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Published byAlisha Waters Modified over 9 years ago
Presented by F1 潘恆之 Commented by Dr.薛綏 2011/12/28
Pathology Conference Presented by F1 潘恆之 Commented by Dr.薛綏 2011/12/28
General Data Age: 32-year-old Gender: Female Ethnic: Taiwanese
Marital status: Married Occupation: Service industry Admission date: 2011/12/03
Chief Complaint Progressive bilateral lower legs swelling for 1 month
Present Illness This 32-year-old woman has history of diabetes mellitus and dyslipidemia. She had experienced progressive bilateral legs swelling in recent one month. She denied fever, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, chest tightness, chest pain, exertional dyspnea, orthopnea, easy fatigue, foamy urine, diarrhea, or dysuria recently.
Present Illness Due to above symptoms, she visited our Nephro OPD, where the urinalysis revealed heavy proteinuria. Under the impression of nephrotic syndrome, she was admitted for evaluation via kidney biopsy and further management.
Past history 1. Type 1 diabetes mellitus, diagnosed at the age of 25 years, under insulin control, HbA1c 15.1(2011/11/10) 2. Dyslipidemia
Personal History No known allergy to drug or food
She denies smoking, alcohol, or betel nut chewing.
Medication History 2011/11/18 Endocrine OPD 2011/11/18 Nephro OPD
Novomix U QD 2011/11/18 Nephro OPD Furosemide (40mg) # QD Atorvastatin (10mg) # QD 2011/12/02 Nephro OPD Bumetanide (1mg) # BID Losartan pottasium (50mg)----1# QD
Family history Mother: diabetes mellitus
Brother: type 1 diabetes mellitus
Physical Examination Vital signs: BT:36.2/℃ HR:95/min RR:16/min BP:109/73mmHg General appearance: fair looking Consciousness: alert and oriented, E4V5M6 HEENT: conjunctiva: not pale, sclera: anicteric Chest: symmetrical expansion, bilateral clear breathing sounds. Heart: regular heart beats, no murmurs. Abdomen: soft and flat normal bowel sounds, no local tenderness Extremity: freely movable, bilateral lower legs pitting edema
Laboratory Findings Hemogram unit 12/05 12/23 WBC /uL 10000 RBC
million/uL 3.15 Hemoglobin g/dL 8.8 9.7 Hematocrit % 26.7 29.4 MCV fL 84.8 MCH pg/cell 27.9 MCHC 33.0 RDW 14.8 Platelets 1000/uL 290 PT sec 10.0/10.5 INR 1.0 aPTT 27.2/28.5
Biochemistry 11/10(OPD) 11/18(OPD) 12/02 12/23 BUN 23.5 22.1 Cr 0.44 0.39 0.53 0.62 AST ALT 8 15 14 Sugar (AC) 166 412 HbA1C 15.1 11.7 Na 138 K 4.0 4.7 Cortisol 5.2 TSH 1.144 Albumin 3.12 3.00 Uric acid 5.5 Total cholesterol 264 235 Triglyceride 61 93 LDL 163 140 HDL 87
Urinalysis 11/08 12/06 12/23 Color Yellow Turbidity Cloudy Clear Sp. Gravity 1.027 1.011 1.024 pH 5.5 6.0 6.5 Leukocyte 2+ Negative Nitrite 1+ Protein 3+(300) 2+(100) Glucose 3+(1000) Ketone Urobilinogen 1.0 0.1 Bilirubin Blood 3+ Bacteria Positive RBC 28 99 WBC 4 3 Epi. 26 29 11/18 T-protein(U) 348.4 mg/dL Creatinine(U) mg/dL Serology 12/02 IgA 304 IgE 41.50 C3 121.0 C4 32.10 ANA Negative HBs Ag Nonreactive Anti-HCV
2011/12/ Kidneys echo
2011/12/06 Kidneys echo Left / Right : 12.7cm / 12.2cm
The both kidneys are large in size with regular contour. The cortical echogenicity is increased with adequate thickness. The pelvicalyceal systems are not dilated. There is a cystic lesion (2.1 x 1.9 cm) with round hyperechoic nodule over the low pole of left kidney. No renal stone is noted. Impression: Left renal cystic lesion, suspect hematoma due to biopsy
2011/12/05 Kidney Biopsy Kidney, left, needle biopsy
---- Diabetic nodular glomerulosclerosis H & E sections show 9 glomeruli. 2 are obesolete. 2 have Kimmelstiel-Wilson type nodules and glomerulosclerosis. Others also have mild to moderate slcerosis. The tubules have mild atrophy and protein casts. The interstitium shows mild fibrosis and minimal chronic inflammation. The arterioles have mild atherosclerosis.
