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 QaXE QaXE  “Each mind is beautiful. Strength has many forms and we are.

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2  QaXE QaXE  “Each mind is beautiful. Strength has many forms and we are all able”

3  Preamble – “The National Education Association believes that the education profession consists of one education workforce serving the needs of all students…”  Principle I – Commitment to the Student  Principle II – Commitment to the Profession

4  1. Free, Appropriate Public Education (FAPE)  2. Appropriate Evaluation  3. Individualized Education Program (IEP)  4. Least Restrictive Environment (LRE)  5. Parent and Student Participation in Decision Making  6. Procedural Safeguards

5  We know the following about LRE:  General education is the starting point for all students  Students are to receive services in the general education setting to maximum extent appropriate  Page F of the IEP documents LRE considerations and decisions  What successes have you had in implementing the LRE mandate?

6 1. Behavior/mental health_______ 2. Bullying______ 3. Communication with school personnel_____ 4. Disagree with IEP______ 5. Identification for special education______ 6. Identification for Section 504______ 7. IEP not being followed______ 8. Information only______ 9. Secondary transition______

7 1. Academic_______ 2. ADD/ADHD______ 3. Autism Spectrum Disorder______ 4. Behavior______ 5. Mental Health______ 6. Physical_______ 7. Sensory Impairments ______

8 1. Establish rapport 2. Identify teaching styles and use them to create a cohesive classroom 3. Discuss strengths and weaknesses 4. Discuss IEP and general education goals 5. Formulate a plan and act as an unified team 6. Take risks and enjoy Article by Natalie Marston at NEA web site co-teaching.html

9  Accommodations change the “how.”  Modifications change the “what.”  What accommodations have you seen used effectively in instruction? In assessment?  Accommodations are meant to “level the playing field.” Can accommodations go too far? Examples?

10  Iowa has been notified by the federal Office of Special Education Programs that it is designated as “Needs Assistance.”  The data related to achievement gap varies from school to school and district to district.  What are barriers to closing the gap?  What are solutions?

11  Iowa IEP Goals are graphed  Factors to consider  Instructional procedures  Materials  Arrangements  Time  Motivational strategies

12  technology-enabling-dreams-video technology-enabling-dreams-video  “The loss of his horn was a blessing.”  “Necessity is the mother of invention.” Plato (427 BC – 347 BC)

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