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Group 5 vocab words Madison Miller Block 2. Counter {Verb} To say something in opposition to something else. JJ will always counter his parents when talking.

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Presentation on theme: "Group 5 vocab words Madison Miller Block 2. Counter {Verb} To say something in opposition to something else. JJ will always counter his parents when talking."— Presentation transcript:

1 Group 5 vocab words Madison Miller Block 2

2 Counter {Verb} To say something in opposition to something else. JJ will always counter his parents when talking to them. They think it’s the people he is hanging out with. S} backtalk A} agree view;_ylt=A0 PDoKtdW_xQ 73oACOaJzbk F;_ylu=X3oD MTBlMTQ4cGx yBHNlYwNzcg RzbGsDaW1n ?back=http% 3A%2F%2Fim Fsearch%2Fi mages%3Fp %3Dtalk%2B back%26n%3 D30%26ei%3 Dutf- 8%26y%3DS earch%26fr% 3Dyfp-t-701- 1- s%26tab%3D organic%26ri %3D1&w=45 0&h=321&im gurl=1.bp.blo F_QhhaLImx3 Qo%2FTGg3J noYE5I%2FA AAAAAAAAmY %2FRHMX1Pk Doj8%2Fs160 0%2Fback_tal k_blog.jpg&ru rl=http%3A% ngledadbrad.c om%2F2010 %2F08%2Fpo sitive- discipline- tool-card- back- talk.html&size =37.6+KB&n ame=don+t+ %3Cb%3Ebac k+talk+back +%3C%2Fb %3Ethis+crea tes+a+power +struggle+or +a+revenge+ cycle+...&p=t alk+back&oid =43b3e466e3 697e1d24ab4 1a2a1efb5bc &fr2=&fr=yfp -t-701-1- s&tt=don%2B t%2B%253Cb %253Eback% 2Btalk%2Bba ck%2B%253 C%252Fb%2 53Ethis%2Bcr eates%2Ba% 2Bpower%2B struggle%2Bo r%2Ba%2Bre venge%2Bcyc le%2B...&b=0 &ni=77&no=1 &ts=&tab=or ganic&sigr=1 2h30imc8&sig b=13hgbhnoi &sigi=12rgm8 tqh&.crumb= 8ddVKIacDpt

3 Cunning {Adj} Sly, crafty, or clever. Swiper, in Dora, is very cunning; he always finds a way to swipe stuff from Dora and Boots. S} Smart A} Gullible;_ylt=A0PDoV32XfxQGwUAtXaJzbkF;_ylu=X3oDMTBlMTQ4cGxyBHNlYwNzcgRzbGsDaW1n? 8%26y%3DSearch%26fr%3Dyfp-t-701-1- s%26tab%3Dorganic%26ri%3D3&w=300&h=342& swiper_large.jpg& %3Cb%3Eswiper%3C%2Fb%3E_large.jpg&p=swiper&oid=2fb56d042b6992599263d07f87fc4023&fr2=&fr=yfp-t-701-1-s&tt=625453- %253Cb%253Eswiper%253C%252Fb%253E_large.jpg&b=0&ni=84&no=3&ts=&tab=organic&sigr=1182u93ve&sigb=13en2iphj&sigi=11 qc8j8tm&.crumb=8ddVKIacDpt

4 Debris {Noun} Remains of destroyed or discarded materials; wreckage. Debris was everywhere after the Hurricane we had back in November. S} rubble A} cleanliness;_ylt=A0PDoS_UX_xQxQIAtzKJzbkF;_ylu=X3oDMT BlMTQ4cGxyBHNlYwNzcgRzbGsDaW1n? rch%2Fimages%3Fp%3Ddebris%26n%3D30%26ei%3Dutf-8%26y%3DSearch%26fr%3Dyfp-t- 701-1- s%26tab%3Dorganic%26ri%3D216&w=320&h=480& F6a00d8341c630a53ef014e5fc72122970c- 320wi& ic-abundant-in-small-fish-in-pacific-garbage-gyre-study- finds.html&size=62.8+KB&name=Southern+California+researchers+have+found+evidence+of+ widespread+ingestion+of+plastic+among+small+fish&p=debris&oid=e814d25d6ee82653464c23 d7a62facd9&fr2=&fr=yfp-t-701-1- s&tt=Southern%2BCalifornia%2Bresearchers%2Bhave%2Bfound%2Bevidence%2Bof%2Bwidespr ead%2Bingestion%2Bof%2Bplastic%2Bamong%2Bsmall%2Bfish&b=211&ni=77&no=216&ts=&t ab=organic&sigr=13q6ie3ud&sigb=13g4b8io5&sigi=124il8m2d&.crumb=8ddVKIacDpt