The Immunofluorescence sections show 9 glomeruli with irregular staining of IgA & C3 (1+). The efferent arteroles have focal staining of C3(2+)
Urinalysis 12/06 Color Yellow Turbidity Clear Sp. Gravity 1.011 pH 6.0 Leukocyte Negative Nitrite Protein 2+(100) Glucose 3+(1000) Ketone Urobilinogen 0.1 Blood 2+ Bacteria Positive RBC 28 WBC 3 Epi. Pregnancy test
2011/12/05 Kidney Biopsy Immunohistochemical study (IHC2011- 4552):
Result: The renal tubules are 3+ with β-HCG , αFP(polyclonal) is negative. *
Diagnosis Diabetes mellitus, type 1, complicated with diabetic nephropathy Pregnancy Normocytic anemia * 出院後7/15 又recurrent bilateral lower legs edema 又住桃園5天 albumin + diuretics (7/15-7/20)
12/23 Creatinine(U) mg/dL Alb/Cre ratio mg/g MicroALB(U) mg/L 12/23 AFP 1.3 B-HCG 4760
General Data Age: 34-year-old Gender: Female Ethnic: Taiwanese
Marital status: Single Occupation: Electronics industry Admission date: 2011/03/28
Chief Complaint Progressive generalized swelling for 10 days
Present Illness This 34-year-old denied any systemic diseases such as diabetes mellitus or hypertension. She experienced progressive generalized swelling for 10 days. The swelling initially developed from lower legs then gradually progressed to the face. Decreased urine amount and body weight gain of 5 Kg in recent 3 months were also mentioned. Besides, she had suffered from foamy urine since 2009/11.
She denied fever, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, chest tightness, abdominal pain, exertional dyspnea, orthopnea, easy fatigue, diarrhea, or dysuria. She denied HBV/HCV infection, upper respiratory infection nor any medication use such as NSAID, steroid or antibiotics before this episode. She ever went to General medicine OPD where diuretic was prescribed. However, the swelling still persisted so she came to ER for help.
Past history Denied diabetes mellitus, hypertension or other systemic diseases history
Personal History Allergy to an unknown pain-killer
She denied smoking, alcohol, or betel nut chewing.
Medication History 2010/03/23 General medicine OPD
Amiloride 5mg # QD + Hydrochlorothiazide 50mg
Family history No family history of diabetes mellitus, hypertension, malignancy, chronic kidney disease or other systemic diseases.
Physical Examination BH: 158cm BW: 126kg BMI: 50.4
Vital signs: BT:36.6/℃ HR:97/min RR:20/min BP:157/101mmHg General appearance: fair looking Consciousness: alert and oriented, E4V5M6 HEENT: conjunctiva: not pale, sclera: anicteric Chest: symmetrical expansion, bilateral clear breathing sounds. Heart: regular heart beats, no murmurs.
Abdomen: soft and flat normal bowel sounds,
no local tenderness Back: No knocking pain over bilateral flank area Extremity: freely movable, bilateral lower legs grade I pitting edema Skin: no rash, no petechiae nor ecchymosis fair skin turgor
Laboratory Findings Hemogram unit 03/25 03/27 03/31 04/16 WBC /uL
23600 RBC million/uL 5.93 Hemoglobin g/dL 17.4 14.0 15.7 Hematocrit % 50.2 41.5 48.4 MCV fL 84.7 MCH pg/cell 29.3 RDW 12.5 Platelets 1000/uL 349 Segment 85 Lymphocyte 11 Monocyte 3 Eosinophil 1 PT sec 10.2 INR 0.9 APTT 29.5
Biochemistry 03/23(OPD) 03/25 03/27 BUN 9.8 Creatinine 0.63 0.90 ALT 19 12 Bilirubin (T) 0.2 Alk-P 50 Na/K/Cl 131/4.2/102 Ca 7.6 CO2 24.1 Albumin 2.27 2.11 Total protein 5.4 Sugar 114 Uric acid 8.8 10.6 Free-T4 0.97 TSH 3.409 Cortisol 2.0 Total cholesterol 456 Triglyceride 322 03/31 T-protein(U) mg/dL Creatinine(U) 67.74 mg/dL 24hr U/O 2900 ml 24hr TP(U) 33.2 g 24hr Ccr 151.6 ml/min
