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Assessment for Learning May 6, 2014 Basia Kiehler Sandy Riley.

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Presentation on theme: "Assessment for Learning May 6, 2014 Basia Kiehler Sandy Riley."— Presentation transcript:

1 Assessment for Learning May 6, 2014 Basia Kiehler Sandy Riley

2 2 Today’s Agenda TimeTopicLearning Target Facilitator 8:00 – 8:30Introduction and Welcome  Review Group Norms  Final self-assessment  Lone Nut 1, 4Basia 8:30 – 9:30Triad Share  Share your findings/learnings/challenges from your last implementation 1Sandy 9:30 – 9:45Gallery Walk  Reflect on all of the work that was done this past year 1, 4Sandy 9:45 – 10:002014-2015 Meeting Dates 2Basia & Sandy 10:00 – 10:15BREAK4 10:15 – 10:35Emily’s Story 1,4Basia 10:35 – 11:30Board Presentation Work Time 1, 3, 4Basia 11:30 – 12:45LUNCH 12:45 – 2:00Board Presentation Work Time (continued) 1, 3, 4Basia & Sandy 2:00 – 2:45Graduation Ceremony 1, 4Basia & Sandy 2:45 – 3:00Wrap Up  Sign in and out (even if you are not getting SCECHs because we use it for sub reimbursement) 1, 2, 3, 4Sandy

3 3 Introduction and Welcome Our Norms Respect one another –Assume positive intentions –Take and support risks –Stay positive Limit to quick and quiet sidebars for clarifying questions while honoring processing and work time Provide enough time to work Stay present and engaged Focus on Learning Targets

4 4 Today’s Learning Targets 1.I am able to reflect and share my growth around assessment literacy with my peers. 2.I have a clear understanding of the commitment for this work for next year including meeting dates, expectations, and my role as a facilitator. 3.I have created a board presentation and have identified roles for each of my teammates in the presentation. 4.I understand that part of this process is building relationships within and across districts for the purpose of deepening my knowledge of assessment literacy and building my own support network.

5 5 Final Self-Assessment Please complete this final survey

6 6 The Lone Nut

7 7 Triad Share – 1 hour Form a group of 3 (outside of your district and mix up grade levels) Please read the protocol Turn to your partners and discuss the process Clarifying questions? Based on your discussion, please chart goals for yourself as a group for next year and post around the room

8 8 2014-2015 School Year Plans 1.Your commitment 1.Participate in monthly meetings with us so we can support you 1.Use that time for self-reflection and learning 2.Use that time for planning to facilitate your own group 3.Develop leadership skills 4.Prepare to be a trainer for the county 2.Facilitate your colleagues back in your building to help them with their first year 1.Hold 7-8 meetings with your teachers 2.Report back to our core group so we can support you 3.Monthly meeting with principal 4.Board presentation

9 9 2014-2015 School Year Plans (continued) 1.CASL Training 1.July 30-31 at LESA 2.Free 3.Invite 4 teachers from your building 1.They are your friends 2.They are committed to this work 3.They have a buddy with them 2.Critical Friends Training 1.June 16-20 or August 4-8

10 10 2014-2015 Proposed Meeting Dates Thursday, September 25 Tuesday, October 28 Tuesday, December 2 Tuesday, January 27 Tuesday, February 24 Tuesday, March 24 Tuesday, April 28 Tuesday, May 19

11 11 POTTY BREAK – 15 minutes

12 12 Emily’s Story and Board Presentation Prep Read Emily’s Story – 10 minutes Debrief with group – 10 minutes –How might you use this example as you are planning your board presentation? Work with your group – 10 minutes –With your district group, write your objectives and format for the presentation Feedback – 10 minutes –Meet with another person outside of your district and share your objectives

13 13 Emily’s Story and Board Presentation Prep Share out your findings with your district group – 5 minutes Begin putting presentation together until 11:30 You will have another 1.25 hours to work on this after lunch

14 14 District Board Presentation Work Session Work until lunch You will have more work time after lunch

15 15 LUNCH

16 16 District Board Presentation Work Session Until 2pm

17 17 Graduation – You Did It!!!

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