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Practical Uses of Assistive Technology: Case Studies John Denny, LCSW University of Florida Dean of Students Office.

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Presentation on theme: "Practical Uses of Assistive Technology: Case Studies John Denny, LCSW University of Florida Dean of Students Office."— Presentation transcript:

1 Practical Uses of Assistive Technology: Case Studies John Denny, LCSW University of Florida Dean of Students Office

2 Jessica 18 year old first generation college student Majoring in Mathematics Client of Division of Blind Services Considered legally blind, but can read large print Already familiar with common software applications for students with visual impairments

3 Jessica: Access to Computer Lab Unable to use campus computer lab due to lack of adaptive software Makes request for ZoomText to be installed Licensing Issues Maintenance Issues Training of Computer lab staff

4 Jessica: Access to Library Assistance in retrieval of reference materials CCTV VERA Maintenance of equipment Training of reference desk staff

5 Jessica: Technology In the Classroom Patriot 3000 system Desktop CCTV Large Display Graphing/Scientific Calculator

6 Jessica: Considerations for Online Coursework Conversion of CD-ROM in accessible format Web CT

7 Services for students with visual limitations on your campus

8 Bradley 20 year old Community College transfer student Majoring in Business Moderate Hearing loss, wears hearing aids, does not use ASL Good lip-reading skills but has problems in large classroom settings

9 Bradley: Technology in the Classroom FM Units / Collaboration with Speech and Hearing Clinic Streaming video for online courses Transcription vs. Computer Aided Real-Time Transcription (CART) Note-taking using Instant Messenger

10 Bradley: Advocacy Issues Referral to Vocational Rehabilitation Sharing resources for funding with online program Participation in commencement ceremony

11 Discussion of services for students with hearing impairments on your campus

12 Thomas 22 year-old law student Has mobility and speech limitations due to cerebral palsy Receives services from Vocational Rehabilitation Has a very supportive family that lives locally

13 Thomas Voice Recognition software Alternate computer access (head mouse, track ball large switches, etc) Accesses textbooks in electronic format via ReadPlease

14 Discussion of services for students with mobility impairments on your campus

15 Final Thoughts Disability Resources is everybody’s job: Collaboration is the key to success Seek partnerships with state agencies; open the lines of communication Student input as well as professional assessments are critical when making technology upgrades Student activism can be a powerful agent for change on campus

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