Urinalysis 03/23 03/25 03/30 Color Yellow Turbidity Cloudy Clear Sp. Gravity 1.023 1.037 1.025 pH 5.5 7.0 Leukocyte Negative Trace(15) Nitrite Protein 4+(1000) Glucose Ketone Blood 2+(80) 1+(25) Hyaline Cast 4 Granular Cast 3 Bacteria Positive RBC 16 8 20 WBC 22 10 1 Epi. 32 21 Serology 03/27 RPR Negative ASLO 65.40 HBsAg IgG 552 IgA 237 IgM 175 IgE 1090 C3 215 C4 42.2 ANA 1:40(Nucleolar) HBs Ag Nonreactive Anti-HCV
2010/03/27 CXR
2010/03/27 KUB
2010/03/26 Kidneys echo
2010/03/26 Kidneys echo Bilateral pelviectasis Left large kidney
Left / Right : 12.5 cm / 11.4 cm The left kidney is large in size and the right kidney is normal in size and both kidneys have slightly irregular outline. The cortical echogenicity and thickness are normal. There is mild separation in the central sinus of both kidneys. No evidence of renal stone, mass, or cyst exists. Impression: Bilateral pelviectasis Left large kidney Parenchymal renal disease
2010/03/30 Kidney Biopsy Kidney, needle biopsy
---- Pauci-immune glomerulonephritis ---- Focal interstitial nephritis H & E sections show 9 glomeruli. 4 of them have mild hyperplasia with capsular adhesions and 1 has a small cecllular cresent. Fibrosis of bowman’s capsule is also seen focally. The changes suggest “cellular variant” of FSGS. The interstitium has focal fibrosis with moderate chronic inflammation and some eosinophils. The tubules have focal atrophy in sclerotic area. The arteries are unremarkable.
The Immunofluorescence sections have 3 glomeruli with irregular 1+ IgM
Electron microscopic study (EM ) : 1 glomerulus on electron microscopic study shows moderate sclerosis with fusion of foot processes. No immune deposits are seen.
Diagnosis Nephrotic syndrome due to focal segmental glomerulosclerosis
Hypertension Obesity * 出院後7/15 又recurrent bilateral lower legs edema 又住桃園5天 albumin + diuretics (7/15-7/20)
General Data Age: 25-year-old Gender: Male Ethnic: Taiwanese
Occupation: Office clerk Admission date: 2011/11/08
Chief Complaint Progressive headache for one week.
Present illness This 25 years old man with history of hypertension and IgA nephropathy was admitted via ED due to headache with nausea and vomiting for a week. He experienced progressive headache since one week before admission. The discomfort was getting severe at night and always was relieved by anti-hypertensives. Abdominal discomfort with heartburn sensation, nausea, vomited with foot content after getting meal for several hours were also mentioned.
He denied vertigo, aura before headache, eye pain, nasal discharge, facial pain, dysphagia, bowel habit change, tarry stool, oliguria, urine output decrease or lower legs swelling. Unfortuantely, fever, chills, dysuria, weak stream and void difficulty developed since 3 days before admission Due to above, he came to our ER for help.
Past History IgA nephropathy Haas Class 4, diagnosed for 5 years
Chronic kidney disease Secondary hypertension under medical control for 4 years, SBP around 120~130mmHg at home Hyzaar (Losartan 100mg + HCTZ 12.5mg)
Personal History No known allergy to drug or food
Smoking: 0.5PPD~1PPD, quit for 5 years Alcohol: social drinking, quit for 5 years Betel nut chewing: denied No recent travel history No contact history
Medication History 2011/10/24 Nephro OPD 2011/10/31 Nephro OPD
Cyclosporin (25mg) # QD Propranolol (10mg) # TID Co-Diovan (Valsartan 160mg # QD + HCTZ 12.5mg ) A. M. D # QID Dimethicone (36.7mg) # QID 2011/10/31 Nephro OPD Kept above medication and added on : Labetalol (200mg) # BID Metoclopramide (5mg) # TID
Family history Grandmother: stroke, hypertension
No family history of diabetes mellitus, malignancy, chronic kidney disease or other systemic diseases.
