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Principles of Electronic Communication Systems

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1 Principles of Electronic Communication Systems
Third Edition Louis E. Frenzel, Jr.

2 Transmission-Line Basics
Transmission lines in communication carry: Telephone signals, Computer data in LANs, TV signals in cable TV systems, Signals from a transmitter to an antenna or from an antenna to a receiver. Transmission lines are also circuits.

3 Transmission-Line Basics
The two primary requirements of a transmission line are: The line should introduce minimum attenuation to the signal. The line should not radiate any of the signal as radio energy.

4 Transmission-Line Basics
Types of Transmission Lines Parallel-wire line is made of two parallel conductors separated by a space of ½ inch to several inches. A variation of parallel line is the 300-Ω twin-lead. Spacing between the wires is maintained by a continuous plastic insulator.

5 Transmission-Line Basics
Types of Transmission Lines The most widely used type of transmission line is the coaxial cable. It consists of a solid center conductor surrounded by a dielectric material, usually a plastic insulator such as Teflon. A second conducting shield made of fine wires covers the insulator, and an outer plastic sheath insulates the braid. Coaxial cable comes in sizes from ¼ inch to several inches in diameter.

6 Transmission-Line Basics
Types of Transmission Lines Twisted-pair cable uses two insulated solid copper wires covered with insulation and loosely twisted together. Two types of twisted-pair cable are Unshielded twisted-pair (UTP) cable Shielded twisted-pair (STP) cable

7 Transmission-Line Basics
Wavelength of Cables The electrical length of conductors is typically short compared to 1 wavelength of the frequency they carry. A pair of current-carrying conductors is not considered to be a transmission line unless it is at least 0.1 λ long at the signal frequency. The distance represented by a wavelength in a given cable depends on the type of cable.

8 Transmission-Line Basics
Connectors Most transmission lines terminate in some kind of connector, a device that connects the cable to a piece of equipment or to another cable. Connectors are a common failure point in many applications.

9 Transmission-Line Basics
Connectors: Coaxial Cable Connectors Coaxial cables are designed not only to provide a convenient way to attach and disconnect equipment and cables but also to maintain the physical integrity and electrical properties of the cable. The most common types are the PL-259 or UHF, BNC, F, SMA, and N-type connectors. The PL-259, also referred to as a UHF connector, can be used up to low UHF frequencies (less than 500 MHz.)

10 Transmission-Line Basics
UHF connectors. (a) PL-259 male connector. (b) Internal construction and connections for the PL-259. (c) SO-239 female chassis connector.

11 Transmission-Line Basics
Connectors: Coaxial Cable Connectors BNC connectors are widely used on 0.25 inch coaxial cables for attaching test equipment. In BNC connectors the center conductor of the cable is soldered or crimped to a male pin and the shield braid is attached the body of the connector. BNC connectors. (a) Male. (b) Female. (c) Barrel connector. (d) T connector.

12 Transmission-Line Basics
The least expensive coaxial connector is the F-type, which is used for TV sets, VCRs, DVD players, and cable TV. The F connector used on TV sets, VCRs, and cable TV boxes.

13 Transmission-Line Basics
The RCA phonograph connector is used primarily in audio equipment. RCA phonograph connectors are sometimes used for RF connectors up to VHF.

14 Transmission-Line Basics
The best performing coaxial connector is the N-type, which is used mainly on large coaxial cable at higher frequencies. N-type coaxial connector.

15 Transmission-Line Basics
Characteristic Impedance When the length of transmission line is longer than several wavelengths at the signal frequency, the two parallel conductors of the transmission line appear as a complex impedance. An RF generator connected to a considerable length of transmission line sees an impedance that is a function of the inductance, resistance, and capacitance in the circuit—the characteristic or surge impedance (Z0).

16 Transmission-Line Basics
Velocity Factor The speed of the signal in the transmission line is slower than the speed of a signal in free space. The velocity of propagation of a signal in a cable is less than the velocity of propagation of light in free space by a fraction called the velocity factor (VF). VF = VC/VL

17 Transmission-Line Basics
Time Delay Because the velocity of propagation of a transmission line is less than the velocity of propagation in free space, any line will slow down or delay any signal applied to it. A signal applied at one end of a line appears some time later at the other end of the line. This is called the time delay or transit time. A transmission line used specifically for the purpose of achieving delay is called a delay line.

18 Transmission-Line Basics
The effect of the time delay of a transmission line on signals. (a) Sine wave delay causes a lagging phase shift. (b) Pulse delay.

