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Presentation on theme: "A CLUSTER-HEAD SELECTION ALGORITHM FOR WIRELESS SENSOR NETWORKS"β€” Presentation transcript:

A. Chalak, S. Misra and M. S. Obaidat Corresponding Address: Mohammad S. Obaidat, Fellow of IEEE and SCS President, Society for Modeling & Simulation International (SCS) Editor-in-Chief, International Journal of Communication Systems, Wiley Professor of Computer Science and Software Engineering, Monmouth University, W. Long Branch, NJ 07764, USA Website: Professor Mohammad S. Obaidat

2 Prof. Mohammad S. Obaidat
Objectives The aim of this paper is to present a new energy-efficient clustering approach for WSNs called Improved Minimum Separation Distance(IMSD). In order to prolong the network lifetime, energy resources of each node in WSN need to be effectively managed. With respect to energy efficiency, the best known protocols are hierarchical in nature. Energy consumption can be reduced efficiently by using clustering based hierarchical routing protocols. IMSD extends the existing MSD clustering algorithm. The simulation results show that IMSD is more energy-efficient, implying that it is more effective in prolonging the network life time. Prof. Mohammad S. Obaidat

3 Prof. Mohammad S. Obaidat
Introduction Sensors in WSN are small, inexpensive, low-power, intelligent and disposable. The sensor nodes are self-configuring and contain one or more sensors, integrated with wireless communication devices and data processing components and a limited energy source. Due to the large number of nodes and the possibly hazardous environment in which these nodes are deployed, their batteries are often assumed to be nonreplaced. The failure of a single node in the network could possibly cause network partition and dissect a part of the WSN off from the rest of the network. Network lifetime is, therefore, dependent on the lifetime of individual nodes. This raises the issue of energy-efficient design of the network. This research effort focuses on the design of an energy-efficient cluster head selection algorithm for WSNs. Prof. Mohammad S. Obaidat

4 Prof. Mohammad S. Obaidat
Introduction In a WSN, there are possibly very large number of sensing nodes, and a base station. The sensing nodes have to route data about their environment to the base station. A sensing node is sometimes called a source and a base station is sometimes called a sink. The sink node collects and interprets the data from all the source nodes in the network. The sink node may be connected to a wired network and may not have an energy limitation. The source nodes, on the other hand, are dependent on their limited batteries and become dead when their batteries are completely exhasuted. Prof. Mohammad S. Obaidat

5 Wireless Sensor Network Area
Introduction Wireless Sensor Network Area Prof. Mohammad S. Obaidat

6 Prof. Mohammad S. Obaidat
Introduction Routing in Wireless Sensor Networks can be divided into flat-based, location-based, and hierarchical-based routing. Flat-based routing: All nodes are typically assigned equal functionalities. Location-based: Positions are exploited to route data in network. Hierarchical-based: Nodes will play different roles in network. Prof. Mohammad S. Obaidat

7 Prof. Mohammad S. Obaidat
Introduction WSN protocols are different from the traditional wireless protocols due to limited power supply, large network size, and inaccessible remote deployment environment. A lot of energy is saved by using multi-hop communication than direct communication, as in short range communication due to the fact that consumption of energy is proportional to the square of the distance. A routing protocol might be good for continuous data sensing while it may not perform well where it will have periodic monitoring. Prof. Mohammad S. Obaidat

8 Prof. Mohammad S. Obaidat
Introduction Clustering approach is used for wireless communication in wireless sensor networks. In this case, nodes send their data to the nearest cluster head which then forwards it to the base station. In each round, the cluster head node sends out a beacon, and nodes that hear the beacon join the cluster. If there are too many nodes in the cluster, the cluster-head can reduce beacon signal strength so fewer nodes will hear it. On the other hand, if the cluster is too small, the cluster head can increase its beacon signal strength to increase cluster membership. Thus, energy efficiency is increased by using clustering technique. In this paper, we present the Improved Minimum Separation Distance (IMSD) cluster head selection algorithm, which is based on the total average energy available in the network. Prof. Mohammad S. Obaidat

