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A New Interactive Serious Game ASFPM Foundation Board WebEx Training January 20, 2010 Presented by: Curtis Beitel, P.E., CFM Jacobs Engineering Group.

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Presentation on theme: "A New Interactive Serious Game ASFPM Foundation Board WebEx Training January 20, 2010 Presented by: Curtis Beitel, P.E., CFM Jacobs Engineering Group."— Presentation transcript:

1 A New Interactive Serious Game ASFPM Foundation Board WebEx Training January 20, 2010 Presented by: Curtis Beitel, P.E., CFM Jacobs Engineering Group

2 2 A New Interactive Serious Game Background  We must reduce our future losses and become better stewards of our floodplains  The Foundation has long supported reducing future risks: conceived NAI 8 years ago  Recommendations from 2050 Forum:  Make room for rivers and adjacent lands  Reverse perverse incentives in government programs  Restore and enhance natural and beneficial functions  Generate a renaissance in water resources governance  Better communicate flood risk  Assume personal and public responsibility

3 3 A New Interactive Serious Game Background  Recurring theme of “communicate the risk”  Most outreach uses traditional static techniques  Brochures, FIRM maps, videos  Need a tool to help folks experience the risk  “Flood risk is economic risk”  Game – strategy to win is good floodplain management principles  Group discussion exercise  Projected board, trained facilitator

4 4 A New Interactive Serious Game Desired Outcomes  Teach sound floodplain management practices  Relative risk of floodplains  Benefits of  Flood insurance  Mitigation  Higher Standards  Residential substantial damage  Hazard Mitigation Grant Program  Cost effective, engaging, non-threatening catalyst  Informed decision-making  Broad adoption, distribution, and use

5 5 A New Interactive Serious Game Development Team  Curtis Beitel, PE, CFM  FloodManager Committee Chair  Jeff Stone, GISP  ASFPM Project Manager  Kam Star  PlayGen Project Manager  Dale Lehman, PE, CFM  ASFPM Foundation Board  Wallace Wilson, PE, CFM  ASFPM Foundation Board

6 6 A New Interactive Serious Game Development Timeline  ASFPM – Reno, 5/18 – 5/23/08  RFP released 10/31/08  Received 4 bids - 12/19/08  Selected PlayGen  Contract awarded - 3/20/09  Interface Design - 4/30/09  Initial Alpha Version - 5/25/09  Beta Testing – July-August  Version 1.0 – September 2009

7 7 A New Interactive Serious Game Overview  Town on the banks of a river  Existing structure inventory  Annual revenue  Property taxes (residential and commercial)  Sales taxes (commercial only)  Commercial requires new customers  Damaged by floods each year  Depth-damage curves  Reduced revenue simulates town’s flood recovery process

8 8 A New Interactive Serious Game Initial Town Layout

9 9 A New Interactive Serious Game Build Menu

10 10 A New Interactive Serious Game Storm Animation

11 11 A New Interactive Serious Game News Flash

12 12 A New Interactive Serious Game End of Year Summary

13 13 A New Interactive Serious Game Residential Structure Inventory  Array of (R floodplains, N lots, Y years)  20%, 10%, 4%, 2%, 1%, 0.5% chance events  For each structure  Purchase Value = lot + mitigation + structure  Z(R,N) = LE(R) + LS + ME(R,N)  Mitigation ME(R,N) = + __ feet @ 4% SV per foot  Cumulative damages

14 14 A New Interactive Serious Game Commercial Structure Inventory  For each structure  Purchase Value = lot + mitigation + structure  Z(R,N) = LE(R) + LS  Mitigation = floodproofing Size Number of LotsNew Customers Small15 Medium225 Large450 Mega8100

15 15 A New Interactive Serious Game Flood Insurance  Boolean variable I(R,N) = 0 or 1  FC(R,N) = 0.5 * I(R,N) * DA(R,N)  DA(R,N) = DA(R,N) – FC(R,N)  Each year, Multiply I(R,N) * Premium IP(R,N)  IP(R,N) = (0.006 + 0.02 * (BFE – Z(R,N))) * I(R,N) * PV(R,N)  Typical town = underinsured  Start with only 20% of properties w/ I(R,N)=1  Conduct outreach campaigns every 2 years  Change I(R,N) to 1 for NN structures  Diminishing returns, NNX = NN - NO

16 16 A New Interactive Serious Game Increased Local Standards  Option available once every 10 years  Requires +1 foot at 3% SV per foot  Instead of  4% SV per foot for new property  8% SV per foot to elevate existing  Automatic for every structure added from that point on  Residential and Commercial

17 17 A New Interactive Serious Game Damage Calculations  Based on depth of inundation  Depth of flooding, D(R,N) = F – Z(R,N)  Percent damage, PD from depth-damage curve  Damage, DA(R,N) = PD * PV(R,N)  Flood Claim, FC(R,N) = 0.5 * I(R,N) * DA(R,N)  DA(R,N) = DA(R,N) – FC(R,N)

18 18 A New Interactive Serious Game Damage Calculations  Residential = USACE Generic for 1-Story, no basement  Commercial = Convenience Store (Default)

19 19 A New Interactive Serious Game Residential Substantial Damage  Track Cumulative Damages  DAC(R,N,Y) = DAC(R,N,Y-1) + DA(R,N)  Once DAC(R,N,Y) > 50% PV(R,N)  Set a flag – must buy out next year  Buy out property  BON(Y) = BON(Y) + 1  BOPV(Y) = BOPV(Y) + PV(R,N)  Developed Lots, LD(R) = LD(R) - 1  Available Lots, LA(R) = LA(R) + 1  PV(R,N) = 0

20 20 A New Interactive Serious Game HMGP Grant Opportunity  If flood is 4%-chance or greater  Assume a Presidential Declaration  Set aside 15% of total damages for HMGP  Player must decide to apply for grant  Next year only  Once revenue is available again  Buyout structures with 25% local match  Up to 75% federal match  PV=0, but lot is still developed

21 21 A New Interactive Serious Game

22 22 A New Interactive Serious Game Potential Uses  Workshop exercise for  Planning & Zoning committees  Economic Development Councils  Future Teacher’s Guide & lesson plan  High school science classes  University hazard mitigation classes  Hazard Mitigation Planning Committees  Icebreaker exercise

23 23 A New Interactive Serious Game Future Enhancements  Coastal scenario  Levee scenario  Arid area scenario  Multi-player competitions  Avatar to explain the game  3-D visualization

24 24 A New Interactive Serious Game Outreach Strategy  Role of ASFPM Foundation  Teach “Experience a Town At Risk” at conferences  Role of ASFPM Chapters  Host “Experience a Town At Risk” at conferences  Maintain a list of trained volunteer facilitators  Willing to conduct 1 session per year in state  Role of Floodplain Managers  Request a trained facilitator  Organize and invite local decision makers

25 25 A New Interactive Serious Game Users Manual  Explains each option  Provides web links to real world information  Discussion questions  Facilitators guide

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