19 Transmission-Line Basics
Transmission-Line Specifications Attenuation is directly proportional to cable length and increases with frequency. A transmission line is a low-pass filter whose cutoff frequency depends on distributed inductance and capacitance along the line and on length. It is important to use larger, low-loss cables for longer runs despite cost and handling inconvenience. A gain antenna can be used to offset cable loss.

20 Transmission-Line Basics
Attenuation versus length for RG-58A/U coaxial cable. Note that both scales on the graph are logarithmic.

21 Standing Waves If the load on the line is an antenna, the signal is converted into electromagnetic energy and radiated into space. If the load at the end of the line is an open or a short circuit or has an impedance other than the characteristic impedance of the line, the signal is not fully absorbed by the load.

22 Standing Waves When a line is not terminated properly, some of the energy is reflected and moves back up the line, toward the generator. This reflected voltage adds to the forward or incident generator voltage and forms a composite voltage that is distributed along the line. The pattern of voltage and its related current constitute what is called a standing wave. Standing waves are not desirable.

23 Standing Waves How a pulse propagates along a transmission line.

24 Standing Waves Matched Lines
A matched transmission line is one terminated in a load that has a resistive impedance equal to the characteristic impedance of the line. Alternating voltage (or current) at any point on a matched line is a constant value. A correctly terminated transmission line is said to be flat. The power sent down the line toward the load is called forward or incident power. Power not absorbed by the load is reflected power.

25 Standing Waves A transmission line must be terminated in its characteristic impedance for proper operation.

26 Standing Waves Calculating the Standing Wave Ratio
The magnitude of the standing waves on a transmission line is determined by the ratio of the maximum current to the minimum current, or the ratio of the maximum voltage to the minimum voltage, along the line. These ratios are referred to as the standing wave ratio (SWR).

27 The Smith Chart The mathematics required to design and analyze transmission lines is complex, whether the line is a physical cable connecting a transceiver to an antenna or is being used as a filter or impedance-matching network. This is because the impedances involved are complex ones, involving both resistive and reactive elements. The impedances are in the familiar rectangular form, R + jX.

28 The Smith Chart The Smith Chart is a sophisticated graph that permits visual solutions to transmission line calculations. Despite the availability of the computing options today, this format provides a more or less standardized way of viewing and solving transmission-line and related problems. ZO ZIN ZL

29 The Smith Chart The horizontal axis is the pure resistance or zero-reactance line. The point at the far left end of the line represents zero resistance, and the point at the far right represents infinite resistance. The resistance circles are centered on and pass through this pure resistance line. The circles are all tangent to one another at the infinite resistance point, and the centers of all the circles fall on the resistance line.

30 The Smith Chart Any point on the outer circle represents a resistance of 0 Ω. The R = 1 circle passes through the exact center of the resistance line and is known as the prime center. Values of pure resistance and the characteristic impedance of transmission line are plotted on this line. The linear scales printed at the bottom of Smith charts are used to find the SWR, dB loss, and reflection coefficient.

31 The Smith Chart The Smith chart.

32 Optical Communication

33 Optical Principles Optical communication systems use light to transmit information from one place to another. Light is a type of electromagnetic radiation like radio waves. Today, infrared light is being used increasingly as the carrier for information in communication systems. The transmission medium is either free space or a light-carrying cable called a fiber-optic cable. Because the frequency of light is extremely high, it can accommodate very high rates of data transmission with excellent reliability.

34 Optical Principles Light
Light, radio waves, and microwaves are all forms of electromagnetic radiation. Light frequencies fall between microwaves and x-rays. The optical spectrum is made up of infrared, visible, and ultraviolet light.

35 Optical Principles The optical spectrum. (a) Electromagnetic frequency spectrum showing the optical spectrum.

36 Optical Principles The optical spectrum. (b) Optical spectrum details.

37 Optical Principles Light
Light waves are very short and are usually expressed in nanometers or micrometers. Visible light is in the 400- to 700-nm range. Another unit of measure for light wavelength is the angstrom (Ǻ). One angstrom is equal to m.

38 Optical Principles Light: Speed of Light
Light waves travel in a straight line as microwaves do. The speed of light is approximately 300,000,000 m/s, or about 186,000 mi/s, in free space (in air or a vacuum). The speed of light depends upon the medium through which the light passes.

39 Optical Principles Physical Optics
Physical optics refers to the ways that light can be processed. Light can be processed or manipulated in many ways. Lenses are widely used to focus, enlarge, or decrease the size of light waves from some source.