9 Prof. Mohammad S. Obaidat
Terminology LEACH Low Energy Adaptive Clustering Hierarchy MSD Minimum Separation Distance MST Minimum Spanning Tree BS Base Station/Sink CH Cluster Head dec_MSD Decrease MSD by 10% LCF Link Cost Factor SEP Stable Election Protocol gap decrease MSD by 10% Prof. Mohammad S. Obaidat

In a WSN, there are two types of energy costs; fixed cost in the electronics when transmitting or receiving a message, and variable energy costs which are proportional to the distance of transmission. In our work, we consider a simple model where the radio dissipates 𝐸𝑒𝑙𝑒𝑐 = 50 nJ/bit to run the transmitter or receiver circuitry and βˆˆπ‘Žπ‘šπ‘= 100 pJ/bit/π‘š2 for the amplifying signal. These parameters are slightly better than the current state-of-the- art in radio design. We also assume d2 energy loss due to channel transmission. Prof. Mohammad S. Obaidat

Thus, to transmit a k bit message with distance d and considering free space model, the radio model as shown in Figure 1 expends: and to receive this message, the radio expends: Prof. Mohammad S. Obaidat

For these parameter values, receiving a message is not a low cost operation; the protocols should thus try to minimize not only the transmit distances, but also the number of transmit and receive operations for each message. An inefficient use of the available energy leads to poor performance and short life cycle of the network. Energy in these sensors is a scarce resource and must be managed in an efficient manner. The most significant factor in the development of WSN is typically power. It is necessary that the transmission distances of nodes is reduced in order to conserve energy. Prof. Mohammad S. Obaidat

Prof. Mohammad S. Obaidat

14 Prof. Mohammad S. Obaidat
Background Low Energy Adaptive Clustering Hierarchy (LEACH) uses a self-configuration approach and reduces much energy consumption. It does not consider the distribution of nodes. Cluster head nodes are distributed unequally. Data collected by cluster-head directly forwarded to base station. As cluster-heads are far away from the base station. Direct transmission is bad for energy conservation. Black nodes represent cluster-heads Clusters constructed by LEACH. Prof. Mohammad S. Obaidat

15 Prof. Mohammad S. Obaidat
Background (contd.) Cluster constructing method has to be changed. The communication between cluster-heads and base station also needs to be modified. In this work, we present a modification of LEACH’s cluster- head selection algorithm to further reduce the total energy dissipation of sensors Our cluster constructing method avoids the uneven member distribution for clusters. Clusters constructed by LEACH MSD and MST. Prof. Mohammad S. Obaidat

Low Energy Adaptive Clustering Hierarchy (LEACH) is a hierarchical routing protocol. It is an energy-efficient protocol, as it group nodes into clusters. It uses Cluster Head (CH) to fuse data before transmitting to the Base Station (BS). But LEACH has some limitations: First the geographical distribution of the CHs severely influences the overall energy consumption of the network. Spreading the CHs more evenly results in prolonging the lifetime of the network. Second, in WSNs asymmetric communication is possible. That is, the base station can reach all the sensor nodes directly. While some sensor nodes cannot reach the base station directly, therefore these sensor nodes need help from other nodes to forward their data. Hence routing schemes are necessary. Prof. Mohammad S. Obaidat

Third, as the network size increases, the transmission distance within the cluster increases. This results in an increase in energy consumption. In this paper, we present an energy-efficient cluster head selection algorithm to overcome the above three limitations. Prof. Mohammad S. Obaidat

The geographical distribution of the CHs severely influences the overall energy consumption of the network. For prolonging the lifetime of the network, CHs should be spread evenly. Use of improved minimum separation distance between CHs improves the network lifetime. The smallest distance allowed between CHs is minimum separation distance. The minimum separation distance can be smaller than the separation distance between CHs, but should not be larger. Prof. Mohammad S. Obaidat

