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Kellogg Middle School 2014-2015 Students’ Rights and Responsibilities.

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Presentation on theme: "Kellogg Middle School 2014-2015 Students’ Rights and Responsibilities."— Presentation transcript:

1 Kellogg Middle School 2014-2015 Students’ Rights and Responsibilities

2 Purpose: To review your rights and your responsibilities, in order to: – Develop respect for self and others – Create a positive learning environment – Maintain safety (physical and emotional)

3 VOICE LEVELS: Level 0:Silence Level 1:Whisper Level 2:Conversational Voice Level 3: Presentation Voice Level 4: Cheering at a game!

4 Your fundamental rights: You are entitled to a free, public education in a safe and civil school environment You have the right to attend school free from harassment, intimidation, and bullying You have the right to a classroom environment with minimal disruption You have the right to report misconduct of other students and/or adults

5 With rights come responsibilities: You have a responsibility to: – Follow school rules – Behave respectfully towards other students and adults – Help take care of the school (cafeteria clean, reporting problems) – Help those who need it by telling an adult – Stand up when things are being done that are not right

6 School Rules – When do they apply? On the school grounds before, during, and after school. On the school grounds when the school is being used school groups Off the school grounds during a school activity Off the school grounds if the actions of the students affect the educational process INCLUDES THE BUS STOP!

7 What about online? If you’re choices online (social media) affect the learning environment at school, you can be held accountable for those actions Especially true with threats or harassment, intimidation, and/or bullying behavior

8 Bus Behavior: Appropriate behavior is critical Stay seated Use a Level 2 voice (conversational) Use school-appropriate language Treat other students respectfully with words, and actions Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself Comply with bus driver’s requests and directions

9 Response to Bus Behavior – Assigned seat on the bus – Suspension from the bus – Suspension from the school day – All consequences will go in your discipline file

10 Arriving at School Students may arrive at 8:10 You will not be supervised prior to this time You may put instruments in the band/orchestra room. Otherwise, stay in the cafeteria and Activity Center

11 Hallways / Passing Time Keep on the right side WALK with a purpose WALK and talk Use conversational voice (Level 2)

12 Bathroom Passes Stay in class for the first 15 minutes of class Stay in class for the last 15 minutes of class Use the bathroom closest to your classroom

13 Lunch Time / Free Time Get in line or have a seat (avoid wandering) Stay seated until dismissal You will be dismissed by table when area is clean 15 minute rule Stay in designated areas inside and out Please show VALOR and keep your area clean!

14 Electronics: Cell phones, MP3 players (iPods, etc…) must be off and out of sight during the school day – School day is your arrival on campus until 3:00 P.M. Incentive Fridays with great lunch time behavior!

15 Electronics We encourage students to not bring unnecessary valuables to school, including electronics We cannot investigate stolen or lost valuables Students bring these items at their own risk

16 Laser Pens – Can be dangerous – Leave at home

17 Electronics Steps 1 st Step: Turned in to office until end of day 2 nd Step: Turned in to office. Parents must come retrieve 3 rd Step: Same as above + lunch detention 4 th Step: Same as above + progressive discipline

18 Dress Code Shirts must cover mid-riffs Tank tops must be a 2 finger width across Pants cannot sag below the waist Shorts/skirts have to be longer than fingers when hands held at side Content of clothing cannot have obscene, sexual, drug, alcohol, or violent references

19 Fighting Defined as: Act of quarreling involving physical and/or verbal actions that may lead to violence, bodily contact, in or around school property, are subject to school discipline

20 Fighting Punchy and Slappy were in the Activity Center. Punchy takes Slappy’s hat and runs off with it. Slappy chases Punchy. Punchy pushes Slappy. Slappy pushes Punchy. Is this fighting?

21 Fighting Lala and Lulu are sitting in class. Lala sticks her tongue out at Lulu, and says, “Lulu is a silly name”. Lulu gets up and pushes Lala out of her chair. Is this fighting?

22 Horseplay Needs to be avoided at school: – Play fighting (slapping, slap boxing, pushing) – Pinching – Piggy back rides – Grabbing / tasing Students get hurt often due to horseplay

23 PDA Public Displays of Affection are not allowed at school Includes: – Kissing – Sustained hugging – Other forms of touching not appropriate for school

24 Harassment, Intimidation, Bullying Definition: – Harassment is an attack on another person that can be perpetrated by individuals or groups in verbal, written, or physical actions. Some of the prohibited behavior include but are not limited to: verbal taunts, name calling, put downs, physical violence, unwanted physical contact designed to intimidate, physical restraining, threats

25 Bullying is a little different Defined: – Same types of behaviors as harassment, except that: It is sustained over a period of time There is an imbalance of power

26 Bullying/Harassment Example Michael has been posting mean comments about Susie on his Facebook page. At school, other students have started teasing Susie about it and Michael’s posts have continued. Susie has stopped wanting to come to school. Is this a school issue?

27 What do I do about it? Report issues to your teacher, Ms. Martin, Mr. Campbell, Ms. Gonzalez or any other adult. You can report anonymously about other people and about yourself Surround yourself with people you trust Help those who need someone to stand with them

28 Drugs, Alcohol, Tobacco, Nicotine Alcohol, drugs, cigarettes (and other tobacco products) as well as nicotine intake devices (like e-cigarettes or vaporizers) are prohibited at school Includes over the counter medicines Attempting to buy products like these at school is also prohibited Ms. Knutsen is our Drug/Alcohol Counselor

29 Cheating Any student who knowingly submits the work of other as his/her own shall be considered to have cheated Letting students cheat off of you is also considered participation in cheating Plagiarism means you take credit for other people’s thoughts, ideas, written expression.

30 How to Follow Adult Directions Look at the person Say “okay” or acknowledge them another way Do the thing being asked of you Follow up later with questions/concerns

31 YOU ARE AWESOME! You are all capable of making your own choices! We’re here to help when it gets difficult! Seek good role models! Be yourself!

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