Physical Examination Vital signs: BT:37.7/℃ HR:105/min RR:20/min BP:162/104 mmHg General appearance: acute-ill looking Consciousness: alert, E4V5M6 HEENT: conjunctiva: not pale, sclera:anicteric Neck: supple, no jugular vein engorgement, no lymphadenopathy Chest: symmetrical expansion, bilateral clear breathing sounds. Heart: regular heart beats, no murmurs. No abdominal tenderness
Physical Examination Abdomen: soft and flat, epigastria tenderness
normoactive bowel sounds Back: no knocking pain over bilateral flank area Extremity: freely movable, no pitting edema Skin: no skin rash, no petechiae nor ecchymosis Neurologic exam: no Kernig's nor Brudzinski's sign
Laboratory Findings Hemogram unit 10/31 11/05 11/17 11/21 WBC /uL 6700
6100 5700 RBC million/uL 3.86 3.52 3.31 Hemoglobin g/dL 11.8 11.4 10.1 9.4 Hematocrit % 35.4 32.5 29.0 27.5 MCV fL 84.1 82.4 83.1 MCH pg/cell 29.5 28.7 28.4 RDW 13.7 13.1 13.5 Platelets 1000/uL 101 146 127 Segment 87.5 58.0 57.6 Lymphocyte 7.1 33.9 32.6 Monocyte 4.8 6.1 7.3 Eosinophil 0.6 1.8 2.3 PT sec 11.3 INR 1.1 APTT 30.4 28.9
Biochemistry 10/31 11/05 11/17 11/21 BUN 109.8 102.8 75.4 85.7 Cr 6.80 6.99 6.64 7.15 AST ALT 19 Bilirubin 0.2 Alk-P 59 Na 138 140 K 4.4 4.9 4.7 Ca 8.5 8.1 P 7.4 CO2 19.8 17.8 CRP 9.47 1.44 1.01 Albumin 4.11 Troponin I 0.012 Sugar 153
Urinalysis 10/31 11/05 11/18 Color Yellow Turbidity Clear Sp. Gravity 1.010 1.009 pH 5.5 6.0 Leukocyte Negative Nitrite Protein 2+(100) 3+(300) Glucose Trace Ketone Urobilinogen 0.1 Bilirubin Blood 2+ 3+ RBC 12 127 23 WBC 1 2 Epi. 11/10 T-protein(U) 101.1 mg/dL Creatinine(U) 38.89 mg/dL 24hr U/O 1800 ml 24hr TP(U) 1.819 g 24hr Ccr 7.61 ml/min Serology 10/31 IgA 420 C4 19.10 ANA Negative
2011/11/05 CXR
2011/10/31 Kidneys Echo Left / Right Kidney Length: 10.3cm / 10.3cm The both kidneys are normal in size with mildly irregular contour. The cortical echogenicity is increased with adequate thickness.
2011/10/31 Kidney Echo The pelvicalyceal systems are not dilated. There is an echo-free lesion (0.4cm) with posterior wall enhancement over the middle portion of right kidney. No renal mass, or stone is noted. Impression: 1.Right renal cyst 2.Parenchymal renal disease with chronic change
2011/11/ Brain CT
2011/11/14 Panendoscopy
2011/11/18 Kidney Biopsy Kidney, needle biopsy
---- IgA nephropathy, class V ---- tubulointerstitial nephritis H & E sections showe 11 glomeruli. Two of them are obsolete. Others have hyperplasia and severe diffuse sclerosis. Two have focal fibrous crescent. The tubules show severe atrophy and have protein casts and focal RBC casts. The interstitium have severe chronic inflammation and severe fibrosis. The arterioles have mild to moderate atherosclerosis.
2011/11/18 Kidney Biopsy The immunoflurorescence section shows 5 glomeruli with severe slcerosis and staining of IgA (3-4+), IgM(1+) and C3(3+) in mesangial and focal loop pattern. Focal tubules have C3 (2+)
Diagnosis Immunoglobumin A nephropathy, class V
Tubulointerstitial nephritis Chronic kidney disease, stage V, Immunoglobumin A nephropathy related Normocytic anemia, suspect chronic kidney disease related Hypertension, suspect chronic kidney disease related Upper respiratory airway infection Gastrointerstinal bleeding, favor hemorrhagic gastritis over cardia related
General Data Age: 43-year-old Gender: Male Ethnic: Taiwanese
Marital status: Married Occupation: Restaurant business BH:166.6cm, BW:85kg, BMI:30.6 Admission date: 2011/11/03
Chief Complaint Progressive bilateral lower legs swelling for 1+ year
Present Illness This 43 year-old male has history of hypertension, diabetic mellitus, chronic kidney disease, and coronary artery disease. He had experienced bilateral lower limb swelling and numbness for 1+ year. Mild exertional dyspnea recently was also mentioned. He denied chest pain, dizziness, fever, dysuria, nausea, vomiting, orthopnea, easy fatigue, bowel habit change, tarry stool or bloody stool. Due to the persisting bilateral lower limb swelling, he was admitted for further survey.