Prof. Mohammad S. Obaidat

An extension to LEACH is used in the proposed routing technique. The cluster formation carried out by the base station uses a centralized cluster formation algorithm. The same steady-state protocol as LEACH is used in the proposed protocol. The current location & energy level of each node is informed to the base station during the set-up phase. To determine the CH and the cluster for that round, centralized cluster formation algorithm is run at base station. All the nodes in the network receive the information that is broadcast by base station after the creation of clusters. Before a node goes to sleep mode until it is time to transmit data to the CH, i.e., until the arrival of next slot, determination of its local TDMA is essential for each of the nodes, except the CH. Prof. Mohammad S. Obaidat

From a list of eligible nodes, a CH is randomly chosen in the CH selection part. In the network, the average energy of remaining nodes is calculated to determine which nodes are eligible. The nodes with energy level above the average are eligible, in order to spread the load evenly. A new node has to be chosen to guarantee the minimum separation distance if a node that has been randomly chosen is too close, i.e., within the range of the minimum separation distance from all other chosen CHs. If the desired number of CHs is not formed, then the minimum separation distance is decremented by 10% and the same algorithm is implemented until the desired number of CHs is attained. Prof. Mohammad S. Obaidat

Clusters are created the same way as in the Low Energy Adaptive Clustering Hierarchy (LEACH) protocol, generally with at least the minimum separation distance when all CHs have been chosen and separated. Asymmetric communication and routing in sensor network (AROS) architecture is used for simulation purpose [6] [7] [8]. The data is transmitted by CH to base station when the CH gathers data from its cluster nodes. This is based on AROS. Prof. Mohammad S. Obaidat

23 Performance Evaluation
We have implemented cluster head selection algorithms for WSN with different protocols LEACH, MSD and IMSD. The implementations have been carried out in MATLAB. The following assumptions were made: Sensors and the base station are all stationary after deployment; the BS is fixed at a distance from the sensor nodes. All nodes are homogeneous and energy constrained with uniform energy. Each sensor node initially has the ability to transmit data directly to base station. Prof. Mohammad S. Obaidat

24 Performance Evaluation
4. Each node is assigned a unique identifier (ID). 5. Nodes can adjust their transmission power according to the distance from the receiver. 6. A node belongs to only one cluster, but may change its cluster during each round. 7. The nodes have initial uniform energy, of 0.5 Joules. 8. Each sensor node is location aware and the base station has strong computation power. 9. All sensors have enough energy to communicate with the sink directly at the initial stages. 10. Base station has location and energy info of all nodes. 11. The BS is fixed at a distance from the sensor nodes. Also, the Base station has "unlimited" power supply and high calculation capacity. Prof. Mohammad S. Obaidat

25 Performance Evaluation
The node deployment used in the simulation study is shown in Figure 2. The nodes are randomly distributed across the sensor field. The base station is situated inside the field. Table I indicates the other parameters as set during simulation. Prof. Mohammad S. Obaidat

26 Performance Evaluation
Prof. Mohammad S. Obaidat

27 Prof. Mohammad S. Obaidat
Proposed Approach Minimum Separation Distance (MSD) Minimum Spanning Tree within Cluster Prof. Mohammad S. Obaidat

28 Minimum Separation Distance (Algorithm)
MSD = Minimum Separation Distance dc = Number of desired cluster heads, energy(n) = Remaining energy for node n avg = eligible = { n | energy(n) β‰₯ avg } CH = { } while ( |CH| < dc ) add(n,CH) remove(n,eligible) else endif endwhile This is existing algorithm proposed by Ewa Hansen etal in [1]. Prof. Mohammad S. Obaidat

29 Minimum Separation Distance (Modified Algorithm)
while (( |CH| < dc ) && (gap>10)) while (( |CH| < dc ) && (n<count|eligible|)) do add(n, CH) endif n=n+1 endwhile gap = gap* 0.9 n=2 end_while This is our proposed algorithm. The cluster formation carried out by the base station uses a centralized cluster formation algorithm. The same steady-state protocol as LEACH is used in the proposed protocol. The current location and energy level of each node is informed to the base station during the set-up phase. To determine the CH and the cluster for that round, centralized cluster formation algorithm is run at base station. All the nodes in the network receive the information that is broadcasted by base station after the creation of clusters. Before a node goes to sleep mode until it is time to transmit data to the CH, i.e., until the arrival of next slot, determination of its local TDMA is essential for each of the nodes, except the CH. From a list of eligible nodes, a CH is randomly chosen in the CH selection part. In the network, the average energy of remaining nodes is calculated to determine which nodes are eligible. The nodes with energy level above the average are eligible, in order to spread the load evenly. A new node has to be chosen to guarantee the minimum separation distance if a node that has been randomly chosen is too close, i.e., within the range of the minimum separation distance from all other chosen CHs. If the desired number of CHs are not formed, then the minimum separation distance is decremented by 10% and the same algorithm is implemented until the desired number of CHs is attained. Clusters are created the same way as in LEACH, generally with at least the minimum separation distance when all CHs have been chosen and separated. Prof. Mohammad S. Obaidat