40 Optical Principles Physical Optics: Reflection
The simplest way of manipulating light is to reflect it. When light rays strike a reflective surface, the light waves are thrown back or reflected. By using mirrors, the direction of a light beam can be changed.

41 Optical Principles Physical Optics: Reflection
The law of reflection states that if the light ray strikes a mirror at some angle A from the normal, the reflected light ray will leave the mirror at the same angle B to the normal. In other words, the angle of incidence is equal to the angle of reflection. A light ray from the light source is called an incident ray.

42 Optical Principles n=c/v Sin A/Sin C=(n2/n1)
Illustrating reflection and refraction at the interface of two optical materials.

43 Optical Principles Physical Optics: Refraction
The direction of the light ray can also be changed by refraction, which is the bending of a light ray that occurs when the light rays pass from one medium to another. Refraction occurs when light passes through transparent material such as air, water, and glass. Refraction takes place at the point where two different substances come together. Refraction occurs because light travels at different speeds in different materials.

44 Optical Principles Examples of the effect of refraction.

45 Optical Principles Physical Optics: Refraction
The amount of refraction of the light of a material is usually expressed in terms of the index of refraction n. This is the ratio of the speed of light in air to the speed of light in the substance. It is also a function of the light wavelength.

46 Optical Communication Systems
Optical communication systems use light as the carrier of the information to be transmitted. The medium may be free space as with radio waves or a special light “pipe” or waveguide known as fiber-optic cable. Using light as a transmission medium provides vastly increased bandwidths.

47 Optical Communication Systems
Light Wave Communication in Free Space An optical communication system consists of: A light source modulated by the signal to be transmitted. A photodetector to pick up the light and convert it back into an electrical signal. An amplifier. A demodulator to recover the original information signal.

48 Optical Communication Systems
Free-space optical communication system.

49 Optical Communication Systems
Light Wave Communication in Free Space: Light Sources A transmitter is a light source. Other common light sources are light-emitting diodes (LEDs) and lasers. These sources can follow electrical signal changes as fast as 10 GHz or more. Lasers generate monochromatic, or single-frequency, light that is fully coherent; that is, all the light waves are lined up in sync with one another and as a result produce a very narrow and intense light beam.

50 Optical Communication Systems
Light Wave Communication in Free Space: Modulator A modulator is used to vary the intensity of the light beam in accordance with the modulating baseband signal. Amplitude modulation, also referred to as intensity modulation, is used where the information or intelligence signal controls the brightness of the light. A modulator for analog signals can be a power transistor in series with the light source and its dc power supply.

51 Optical Communication Systems
A simple light transmitter with series amplitude modulator. Analog signals: transistor varies its conduction and acts as a variable resistance. Pulse signals: Transistor acts as a saturated on/off switch.

52 Optical Communication Systems
Light Wave Communication in Free Space: Receiver The modulated light wave is picked up by a photodetector. This usually a photodiode or transistor whose conduction is varied by the light. The small signal is amplified and then demodulated to recover the originally transmitted signal. Light beam communication has become far more practical with the invention of the laser. Lasers can penetrate through atmospheric obstacles, making light beam communication more reliable over long distances.

53 Optical Communication Systems
Fiber-Optic Communication System Fiber-optic cables many miles long can be constructed and interconnected for the purpose of transmitting information. Fiber-optic cables have immense information-carrying capacity (wide bandwidth). Many thousands of signals can be carried on a light beam through a fiber-optic cable.

54 Optical Communication Systems
Fiber-Optic Communication System The information signal to be transmitted may be voice, video, or computer data. Information must be first converted to a form compatible with the communication medium, usually by converting analog signals to digital pulses. These digital pulses are then used to flash a light source off and on very rapidly. The light beam pulses are then fed into a fiber-optic cable, which can transmit them over long distances.

55 Optical Communication Systems
Fiber-Optic Communication System At the receiving end, a light-sensitive device known as a photocell, or light detector, is used to detect the light pulses. The photocell converts the light pulses into an electrical signal. The electrical signals are amplified and reshaped back into digital form. They are fed to a decoder, such as a D/A converter, where the original voice or video is recovered.

56 Optical Communication Systems
Basic elements of a fiber-optic communication system.

57 Optical Communication Systems
Applications of Fiber Optics The primary use of fiber optics is in long-distance telephone systems and cable TV systems. Fiber-optic networks also form the core or backbone of the Internet. Fiber-optic communication systems are used to interconnect computers in networks within a large building, to carry control signals in airplanes and in ships, and in TV systems because of the wide bandwidth.