5 Defiance [Noun] An act of refusal or resistance to an opposing force or authority. Mr. Apple was in defiance and stole apples from the store to sell in his business! S] command A] respect +vending+machine&qs=n&form=QBIR&pq=squi rrel+vending+machine&sc=0-14&sp=- 1&sk=#view=detail&id=263B39D66DEEFA90DA 73EBD4514750A51CD08D48&selectedIndex=0

6 Jut [verb] To extend sharply outward; to project or stick out. The window sills are jutting out of my walls in my room. I can sit items on top of them. S] bulge A] indent +sil&sc=8-10&sp=- 1&sk=#view=detail&id=3DF10161600E483F43FC79E2A1B94A4BD1166C23&selecte dIndex=141

7 Kindle [verb] To build or start a fire; to excite a feeling or idea. JJ kindled the fire down in his basement because it was really cold upstairs on the main floor. S] ignite A] extinguish

8 Knoll [noun] A small, rounded hill. There is a knoll outside of my house in Colorado, it is very small. S] dune A] mountain ESTAB#view=detail&id=38085EC29F29D42B7EC2D3A1E993374 510A4A17D&selectedIndex=4

9 Luminous [adj] Giving off light; shining. The luminous lights shining on the choir in church made all of them look like angels. S} illuminate A} gloomy =bs&form=QBIR#view=detail&id=0C3054082B04CDFC6B2A724 CD1A8CADFD99937FF&selectedIndex=13

10 Specimen {noun} Something studied by scientists or doctors as an example of a set of things or systems. Dr. Luce found a specimen of a tick on my dog’s fur after the dog ran through bushes at my grandparents’ house. The doctor sent the specimen to the lab to test for Lyme disease. S} sample A} nothing

11 Stamina noun The ability to resist fatigue or illness; endurance JJ has a lot of stamina because he ran 20 miles without breaking a sweat or getting tired. A] weakness S] energy

12 Subside verb To become less active or intense or agitated. The winds during a hurricane are very intense but when the hurricane is almost over they begin to subside. S]decline A]rise IR&pq=decline&sc=8-7&sp=- 1&sk=#view=detail&id=27DCE1670E81AAA878F14AE546B3823 AE972DCBF&selectedIndex=4

13 Swagger verb To walk in a way that makes it look as if you think you’re important or confident; strut. M&M, the kitten, had opened the door by himself and swaggered to his bed. He felt very special. S] boast A] cower

14 Honors Words….

15 Caduceus noun A staff with two snakes twined around it and two wings at its top. My friend has diabetes and he has a caduceus symbol on his back pack. It tells people he has a medical disorder. S] medical emblem A] stick

16 Draconian adj Cruel, harsh, severe. The wind was Draconian because it blew down 12 trees in the woods next to my house. S] brutal A] peaceful, fair QBIR&pq=severe&sc=8-6&sp=- 1&sk=#view=detail&id=8D7671C96A60DBB91C47716B6BF7 AAA10E59AEE8&selectedIndex=1

17 Lethargy noun Abnormal Drowsiness. The doctor had worked four, twenty four hour shifts and is having lethargy. S] apathy A] energy

18 Saturnine adj Of gloomy or surly disposition. Amelia was saturnine when her best friend was sick and couldn’t sleepover. S] depressed A] cheerful

19 Mercurial adj Characterized by rapid and unpredictable changeableness moods. Jeremiah was mercurial because he complained about something and then he was happy. S] changeable A] predictable

20 Good Luck on your test!!!

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