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ECSE 604: Early Literacy and Augmentative Communication, Summer 2015 Day 2: Part 2.

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Presentation on theme: "ECSE 604: Early Literacy and Augmentative Communication, Summer 2015 Day 2: Part 2."— Presentation transcript:

1 ECSE 604: Early Literacy and Augmentative Communication, Summer 2015 Day 2: Part 2

2  Assistive Technology  Any item, (piece of equipment or software) that is used to increase, maintain, or improve the capabilities of individuals with disabilities.  Alternative and Augmentative Communication  “A set of procedures and processes by which an individual’s communication skills can be maximized for functional and effective communication.” 6/10/15Heather Coleman2

3  Key Federal Policies  Americans with Disabilities Act  No Child Left Behind  Individuals with Disability Education Improvement Act (IDEA)  Individualized Education Plan (IEP)  Individualized Family Service Plan (IFSP) 6/10/15Heather Coleman3

4  Civil rights law  Obligation to provide AT devices  Title II: requires public entities to provide “auxiliary aids and services”  Qualified interpreters  Qualified readers  Modification of equipment or devices  Other similar services  Physical barriers removed 6/10/15Heather Coleman4

5  ALL children have a fair opportunity for “high-quality education”  Achieve “proficiency” on state assessments.  Provide the standard curriculum to students with disabilities.  With AT more students with disabilities have access to the standard curriculum and testing.  States’ decision to determine what accommodations are allowed. 6/10/15Heather Coleman5

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7  Each IEP team must consider the need for AT  AT can be included in IEP for three reasons: 1. Student’s special education services, 2. Related service, 3. Supplementary aid or service to allow the child to be educated in the LRE.  AT provided in the classrooms AND “in other educationally-related settings.” 6/10/15Heather Coleman7

8  National Instructional Materials Accessibility Center (NIMAC)  Universal Design 6/10/15Heather Coleman8

9  Laws  Where is it found?  AT Examples 6/10/15Heather Coleman9

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13  Factors for IEP Team Considerations  Present Level of Academic and Functional Performance  Accommodations  Goals  Services 6/10/15Heather Coleman13

14 IEP 6/10/15Heather Coleman14

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21  Collaborate on the Google-Doc:  IEP AT Examples  Create an IFSP Example 6/10/15Heather Coleman21

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