58 Optical Communication Systems
Benefits of fiber-optic cables over conventional electrical cables.

59 Fiber-Optic Cables A fiber-optic cable is thin glass or plastic cable that acts as a light “pipe.” Fiber cables have a circular cross section with a diameter of only a fraction of an inch. A light source is placed at the end of the fiber, and light passes through it and exits at the other end of the cable. Light propagates through the fiber based upon the laws of optics.

60 Fiber-Optic Cables Fiber-Optic Cable Construction
Fiber-optic cables come in a variety of sizes, shapes, and types. The portion of a fiber-optic cable that carries the light is made from either glass, sometimes called silica, or plastic. Plastic fiber-optic cables are less expensive and more flexible than glass, but the optical characteristics of glass are superior. The glass or plastic optical fiber is contained within an outer cladding.

61 Fiber-Optic Cables Fiber-Optic Cable Construction
The fiber, which is called the core, is usually surrounded by a protective cladding. In addition to protecting the fiber core from nicks and scratches, the cladding gives strength. Plastic-clad silica (PCS) cable is a glass core with a plastic cladding. Over the cladding is usually a plastic jacket similar to the outer insulation on an electrical cable. Fiber-optic cables are also available in flat ribbon form.

62 Fiber-Optic Cables Basic construction of a fiber-optic cable.

63 Fiber-Optic Cables Typical layers in a fiber-optic cable.

64 Fiber-Optic Cables Types of Fiber-Optic Cables
There are two ways of classifying fiber-optic cables. The first method is by the index of refraction, which varies across the cross section of the cable. The second method of classification is by mode, which refers to the various paths the light rays can take in passing through the fiber.

65 Fiber-Optic Cables Types of Fiber-Optic Cables
The two ways to define the index of refraction variation across a cable are the step index and the graded index. Step index refers to the fact that there is a sharply defined step in the index of refraction where the fiber core and cladding interface. With the graded index cable, the index of refraction of the core is not constant. It varies smoothly and continuously over the diameter of the core.

66 Fiber-Optic Cables A step index cable cross section.
Graded index cable cross section.

67 Fiber-Optic Cables Types of Fiber-Optic Cables: Cable Mode
Mode refers to the number of paths for light rays in the cable. There are two classifications: single mode and multimode. In single mode, light follows a single path through the core. In multimode, the light takes many paths.

68 Fiber-Optic Cables Types of Fiber-Optic Cables
In practice, there are three commonly used types of fiber-optic cable: Multimode step index Single-mode step index Multimode graded index

69 Fiber-Optic Cables Types of Fiber-Optic Cables: Multimode Step Index Cable The multimode step index fiber cable is probably the most common and widely used type. It is the easiest to make and therefore the least expensive. It is widely used for short to medium distances at relatively low pulse frequencies. The main advantage of a multimode stepped index fiber is its large size.

70 Fiber-Optic Cables A multimode step index cable.

71 Fiber-Optic Cables Types of Fiber-Optic Cables: Single-Mode Step Index Cable A single-mode or monomode step index fiber cable eliminates modal dispersion by making the core so small that the total number of modes or paths through the core is minimized. Typical core sizes are 2 to 15 μm. The pulse repetition rate can be high and the maximum amount of information can be carried in this type cable. They are preferred for long-distance transmission and maximum information content.

72 Fiber-Optic Cables Types of Fiber-Optic Cables: Single-Mode Step Index Cable This type of cable is extremely small, difficult to make, and therefore very expensive. It is also more difficult to handle. Splicing and making interconnections are more difficult. For proper operation, an expensive, super-intense light source such as a laser must be used.

73 Fiber-Optic Cables Single-mode step index cable.

74 Fiber-Optic Cables Types of Fiber-Optic Cables: Multimode Graded Index Cable Multimode graded index fiber cables have several modes, or paths, of transmission through the cable, but they are much more orderly and predictable. These cables can be used at very high pulse rates and a considerable amount of information can be carried. This type of cable is much wider in diameter, with core sizes in the 50- to 100-μm range. It is easier to splice and interconnect, and cheaper, less intense light sources can be used.

75 Fiber-Optic Cables A multimode graded index cable.

76 Fiber-Optic Cables Fiber-Optic Cable Specifications
The most important specifications of a fiber-optic cable are: Size Attenuation Bandwidth

77 Fiber-Optic Cables Fiber-Optic Cable Specifications: Cable Size
Fiber-optic cable comes in a variety of sizes and configurations. Size is normally specified as the diameter of the core, and cladding is given in micrometers (μm). Cables come in two common varieties, simplex and duplex. Simplex cable is a single-fiber core cable. In a common duplex cable, two cables are combined within a single outer cladding.

