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Everbody Needs Publishing Oracle Reports is what you need! Philipp Weckerle Principal Product Manager Oracle Corporation Session id: 40157.

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Presentation on theme: "Everbody Needs Publishing Oracle Reports is what you need! Philipp Weckerle Principal Product Manager Oracle Corporation Session id: 40157."— Presentation transcript:


2 Everbody Needs Publishing Oracle Reports is what you need! Philipp Weckerle Principal Product Manager Oracle Corporation Session id: 40157

3 Publishing Through the Ages …

4 Fast-forwarding a little … ! Monthly Employee Report EMPNO ENAME JOB MGR HIREDATE SAL 7369 SMITH CLERK 7902 17-DEC-80 800 7499 ALLEN SALESMAN 7698 20-FEB-81 1600 7521 WARD SALESMAN 7698 22-FEB-81 1250

5 Challenge - Data Sources OLAP Web Services JDBC Oracle Text Files

6 Challenge - Output Formats

7 Challenge - Output Destinations

8 Name/Address Scrubbing Clickstream Tool Transformation Engine Lineage Protracted and complex implementation Escalating maintenance costs Poor and incomplete BI solution Query & Analysis Mining Engine Database OLAP Engine Analytic Apps Reporting Engine Enterprise Reporting PortalPortal ETL Tool Transformation Engine A broader view of the Business Intelligence Market……

9 Oracle Business Intelligence Single Vendor

10 Oracle9i Reports – What is it? A powerful A powerful enterprise reporting RAD tool that allows developers to publish to publish any data, in any format, anywhere

11 Oracle Reports any data any format anywhere

12 Publishing ALL the RIGHT data Out-of-the-box : Oracle Database PL/SQL Ref-Cursor JDBC XML Oracle Express Oracle OLAP Text Files Open Java-API to add new data sources Parameter support for queries Unlimited # queries Link queries

13 XML SQL XML Pluggable Data Sources - Design time

14 SQL Pluggable Data Sources - Runtime XML

15 Any Data  Unlimited queries  Multiple concurrent connections  Join data from different sources  Re-entrant wizards  Bind- and lexical parameters

16 Oracle Reports any data any format anywhere

17 X” Y” Paper v’s Web Publishing hyperlinks JavaScript GIF89a

18 Paper v’s Web Publishing hyperlinks JavaScript GIF89a

19 Single Definition Publish to Paper Publish to Web

20 Flexible Formatting Web PDF & Printer XML RTF Excel

21 Any Format  Unlimited formatting – full control over layout & formats  Exception formatting, Personalization via XML  Multi-byte character support for PDF, HTML, RTF… HTML, XML PCL, Postscript, PDF, RTF Any tagged format Delimited, Text

22  Compression  Multi-byte fonts  Font Embedding & Subsetting  Accessibility  PDF Taxonomy PDF 1.4 Support

23 Java Importer  PL/SQL wrappers generated for Middle Tier Java  Interface between Reports and Java  Use Java as an integration layer: – Web Services – SOAP – CORBA

24 Any Format  Specialized technologies for paper and web publishing  Various output-formats  High-fidelity graphing  Access for middle-tier Java

25 Oracle Reports any data any format anywhere

26 Anywhere Out-of-the-box: Printer, File, Browser, E- Mail, Oracle 9i AS Portal, WebDAV, FTP OTN : OracleAS Wireless Standards-based deployment – JSP and Servlet Open Java-API to add your own destinations and notifications

27 Report Bursting  Different Layouts  Different Destinations – Email  Different Recipients – Printer – File – …  Different Output Formats – HTML, HTMLCSS, PDF,Text, RTF, XML, delimited, PostScript, PCL

28 Destination: Email From: “Sys Admin” To: “Random, Joe” CC: “Accounts” Bcc: “ceo_account” Subject: August Monthly Sales Figures Reply-to : Importance: High Return Receipt: No Internet standard SMTP Static or dynamic values for ALL settings specify report as body or attachment

29 Anywhere  Open Java-API for creating your own destination  Powerful distribution facilities  Bursting of Report Sections to different destinations  Enhanced email support

30 Oracle Reports at a glance…  Declarative RAD environment for creating Web and paper reports in Oracle9 i Developer Suite  High-Fidelity Enterprise Publishing for the Web and paper in Oracle9 i Application Server DEVELOPMENT Oracle Reports Developer DEVELOPMENT Oracle Application Server Reports Services

31 J2EE & Internet Apps Portals Wireless Business Intelligence e-BusinessIntegration Management & Security Caching

32 Rapid Development with Wizards  Data modeling, paper and web layouts, graphs

33 Standards Based … Your hostname:. Declaration (plus expression). Accesses to page since server reboot: JSP’s used as the underlying technology Separate out dynamic and static parts of a web page Compiled for fast execution Java and any markup language (typically HTML)

34 User Access Oracle Application Server Destinations, Notifications Report Definition Internet Data Sources Oracle Developer Suite Architecture – A Closer Look

35 How to access the Server Oracle9 i AS Reports Services

36 Reducing complexity Out-of-the-box Integration  Oracle9 i JDeveloper  Oracle Application Server Portal  Oracle BI beans  Oracle Forms Developer  Oracle Application Server Discoverer  Oracle Enterprise Manager Application Server Console  Oracle Application Server Single Signon  Oracle Applciation Server Containers for J2EE  Oracle SCM  ……

37 Out-of-the-box Integration OracleAS Discoverer XML Enterprise Reporting Adhoc Query & Analysis

38 Migration from OracleAS Portal – Report Component

39 Oracle Reports Portlets

40 Oracle OLAP Data Source  Unleash the power of the Oracle9 i Database with built-in OLAP  Wizard-based interface to pick Business Areas, Dimensions, and Measures

41 Oracle JDeveloper Integration Create, Run, Debug JSP’s Create new Destinations Registered JSP Tag Library

42 Oracle Workflow Integration Reports available as Workflow Activity

43 Single Sign-On  Application Security – Secure report resources  Data Security – Secure data source access  User logs on ONCE and can SECURELY run a report against any number of data sources

44 Oracle9 i Reports Cache Manager Notifications Engines Destinations Security Service Plug-In Interface Open Infrastructure

45 OracleAS Reports Services Scheduling  Any job can be scheduled for – Delayed execution schedule=last_weekday_before_15_from_15:53_Oct_23,_ 2001_retry_after_1_hour – Repeated execution schedule=every_first_fri_of_month_from_15:53_Oct_23,_2001_retry_3_after_1_hour

46 Pluggable Notifications  Open Java API  Create your own notification mechanisms Email,Wireless?

47 Enterprise Manager Integration  Start/Stop/Restart  Performance metrics  Queue Information  Trace Information  Modify Configuration

48 D E M O N S T R A T I O N

49 Summary  Access the data that is important to you  Create output in any Format  Securely Publish Anywhere  Tightly Integrated Component of Oracle Application Server and Oracle Developer Suite

50 Next Steps….  Recommended sessions – Integrated Business Intelligence  Recommended demos and/or hands-on labs – Integrated Business Intelligence Hands-On lab – Oracle Reports on the DEMOgrounds  See Your Business in Our Software – Visit the DEMOgrounds for more information.  Relevant web sites to visit for more information –

51 A Q & Q U E S T I O N S A N S W E R S

52 Reminder – please complete the OracleWorld online session survey Thank you.


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