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Zeus (King of Gods).  Zeus is known as the king of gods. Or The father of the gods.  He is from Greek mythology.

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Presentation on theme: "Zeus (King of Gods).  Zeus is known as the king of gods. Or The father of the gods.  He is from Greek mythology."— Presentation transcript:

1 Zeus (King of Gods)

2  Zeus is known as the king of gods. Or The father of the gods.  He is from Greek mythology.

3  Zeus is the son of Cronos the god of all the titans and Rhea was the goddess of the earth.  As Cronos’s children were born he began to eat them. He feared that one of his children would overthrow him like he did to his father. He swallowed his first five children Poseidon, Hades, Hera, Demeter and Hestia Zeus was the youngest child.  This made Rhea furious so when Zeus was born she gave Cronos a bag of rocks in place of Zeus so Zeus would survive.  Zeus is the most powerful god. But even though he was the most powerful god he was not immune to being trick and deceived by other gods.  He was also subject to love, grief, pleasure, pain and anger.

4  Zeus is married to Hera which is his sister.  she is cruel and revengeful to Zeus’s mistresses and lovers since he had many affairs.  Zeus also has a lot of children he is known for have affairs with a lot of goddesses hence the name Father of the Gods.

5  Zeus is armed with the power of lighting and thunder.  He can shoot lighting bolts down onto whomever he wishes for whatever reason he wants.  Then the shaking of his aegis produces the tempest and storm.  Also when Zeus had grown up he went back to his father’s domain with the help of Gaia and tricked Cronos into spitting up Zeus’s brothers and sisters.

6  And after Cronos spit Zeus’s brothers and sisters out he led a revolt against the titans and won.  After that the three kingdoms were split. Poseidon getting the sea. Hades getting the underworld. And Zeus gaining the heavens.  Zeus had to defend his kingdom from the three offspring's of Gaia. Who were Typhon, Gigantes, and the twins Aloadae.

7  Zeus has had no downfall.  But Zeus had often made other people fall. Like when he revolted against his own father and won.  Also he defeated the three offspring of Gaia when defending his heavenly kingdom which were Typhon, Gigantes, and the twins Aloadae.

8  Today Zeus is usually depicted as a middle aged bearded man with a youthful figure.  Also Zeus is in the movie Percy Jackson and the Lighting Thief.  He is also in the Odyssey, Young Zeus, Zeus, And the Justice of Zeus. These are all books.


10  Zeus with Eagle and Lighting. C5th B.C. The Louvre, Paris. 2011. Web. 21 Mar. 2012..  The Bust of Zeus. 1800. Nouvelle Mythologie Illustrée, Paris. Web. 20 Mar. 2012..  Atsma, Aaron. "Zeus." Zeus Greek King of gods. Theoi Project Copyright, 2011. Web. 21 Mar 2012.. . "Information about the greek god zeus." Zeus publications. Zeus Publications, 2002. Web. 21 Mar 2012..  Zeus. Undadted. 2012. Web. 21 Mar. 2012..

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