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Certificate of Deafness for Tuition Waiver (CODTW) WEBINAR

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Presentation on theme: "Certificate of Deafness for Tuition Waiver (CODTW) WEBINAR"— Presentation transcript:

1 Certificate of Deafness for Tuition Waiver (CODTW) WEBINAR
Welcome Participants! Audio is through telephone. Call , access code # Captioning will be provided on the screen. If you prefer to control the captioning window yourself, you may click this link: Your hosts will be with you soon! Any problems, call/text Melissa Bell at

2 Certificate of Deafness for Tuition Waiver (CODTW)
Melissa Bell Rose Minette Department of Assistive and Rehabilitative Services Office for Deaf and Hard of Hearing Services For questions, compliments, or complaints, call

3 DARS DHHS Role Review applications to determine if the applicant meets the criteria Grant Certificates of Deafness for Tuition Waiver ** Issuance of a Certificate is necessary for an individual to qualify for the waiver, but having a Certificate does not ensure that an institution of higher education will grant the waiver.

4 CODTW is legislatively mandated:
‘Deaf persons’ who qualify can go to any publicly-funded post secondary school tuition free (includes tuition-based fees also).

5 DARSNet > Programs (at the top) > DHHS > CODTW (on left side)

Scroll down to bottom right side of page and click on ‘HOW TO ACCESS THESE RESOURCES’ – this gives you the ID and password needed. ID = dars538 Password = terpsvs

7 Texas Education Code A deaf or blind person who is a resident is entitled to exemption from the payment of tuition fees at any institution of higher education utilizing public funds if the person presents: certification that the person is a "blind person" or a "deaf person" as defined in Subsection (a) by the Department of Assistive and Rehabilitative Services in a written statement, which certification is considered conclusive; a written statement of purpose from the person that indicates the certificate or degree program to be pursued or the professional enhancement from the course of study for that certificate or degree program; a high school diploma or its equivalent; a letter of recommendation from the principal of the high school attended by the deaf or blind individual, a public official, or some other responsible person who knows the deaf or blind individual and is willing to serve as a reference; and proof that the person meets all other entrance requirements of the institution.

8 What is covered by the waiver?
Tuition and tuition-based fees at state-supported institutions of higher education in Texas Education Code Sec (a)(4) "Tuition fees" includes all dues, fees, and enrollment charges whatsoever for which exemptions may be lawfully made, including fees for correspondence courses, general deposit fees, and student services fees, but does not include fees or charges for lodging, board, or clothing.

9 Pop Quiz!

10 What are the basic eligibility criteria?
Income? Age? Major? Degree of Hearing Loss? None of the above?

11 ANSWER Eligibility is based strictly on degree of hearing loss:
“functionally deaf for hearing normal conversation in the classroom”

12 CODTW may be used for PhD or other advanced degree courses.
True or False

13 CODTW can be used for ANY degree level.
True CODTW can be used for ANY degree level. This distinction important because for students who have open cases with the DARS VR program, advanced degrees are not always needed for gaining employment, therefore VR may not support students obtaining advanced degrees.

14 If a deaf person from out of state qualifies for CODTW, they just need to wait 6 months to become a Texas resident to be able to use the waiver. True, False, or Depends

15 Some schools require 6 months, others 1 year.
It depends Some schools require 6 months, others 1 year. Others NEVER consider you a resident if you move here with intent to attend school.

16 The CODTW covers continuing education courses.
True, False, or Depends

17 It depends… First-- it needs to be a publicly funded post secondary school… then, it depends on how the course is funded. Ask school if the course receives ‘formula funding’ or ‘contact hour funding’ Note: The institution is not required to accept the waiver for courses taken that are not for professional enhancement, per TEC

18 The CODTW covers online courses.
True, False, or Depends

19 The CODTW covers online courses if the course is offered by a state-
It Depends….. The CODTW covers online courses if the course is offered by a state- supported institution of higher education in Texas. (and that class is funded by ‘formula funding’ or ‘contact hour funding’)

20 If a student qualifies after they’ve already paid their tuition, can they be reimbursed?
Yes or No

21 No ! There is no money paid!

22 If a person has an old audiogram, they must go back to their audiologist or Hearing Instrument Specialist (HIS) to get tested again. True or False

23 Old hearing documentation may be used for this program.
False Old hearing documentation may be used for this program.

24 If there’s no hearing test documentation available, a student can also qualify by receiving a signature from a physician. True or False

25 False Physicians must describe any disabling conditions (with or without hearing loss) that result in the applicant’s sense of hearing being nonfunctional for understanding normal conversation in the classroom. The physician must explain the severity and frequency of the disabling conditions and their impact on the applicant’s classroom comprehension.



28 Audiogram


30 Senate Bill 1210 Three relevant impacts:   - GPA requirement - except for “showing of hardship or other good cause”   - Excessive hours - unless permitted by the institution “on a showing of good cause”   - Formula funding

Students can search for “public institutions” DHHS frequently asked questions - CODTW

32 Resource Specialists Located state-wide, contracted by DARS Office for Deaf and Hard of Hearing Services

33 Services to individuals who are deaf and hard of hearing, focusing on age 16+
Deafness Resource Specialists self-advocacy training communication access rights information Hearing Loss Resource Specialists assistive technology demonstrations managing hearing loss **Resource Specialists can be the liaison between the DARS VR program and D/HH students who are not yet connected and receiving services.

34 WIOA Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act
federally-mandated changes focus on transition from school to post-secondary life, providing Pre-Employment Transition Services (Pre-ETS) Resource Specialists partnering with VR

35 Resources Department of Assistive and Rehabilitative Services
Office for Deaf and Hard of Hearing Services Melissa Bell – program specialist Rose Minette- audiology questions main To locate the Resource Specialists in your area, go to: CODTW online brochure:

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