78 Fiber-Optic Cables Fiber-Optic Cable Specifications: Attenuation
The most important specification of a fiber-optic cable is its attenuation. Attenuation refers to the loss of light energy as the light pulse travels from one end of the cable to the other. Absorption refers to how light energy is converted to heat in the core material because of the impurity of the glass or plastic. Scattering refers to the light lost due to light waves entering at the wrong angle and being lost in the cladding because of refraction.

79 Fiber-Optic Cables Fiber-Optic Cable Specifications: Bandwidth
The bandwidth of a fiber-optic cable determines the maximum speed of the data pulses the cable can handle. The bandwidth is normally stated in terms of megahertz-kilometers (MHz-km). A common 62.5/125-μm cable has a bandwidth in the 100- to 300-MHz∙km range. As the length of the cable is increased, the bandwidth decreases in proportion.

80 Fiber-Optic Cables Fiber-Optic Cable Specifications: Frequency Range
Most fiber-optic cable operates over a relatively wide light frequency range, although it is normally optimized for a narrow range of light frequencies. The most commonly used light frequencies are 850, 1310, and 1550 nm.

81 Fiber-Optic Cables Connectors and Splicing
When long fiber-optic cables are needed, two or more cables can be spliced together. A variety of connectors are available that provide a convenient way to splice cables and attach them to transmitters, receivers, and repeaters.

82 Fiber-Optic Cables Connectors and Splicing
Connectors are special mechanical assemblies that allow fiber-optic cables to be connected to one another. Most fiber-optic connectors either snap or twist together or screw together with threaded ends. Connectors ensure precise alignment of the cables to ensure maximum light transfer between cables. Dozens of different kinds of connectors are available for different applications. The two most common connector designations are ST (bayonet connectors) and SMA.

83 Fiber-Optic Cables Connectors and Splicing
Splicing fiber-optic cable means permanently attaching the end of one cable to another. This is usually done without a connector. The first step is to cut the cable, called cleaving the cable, so that it is perfectly square on the end. The two cables to be spliced are then permanently bonded together by heating them instantaneously to high temperatures so that they fuse or melt together. Special tools and machines must be used in cleaving and splicing to ensure clean cuts and perfect alignment.

84 Fiber-Optic Cables Details of a fiber cable connector.

85 Optical Transmitters and Receivers
Power Budget A power budget, sometimes called a flux budget, is an accounting of all the attenuation and gains in a fiber-optic system. There are numerous sources of losses in a fiber-optic cable system: Cable losses Connections between cable and light source and photodetector. Connectors Splices Cable bends

86 Optical Transmitters and Receivers
Power Budget To calculate the power budget: First, calculate all the losses; add all the decibel loss factors. Also add a 4-dB contingency factor. Calculate the power gain needed to overcome the loss: dB = 10 log Pt / Pr where Pt is the transmitted power and Pr is the received power.

87 Optical Transmitters and Receivers
Power Budget: Regeneration and Amplification There are several ways to overcome the attenuation experienced by a signal as it travels over fiber-optic cable. Use newer types of cable that inherently have lower losses and fewer dispersion effects.

88 Optical Transmitters and Receivers
Power Budget: Regeneration and Amplification Use regeneration. Regeneration is the process of converting the weak optical signal to its electrical equivalent, then amplifying and reshaping it electronically, and retransmitting it on another laser. This process is generally known as optical-electrical- optical (OEO) conversion. Use an optical amplifier (the best option). Optical amplifiers boost signal level without OEO conversion.

89 Optical Transmitters and Receivers
An erbium-doped fiber amplifier.

90 Wavelength-Division Multiplexing
Data is most easily multiplexed on fiber-optic cable by using time-division multiplexing (TDM). Developments in optical components make it possible to use frequency-division multiplexing (FDM) on fiber-optic cable (called wavelength-division multiplexing, or WDM), which permits multiple channels of data to operate over the cable’s light-wave bandwidth. WDM has been widely used in radio, TV, and telephone systems.

91 Wavelength-Division Multiplexing
The first coarse WDM (CWDM) systems used two channels operating on 1310 and 1550 nm. Later, four channels of data were multiplexed. Dense wavelength-division multiplexing (DWDM) refers to the use of 8, 16, 32, 64, or more data channels on a single fiber. Arrayed waveguide grating (AWG) is an array of optical waveguides of different lengths made with silica on a silicon chip. It can be used for both multiplexing and demultiplexing.

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