30 Minimum Separation Distance (Modified Algorithm)
B I C D F J H 10 4 6 8 9 7 5 avg_energy = 6.7 MSD = 5m CH = { } dc = 3 N = 10 eligible={C, F, J, D, I} Prof. Mohammad S. Obaidat

31 Prof. Mohammad S. Obaidat
Minimum Spanning Tree Replacement of direct communication to MSTs in intra-cluster is the main idea. For large network area using direct transmissions is not energy efficient. Average transmission distance of each node can be reduced by using MSTs instead of direct transmissions Thus the energy dissipation of transmitting data is reduced. Direct communication in LEACH Prof. Mohammad S. Obaidat

32 Minimum Spanning Tree (Contd.)
All nodes including the CH are connected by a MST CH as the leader collects the data from the whole tree. CHs uses Relay nodes to forward the data to the BS. As network area is larger, the reduced transmission distance is greater. In the direct transmission, information of routing path is simple, and each node only needs to know its CH But in trees, each node must know the next node that it would send data to. MST communication in LEACH Prof. Mohammad S. Obaidat

33 Minimum Spanning Tree (Contd.)
Every node in network broadcasts HELLO message with a certain frequency. Nodes receiving HELLO message respond back with RESPONSE message with network-id, energy-remaining, neighbor-id’s, distance between neighbors. With this information every node creates a spanning tree for its cluster. And informs neighbors the next node that it would send data to. Forming Minimum Spanning Tree Prof. Mohammad S. Obaidat

34 Prof. Mohammad S. Obaidat
Proposed Scheme d = distance between two node d < MSD d β‰₯ MSD MST Prof. Mohammad S. Obaidat

35 Prof. Mohammad S. Obaidat
Radio Energy Model Transmit Electronics Transmit Amplifier k bit packet d Transmitter Receive Electronics k bit packet Receiver Radio Energy Model Prof. Mohammad S. Obaidat

36 Radio Energy Model In our work, we assume a simple model where the radio dissipates Operation Energy Dissipated Transmitter Electronics Receiver Electronics 50 nJ/bit Transmit Amplifier 100 pJ/bit/m2 Radio Characteristics While estimating the transmit energy, we assumes d2 energy loss in channel transmission. Prof. Mohammad S. Obaidat

37 Prof. Mohammad S. Obaidat
Radio Energy Model Thus, to transmit a k-bit message a distance d using our radio model, the radio expends: (1) and to receive this message, the radio expends: (2) Prof. Mohammad S. Obaidat

38 Prof. Mohammad S. Obaidat
Radio Energy Model For these parameter values, receiving a message is not a low cost operation; the protocols should thus try to minimize not only the transmit distances, but also the number of transmit and receive operations for each message. Prof. Mohammad S. Obaidat

39 Performance Evaluation
Prof. Mohammad S. Obaidat

40 Performance Evaluation
Simulation area: Defines the dimensions of the sensor field. We considered a field measuring 100 x 100 m2. Number of nodes: The model of sensor network that was considered consisted of 20/50/100/200/350/500 nodes randomly deployed into the field for 6 different experiments. Radio propagation model: Used to predict the distance from the signal power of each node. Free space model and multi path fading model are used in this simulation. Prof. Mohammad S. Obaidat

