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V I SE P ROJECT R EPORT J ULY 2 ND, 2009 David Irwin, Michael Zink, Prashant Shenoy, Navin Sharma, Deepak Ganesan, Jim Kurose.

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Presentation on theme: "V I SE P ROJECT R EPORT J ULY 2 ND, 2009 David Irwin, Michael Zink, Prashant Shenoy, Navin Sharma, Deepak Ganesan, Jim Kurose."— Presentation transcript:

1 V I SE P ROJECT R EPORT J ULY 2 ND, 2009 David Irwin, Michael Zink, Prashant Shenoy, Navin Sharma, Deepak Ganesan, Jim Kurose

2 P ROGRESS : Y EAR 1 Official Milestones Assembly of 3 sensor nodes (completed) Field deployment of 3 sensor nodes (completed) Initial ORCA integration (completed) GEC4 demo (completed) Outreach collaboration with UPRM (ongoing) Orca Clearinghouse integration (ongoing) Sensor virtualization; non-slivered control of data (started) VLAN connection to the Internet2 (started) Actuator virtualization; single guest VM (started) Testbed available for use within cluster (started)

3 C HALLENGES : Y EAR 1 Getting up to speed on radar/sensor interfaces Upgrading nodes to support multiple users BBN hired away our domain expert! Simplifying radar/sensor control code Radar/sensor virtualization Problems controlling some devices in Xen and other virtualized domains (e.g., VMware) Switching to VServers temporarily to continue forward progress

4 P ROGRESS : O RCA I NTEGRATION Orca components developed Simple sensor resource handler Simple sensor slice controller Table-driven Clearinghouse allocation policy (Re)developed a “queuing” policy Setup (with DOME) Will host both DOME and ViSE Orca actor servers Will transition from using a local Clearinghouse to the one at RENCI when necessary

5 P ROGRESS : I NTERNET 2 Multiple meetings with UMass-Amherst OIT should have VLAN connection (over NEREN) to an Internet2 PoP in Boston (NOX) geni.cs will host both DOME and ViSE’s actor servers In the process of getting this done What happens to our traffic at NOX? Ilia introduced us to John Volbrecht at Internet2 Knows about DCN We will coordinate with him once we have the connection to the Internet2 PoP What is our end goal?

6 P LANS : E XPERIMENT E XAMPLES Sensor-centric experiments Comparing data fidelity from Furuno, Raymarine, MA1 Students in Puerto Rico looking at this Ground truth verification Long-term data collection: UMass Trace repository Long-distance wireless experiments Experiments looking at long-distance wireless bandwidth One REU and one UMass undergrad looking at this now Long-term vision Connect sensed data to cloud-based storage and processing Run complete experiments: sensing + storage + processing

7 P LANS : S PIRAL 2 Official Milestones December 1 st, 2009 Sensor slivering (multiple VMs over time) Integration of ViSE with clearinghouse January 1 st, 2010 Installation of rapidly-deployed node Installation of camera devices 3-day class at the U. Puerto Rico on virtualization and GENI. April 1 st, 2010 Virtualization of camera devices Integration of slivering into testbed Testbed allocation policy for sensors Experiment control framework from updated reference software October 1 st, 2010 Demo testbed resources shared among multiple experiments Make federated testbed available to outside GENI users Note: some Spiral 2 milestones accelerated to Spiral 1

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