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Name that President Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Final Jeopardy.

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Presentation on theme: "Name that President Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Final Jeopardy."— Presentation transcript:


2 Name that President Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Final Jeopardy

3 $100 Question from Policy Who was the 1 st female Supreme Court Justice?

4 $100 Answer from Policy Sandra Day O’Connor

5 $200 Question from Policy Which countries did the U.S. invade And or attack during the 1980’s?

6 $200 Answer from Policy Panama, Grenada, & Lebanon

7 $300 Question from Policy Who was the leader of Russia that helped bring an end to communism & the cold war?

8 $300 Answer from Policy Mikhail Gorbachev

9 $400 Question from Policy What was the Iran Contra Affair?

10 $400 Answer from Policy The sale of weapons to Iran in exchange for hostages, then giving money to the Contras

11 $500 Question from Policy Which president served only one term?

12 $500 Answer from Policy George H.W. Bush (senior)

13 $100 question from miscellaneous If Reagan lowered taxes and cut government spending on social problems how did the U.S. get into so much federal debt during the 1980's?

14 $100 Answer from miscellaneous The U.S spent lots of money on military defense during the decade

15 $200 question from miscellaneous Which president declared a war on terrorism?

16 $200 Answer from miscellaneous George W. Bush (junior)

17 $300 Question from miscellaneous What was it called when Reagan cut the rules and regulations that government agencies placed on businesses?

18 $300 Answer from miscellaneous Deregulation

19 $400 Question from miscellaneous What does glasnost mean?

20 $400 Answer from miscellaneous Opening Soviet society to new ideas

21 $500 Question from miscellaneous Who did Reagan and Bush defeat the 1984 presidential election?

22 $500 Answer from miscellaneous Walter Mondale & Geraldine Ferraro

23 $100 Question from which president? What country did Reagan refer to as the "evil empire"?

24 $100 Answer from which president? The Soviet Union

25 $200 Question from which president? What was the main reason President George H.W. Bush lost the election of 1992?

26 $200 Answer from which president? He suffered the effects of a bad economy

27 $300 Question from which president? Who was the 3rd party candidate that received almost 20% of the vote in the 1992 election?

28 $300 answer for which president? Ross Perot

29 $400 Question from which president? What was Clinton's big economic goal when he got elected in 1992?

30 $400 Answer from the economy He wanted to balance the Federal budget

31 $500 Question from which president? Who wins a sweeping victory during the Congressional elections of 1996 by offering a new Contract with America, with a promise to return to American values?

32 $500 Answer from which president? Republicans

33 $100 Question from this & that!! Which scandals was Clinton involved with?

34 $100 Answer from this & that!! Illegal loans to real estate companies & an extramarital affair

35 $200 Question from this & that!! Why were farmers & factory workers upset with the passage of NAFTA?

36 $200 answers from this & that!! They felt it would cost Americans jobs

37 $300 Question from this & that!! Which president passed the No Child Left Behind Act?

38 $300 Answer from this & that!! George W. Bush

39 $400 Question from this & that!! Which president was able to get Israel & the PLO to sign a peace treaty?

40 $400 Answer from this & that!! Bill Clinton

41 $500 Question from this & that!! Which president spent 1.5 trillion dollars in five years on the U.S. military?

42 $500 Answer from this & that!! Ronald Reagan

43 $100 Question from odds & ends This president received less popular votes than his opponent but still won his election

44 $100 Answer from odds & ends George W. Bush (junior)

45 $200 Question from odds & ends Which president was in office when the Soviet Union was dismantled?

46 $200 Answer from odds & ends George H.W. Bush (Senior)

47 $300 Question from odds & ends What was the name of the treaty that the U.S. & USSR agree to which for the first time ever, destroyed nuclear weapons in both countries?

48 $300 Answer from odds & ends Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty START

49 $400 Question from odds & ends Which president authorized the arrest of Manuel Noriega, the leader of Panama, for illegal drug trafficking?

50 $400 Answer from odds & ends George H.W. Bush

51 $500 Question from odds & ends What symbol of communism oppression was destroyed in 1989?

52 $500 Answer from odds & ends The Berlin Wall

53 Final Jeopardy Which president (s) were republicans

54 Final Jeopardy Answer

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