41 Performance Evaluation
Energy model - The energy model, which is a node attribute, represents the amount of energy in a node. Energy consumption takes place for each and every packet transmitted (tx-power) or received (rx-power). Communication model - The communication between the nodes is considered one way. A cluster head advertises itself to the common nodes which in turn join and transmit data to the CH. Efficient utilization of the energy resources of the sensor nodes increases the lifetime of the network. In the ideal network, all sensor nodes would live exactly the same period of time. Prof. Mohammad S. Obaidat

42 Prof. Mohammad S. Obaidat
Assumptions Sensors and the base station are all stationary after deployment. All nodes are homogeneous and have the same capabilities. Each sensor node initially has the ability to transmit data directly to base station. Each node is assigned a unique identifier (ID). A node belongs to only one cluster, but may change its cluster during each round. Each sensor node is location aware and the base station has strong computation power. All sensors have enough energy to communicate with the sink directly at the initial stages. Prof. Mohammad S. Obaidat

43 Prof. Mohammad S. Obaidat
Simulation tool In this paper, we have analyzed the cluster head selection algorithms for WSN with different protocols LEACH, MSD and IMSD. We used MATLAB for the analysis which is good for analyzing at the Physical layer. Matlab is a computing platform that enables various simulation projects. It has been particularly used for PHY layer study of wireless communications. Prof. Mohammad S. Obaidat

44 Simulation tool (cont…)
What does wireless-matlab provide? Radio propagation: free space, two-ray, and lognormal shadowing Mobility: random waypoint model PHY: broadcast, dynamic transmission rate and power MAC: IEEE (CSMA/CA and RTS-CTS- DATA-ACK) NET: ad hoc routing. Prof. Mohammad S. Obaidat

45 Simulation Parameters
ITEM DESCRIPTION SPECIFICATION Simulation area 100m x 100m Channel type Wireless channels Radio propagation model Free space model and Multi path fading model Number of nodes 20/50/100/200/350/500 Energy model Battery Communication model Bi-direction Prof. Mohammad S. Obaidat

46 Prof. Mohammad S. Obaidat
Results and Analysis We have performed the simulation in order to determine how much we can lower the energy consumption in the sensor network The obtained results of IMSD through simulation are compared with the simulated results of LEACH, SEP and MSD. The metrics used are: 1. No. of rounds of operations; a one round is specific time slice (or period) after which the algorithm selects new cluster heads for next round/period. So, we calculate the total number of rounds the network sustains with energy dissipation at each round. Average energy consumed, 3. No. of nodes alive, etc. Prof. Mohammad S. Obaidat

47 Performance Evaluation Results
In Figures 3 and 4, we see that a more efficient utilization of power makes the sensor network stay alive a longer period of time. We can also see that as soon as the sensor nodes in the network start to die, the whole network dies shortly. Figure 5, shows the average energy consumed for every 200 rounds of simulation. It also shows how IMSD average energy sustains for longest duration. Prof. Mohammad S. Obaidat

48 Performance Evaluation Results
Prof. Mohammad S. Obaidat

49 Performance Evaluation Results
Prof. Mohammad S. Obaidat

50 Performance Evaluation Results
Prof. Mohammad S. Obaidat

51 Prof. Mohammad S. Obaidat
Concluding Remarks In this paper, we have presented the improved MSD algorithm; having improved minimum separation distances between CHs. We have performed simulations in order to be able to determine how much we can lower the energy consumption in the sensor network by separating the CHs, i.e., by distributing the CHs through the whole network. We have shown that using improved minimum separation distance between CHs improves energy efficiency, and also the life-time of the network. Prof. Mohammad S. Obaidat

52 Prof. Mohammad S. Obaidat
Concluding Remarks By using IMSD algorithm between CHs we make the network live longer. The number of clusters used together with the IMSD affects the energy consumption. Future extensions of this work includes more thorough analysis in more scenarios with varying numbers of sensor nodes and network sizes, as well as evaluating alternative algorithms for cluster head selection. A comparison between the improved minimum separation distance algorithm and the other available algorithms will be considered in the future. Prof. Mohammad S. Obaidat

53 Prof. Mohammad S. Obaidat
Thank You Prof. Mohammad S. Obaidat


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