What IHE Profiles may be relevant? –What capabilities do the Profiles provide? If the relevance isnt clear, Ask now! Overall Goal: Help you decide which webinars to attend

3 Patient Care Device Key Values Heterogeneity – Coexistence in a multi- manufacturer / multi-modality world, leveraging shared infrastructure Semantic Interoperability – … from the sensor to the EHR Real-time Availability – Facilitating more timely clinical decisions PCD Profile Value Objectives:

4 HIMSS Showcase 08

5 HIMSS Showcase 08 - Products

6 HIMSS Showcase 08 – ER & OR

7 HIMSS Showcase 08 – ICU

8 Products & Applications Additional product categories… Clinical Decision Support –Driven by real-time semantically consistent device data. Equipment Management –Keeping track of what is where, status, location, configuration, … …

9 Relevant Domains and Profiles IHE PCD profiles… DEC – Device-to-Enterprise Communication –Send data acquired from devices to enterprise applications using consistent syntax & semantics PIB – Patient ID Binding –Methods for binding an authenticated patient identity information with device data updates. SPD – Subscribe to Patient Data –Configure [DEC] data updates per desired information … avoid the Fire Hose effect!

10 Rosetta for Semantic Interoperability

11 Relevant Domains and Profiles IHE PCD profiles – new this cycle! RTM – Rosetta Terminology Map –Correlates comprehensive vendor-specific semantics with a standardized representation ACM – Alarm Communication Management –Profiles the semantics and protocols for communicating and managing device alarm events PIV – Point-of-Care Infusion Verification –Verify that the drug about to be delivered is for the right patient, right drug, right dose, right interval and right path.

12 Relevant Domains and Profiles IHE profiles also leveraged… CT – Consistent Time –Ensures system clocks and time stamps are well synchronized (median error < 1 second) PAM – Patient Administration –Provides a stream of patient demographics updates, ensuring continuity & integrity of patient data PDQ – Patient Demographics Query –Allows applications to query a central patient information server to retrieve demographic & visit information

13 Why use IHE PCD profiles? Simplified standards-based integration of point-of-care device info & services Multi-vendor product integration testing @ Connectathons Visibility of products with care providers and peer technology organizations in Showcases Path to programs such as the U.S. National Health Information Network (NHIN) PCD profiles will enable…

14 Upcoming IHE N.A. Webinars Webinar Schedule: Session 1: Overview of the IHE Connectathon Testing Process for New Participants - Tuesday, June 10 Session 2: Pathfinding: HIT Products and IHE Profiles - Tuesday, June 17 Session 3: Radiology, Mammography and Nuclear Medicine - Tuesday, June 24 Session 4: Eye Care - Tuesday, June 24 Session 5: Laboratory - Tuesday, July 8 Session 6: Patient Care Devices - Tuesday, July 8 Session 7: Quality, Research and Public Health - Thursday, July 10 Session 8: Cardiology - Thursday, July 10 Session 9: IT Infrastructure: Profiles for Health Information Exchange - Tuesday, July 15 Session 10: Patient Care Coordination: Medical Document Content Profiles - Wednesday, July 16 Session 11: IT Infrastructure: Security and Privacy - Tuesday, July 22 Session 12: IT Infrastructure: New Profiles for 2008 - Tuesday, August 5 Session 13: Connectathon Registration How-To - Thursday, August 28

15 PCD 2008 Important Dates 2008.07.07 Public Comment Closes2008.07.07 Public Comment Closes PCD Webinar2008.07.08 PCD Webinar @ 11:30 Central 2008.07.22 ITI Webinar 2008.08.01 Trial Implementations Published 2008.09.30 Connectathon Reg. Due 2008.10.31 PCD Cycle 4 Proposals Due 2009.02.23-272009 Connectathon (Chicago) 2009.04.04-082009 HIMSS Showcase (Chicago)

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