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Yehuda Bock And Susie Pike Humphrey CSRC Semi-Annual Coordinating Council Meeting Scripps Institution of Oceanography October 18, 2002 Director’s Report.

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Presentation on theme: "Yehuda Bock And Susie Pike Humphrey CSRC Semi-Annual Coordinating Council Meeting Scripps Institution of Oceanography October 18, 2002 Director’s Report."— Presentation transcript:

1 Yehuda Bock And Susie Pike Humphrey CSRC Semi-Annual Coordinating Council Meeting Scripps Institution of Oceanography October 18, 2002 Director’s Report Director’s Report

2 Director: Yehuda Bock Coordination: Susie Pike Humphrey Analysis: Peng Fang, Paul Jamason, Linette Prawirodirdjo System Administration: Brent Gilmore Web Development: Paul Jamason Programmers: Michael Scharber, David Malveaux* InSAR: Karen Watson* Administration: Kitty Haak Consultants*: Don D ’ Onofrio, Larry Fenske, Paul Rosenboom Professional Land Surveyors* : Jim Swanson (Northern California), Cecilia Whitaker (Southern California) * CSRC Only SOPAC/CSRC Operational Staff SOPAC/CSRC Operational Staff

3 Financial Report

4 Sources of Support

5 Spending History

6 Current CSRC Projects l l Master Plan l l Data Portal Development l l Height Modernization: South San Francisco Bay Area Contra Costa, Yolo, and Toulumne Counties Southern California, San Joaquin Valley l l Real-Time GPS Networks Orange County; San Francisco Bay Area; LA, Western Riverside & San Diego Counties l l Subsidence Monitoring: InSAR l l CORS Densification l l New Reference Epoch

7 Master Plan l l Version 6 completed by Master Plan Committee, addressing comments received to date from within California. Extensive exchange between Caltrans and CSRC. l l Need to finalize plan, after feedback from NGS. Earlier draft of plan submitted to NGS after last conference call. Have we received feedback yet? l l Endorsement by NGS. When can this be expected? l l Announce adoption of Master Plan by CSRC and post on Website. l l Distribution of plan to potential new partners (e.g., Earthscope/PBO).

8 Data Portal l l First full version has been completed. Added HPGN monuments. Still some question about incorporating early HPGN monuments. ITRF values incorporated from CSRC solution. NAD83 values incorporated from NGS solutions. l l New epoch coordinates and velocities will be incorporated for all CORS in California and select set of monuments, after the analysis is completed. Waiting for task order from Caltrans, including list of monuments. l l Related issues: reconciliation of metadata between NGS and CSRC (already ongoing), SCOUT and OPUS comparisons, HTDP update.

9 Height Modernization Projects

10 Height Modernization Project: South San Francisco Bay l l Subcontract awarded to Johnson - Frank & Associates, Inc. of Anaheim, CA. Assistance of evaluation committee l l Observations have been completed. l l Data analysis needs to be reviewed by CSRC. l l Blue Book. l l Incorporate into CSRC data portal.

11 CSRC Height Modernization Project: CORS NAVD88 Heights in S. California Researched and created a plan to level to CORS in the 10 southern California counties. Determined the feasibility of leveling to the revised selected stations by researching the proximity of NAVD88 benchmarks and also checking the selected stations by reviewing the SCIGN coordinate time series. Preparing statement of work for call for proposals. Developed leveling guidelines for the project to maximize productivity and still meet vertical requirements. Need to discuss with NGS.

12 CSRC Height Modernization Project: County Surveys l l Contra Costa - being analyzed once again with GAMIT/GLOBK and RTD. Cannot meet specs when troposphere parameters are estimated. l l Yolo County - raw data and log sheets received. Data are being converted to RINEX format. l l Toulumne County - plan to flow NGS funds through CSRC. No analysis at CSRC.

13 Height Network San Joaquin Valley Review of existing vertical GPS campaigns to refine processing procedures for orthometric height determination. Assemble existing leveling data to CORS and plan new leveling ties. Review CORS and survey-mode GPS data and quantify geographic weaknesses (i.e. geoid model, limited network constraints). Collect and archive leveling and GPS ties to selected CORS by contract to private survey firms. Populate the coordinate database with derived NAVD88 heights and estimated errors. Provide seamless links to data through CORS Data Portal. Promote the establishment of CORS in the San Joaquin Valley, consistent with the Master Plan, and the acquisition of financial assistance from potential partners for these CORS. Develop a work plan and cost estimate to complete the leveling and other work necessary to achieve a specific confidence level for orthometric heights throughout California.

14 Real Time Networks


16 OCRTN – 2 Main Objectives l To stream raw high-rate (1 sec) GPS data with low latency (1 sec) from 12 SCIGN/CORS sites to Orange County, CSRC, and SCIGN. These data will be available to anyone in RINEX format for post- processing. l Generate and make available RTCM data to anyone at no cost (free) for real-time kinematic (RTK) surveying and dynamic positioning in Orange County.

17 OCRTN Data Flow

18 Plans for Expansion of Real-Time Network Bay Area Real Time Network (BARTN)Southern California

19 Southern California Real-Time GPS Network Real-time upgrades of SCIGN will take advantage of high- speed communications infrastructure developed at UCSD’s Supercomputer Center (SDSC) and Scripps for seismic and other scientific data HPWREN and ROADNet Projects.

20 We have proposed to NASA to fund the development of a real-time GPS/Seismic system in Orange and Riverside Counties.

21 Height Modernization: Interferometric SAR (InSAR) Investigators at SIO and USGS have demonstrated that InSAR can be an effective tool for monitoring land subsidence, an important factor in maintaining a modern vertical reference network. It is quite difficult to develop models for vertical deformation, unlike horizontal deformation and models such as NGS' HTDP. Furthermore, GPS observations and traditional measurements such as leveling are too expensive for monitoring vertical deformation. InSAR provides excellent spatial resolution with good precision to identify, map, and quantify regions of subsidence. On the negative side, this technique may not be suitable in areas that are subject to signal de-correlation (such as agricultural land). This task will apply techniques developed in the scientific community to the problem of defining a vertical reference system for the CSRC. The focus will be in Los Angeles and Orange Counties where there is significant land subsidence.

22 Documented Interferometric SAR (InSAR) Studies in California

23 CORS Densification l l BLSA site in Orange County (under construction) l l Central California Irrigation District and San Luis & Delta-Mendota Water Authority sites in San Joaquin Valley (in progress). l l Consultation with PBO? l l Interest in San Diego County.

24 ITRF2000/NAD83 Coordinates Contracted by Caltrans l l Compute NAD83 and ITRF2000 coordinates and velocities for CORS sites (~125) that have been established since the 1999 Hector Mine earthquake. l l Transform all HPGN (~250) and CORS monuments (~300) to a new epoch (improved coordinates and velocities) in NAD83 and ITRF2000. l l Post on the CSRC Data Portal, with a link to the NGS archive. l l NGS blessing of new coordinates. What will be the process this time?

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