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Advising Florida’s Students Florida’s Official Student Advising Web site!

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Presentation on theme: "Advising Florida’s Students Florida’s Official Student Advising Web site!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Advising Florida’s Students Florida’s Official Student Advising Web site!

2 Melissa Benson Field Training Coordinator Florida Department of Education


4 Seminole County: 7 th Grade Social Studies Schools must verify that your current 8 th graders have already received / will receive the complete course this year.

5 Wherever the Course is delivered, THAT is where CHOICES Planner & ePEP are completed. ePEP #1 Goal for State of Florida: 100% of your 8 th graders have ePEPs by year’s end


7 The ePEP will guide MS students / HS Students in planning courses that will fulfill all of their HS graduation requirements…

8 16 + 4 + 4 = 24 Core Classes MAI Other Electives Total

9 Middle School students plan for 4 years / 24 credits based on their HS Graduation Requirements

10 ePEP still requires Counselor/Advisor review. The ePEP does not check for:  errors  course sequencing  prerequisites

11 ePEP An ePEP is NOT…  A schedule of classes  Registration form  Set in stone  A contract

12 …AFTER a student transitions to High School the ePEP will show a student: transcript information – three (3) times a year progress towards HS school graduation requirements progress towards all three Bright Futures Scholarships progress towards minimum State University Admissions requirements “O J J”

13 Pasco Student Pasco Middle School Wesley Chapel High School 2011 Planned Courses Courses from Transcript

14 The Hot ` for High School students and their families: Personal access to all HS Academic Evaluations

15 Access to HS Evaluations

16 Student has access to his/her own “filing cabinet”

17 24 Credit / Standard HS Diploma Requirements: Updated three (3) times a year

18 Bright Futures Eligibility: Updated three (3) times a year

19 State University Admissions Eligibility: Updated three (3) times a year

20  State  Seminole

21 LEGISLATIVE UPDATE: ePEPs and High School Students… what happens next?

22 Review and/or update with 9 th graders Assist new 9 th grade students with ePEPs when they enter HS Beginning August 2009

23 What works well? Middle School level Teacher* & Counselor and the Career Course / ePEP Process

24 Contact Collaborate Review Assist

25 Counselors may want to advise students about ePEP choices BEFORE entering the computer lab

26 Diploma Type Graduation Track Graduation Plan Career Cluster Major Area of Interest

27 Contact Melissa at for the Educator Resource Bundle Bundle includes: ePEP Lesson Plan (2 – 50 minute class periods) Student Activity Sheet for ePEP decisions Step-by-step directions for student users

28 MS students will plan all four (4) years of high school courses. ePEP: What happens next?

29 Keep It Simple. Consider the middle school ePEP a starter plan.


31  Honors  Advanced Placement  Dual Enrollment  Florida Virtual School  International Baccalaureate (IB) **  Advanced International Certificate of Education (AICE) ** ** Program not offered at all schools

32  Strengthen the Counselor Bridge:  Communicate with your program partners  MS Counselor: Request a “sample” academic plan from your feeder HS  HS Counselor: Understand that the MS ePEP is a starting plan; may need to be modified after entry to HS Best Practices

33 Frequently Asked Questions about ePEP

34 #1 What kind of LOGIN ID and PW are necessary to create an account on this year? ID created is permanent! ID and PW must be 8-32 characters each No ePEP yet? Start here!

35  Have students use a unique but memorable LOGIN ID format:  Example: firstnamelastnamebirthdate  Sample: melissabenson10061995 Provide students with your desired format BEFORE entering the computer lab Best Practices

36 #2 What Student Information is required in order to create an ePEP? Accuracy is everything!

37 “James” not “Jim” Moore SUGGESTION: Ask your Data Processor or Registrar to provide you with this information ahead of time!

38 What IS the FSIN? If a Social Security number was available… If a Social Security number was not available… Then the FSIN is the student’s SSN with an “x” at the end Ex. 5915551234X Then the FSIN is the student’s 10 Digit district generated ID Ex. 1234567890 When the student first entered a Florida Public School…

39 #3 What will prevent an ePEP from being “counted” in your school’s data?  Incorrect first or last name  Incorrect birth date  Incorrect school or district Any one of these errors

40 #4 What if a student can NOT remember his/her LOGIN ID and a Counselor is not available?  Will need to enter FSIN, name, birth date to retrieve account; password can be reset

41 #5 Does an ePEP have to be printed?  YES! But only the ePEP completed in the Career/Education Course, must be signed and sent home for signature. Your district determines where it should be housed upon return.

42  Allow time for Parents to review ePEPs b before they are printed  Print two (2) copies: 1 – send home for s signature; 1 – fi le where designated Best Practices

43 Helpful Reminders ePEP Usage

44 Promote Parent Communication (middle schools and high schools) Middle Schools are required to communicate about Career/Education Course to families Schools choose the method and form of delivery

45  Letter  Newsletter  School’s Web page  Automated Phone calls  Parent Event Communication Examples

46 Need Help with a Parent Event? Contact Melissa at for the Parent Workshop Bundle Bundle includes: Guide to Getting Started (countdown checklist) Customizable flyer 50+ slide PPT (can modify) Customizable Sign-In Sheet Parent Evaluation Form

47 Block time for ePEPs in Computer Labs MS Counselors/educators will need 4 – 50 minute class periods in computer lab with students (CHOICES & ePEP) HS Counselors can determine amount of time as implemented

48 Work with Admin. to secure necessary RESOURCES Secure paper to print ePEPs * (apprx. 2 pages per MS student) Locate working printers around campus; check toner supply

49 #6 How can I review / monitor ePEPs? Where do I go? How do I get in? Who do I contact?

50 A LOGIN ID and PASSWORD are issued by the district’s Guidance Contact in order to gain access to the ePEP Student Activity System Can be given permission to assign additional Login IDs and PWs at the school Grants primary access at the district level Seminole County Contact: Kathy Dooley


52 ePEPs and HS Evals can be viewed here Quick links for easy access User choice!

53 Login ID and PW are required

54 Roster Can Not Be Printed…Yet! Rosters are updated with each Survey Report  Survey 6: August 29 – September 17  Survey 2: October 20 - November 14  Survey 3: February 16 - March 13

55 Student Activity System Features  ePEP “Lock” Feature (individual not group)  Counselor or district decision  Students can view ePEPs but can’t make any changes  Students can see name of person who locked their ePEP Date ePEP was:  first created  last viewed  last updated

56 Go Higher Florida, education pays! The Student Activity System will shade any student who entered the wrong FSIN Student who has multiple ePEPs The shaded ePEP used the wrong FSIN Students who have only one ePEP Used wrong FSIN to create this account

57 Printing options Scroll down for more information Can Be Printed…Anytime!

58 Make sure you have this Handbook! Available now on

59 ePEPs and HS Evals can be viewed here 2008-2009 Counseling Handbook

60 Plan to open Pandora’s Box Speak with Admin and District Contacts about your DISTRICT / SCHOOL POLICIES:  Students banned from using school computers?  Students who fail the MS Career/Education Planning Course?  Signed ePEPs; if and when returned – where will they be housed?  Cut off date for MS Course (late year arrivals)?

61 #9 What if I am having a technical issue with or an ePEP? I can not locate a student’s ePEP. Who do I contact?


63 If you feel like this during the ePEP process… Scared Frustrated Confused

64 Contact Me!

65 Thank you for your support in helping all students realize and strategize their academic success! -The Team- Florida Department of Education

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