Past history Hypertension for 10+ yrs, under medical control
Diabetes mellitus for 10+ yrs, complicated with triopathy, under medical control Vitreous hemorrhage Anteroseptal myocardial infarction in 2011/10
Personal History No known allergy to drug or food Alcohol : denied
Smoking : 2 PPD for 20+ yrs Betel nut: occasionally
Medication History 2011/09/26 Ophthalmologist OPD
Ketorolac oph. solution 0.5% GT BID Tears(artificial) 15ml/bot GT QID 2011/10/07 Nephrologist OPD Aliskiren 150mg/F.C # QD Bumetanide 1mg/tab # QD Benzyl hydrochlorothiazide 4mg/tab -- 1# BID Acarbose 50mg/tab # BID Pentoxifylline S.R 400mg/s.c tab # QD
Family history Mother: hypertension Father: unknown systemic disease
Physical Examination Vital signs: BT:36.5/℃ HR:90/min RR:18/min BP:186/120mmHg General appearance: fair looking Consciousness: alert and oriented, E4V5M6 HEENT: conjunctiva: not pale, sclera: anicteric Chest: symmetrical expansion, bilateral clear breathing sounds. Heart: regular heart beats, no murmurs. Abdomen: soft and flat normal bowel sounds, no local tenderness Extremity: freely movable, bilateral lower legs grade I pitting edema
Laboratory Findings Hemogram unit 10/31 11/05 11/17 11/21 WBC /uL 6700
6100 5700 RBC million/uL 3.86 3.52 3.31 Hemoglobin g/dL 11.8 11.4 10.1 9.4 Hematocrit % 35.4 32.5 29.0 27.5 MCV fL 84.1 82.4 83.1 MCH pg/cell 29.5 28.7 28.4 RDW 13.7 13.1 13.5 Platelets 1000/uL 101 146 127 Segment 87.5 58.0 57.6 Lymphocyte 7.1 33.9 32.6 Monocyte 4.8 6.1 7.3 Eosinophil 0.6 1.8 2.3 PT sec 11.3 INR 1.1 APTT 30.4 28.9
Biochemistry 10/31 11/05 11/17 11/21 BUN 109.8 102.8 75.4 85.7 Cr 6.80 6.99 6.64 7.15 AST ALT 19 Bilirubin 0.2 Alk-P 59 Na 138 140 K 4.4 4.9 4.7 Ca 8.5 8.1 P 7.4 CO2 19.8 17.8 CRP 9.47 1.44 1.01 Albumin 4.11 Troponin I 0.012 Sugar 153
Urinalysis 10/31 11/05 11/18 Color Yellow Turbidity Clear Sp. Gravity 1.010 1.009 pH 5.5 6.0 Leukocyte Negative Nitrite Protein 2+(100) 3+(300) Glucose Trace Ketone Urobilinogen 0.1 Bilirubin Blood 2+ 3+ RBC 12 127 23 WBC 1 2 Epi. 11/10 T-protein(U) 101.1 mg/dL Creatinine(U) 38.89 mg/dL 24hr U/O 1800 ml 24hr TP(U) 1.819 g 24hr Ccr 7.61 ml/min Serology 12/02 IgA 420 C4 19.10 ANA Negative
2011/11/04 CXR
2011/11/04 Kidneys echo Parenchymal renal disease
Left / Right : 10.2 cm / 10.0 cm Both kidneys are normal in size with mildly irregular contour. The cortical echogenicity is increased with adequate thickness. The pelvocalyceal systems are not dilated. No evidence of stone or cyst Impression: Parenchymal renal disease
Cardiac echo
2011/11/09 Thallium scan
2011/11/07 Kidney Biopsy Kidney, left, needle biopsy
---- Diabetic nodular glomerulosclerosis H & E sections show 27 glomeruli. 15 of them are obesolete. 4 have Kimmelstiel Wilson nodules. Others have global slcerosis and macrophages infiltrates. The tubules have moderate to marked atrophy and protein casts. The interstitium shows moderate to marked fibrosis. The arterioles have marked atherosclerosis. The Immunofluorescence sections show 8 glomeruli with slcerosis and irregular staining of IgM (1+) & C3 (2+) and C1Q (1+)
Electron microscopic study (EM2011-161):
One glomerlus on electron microscopic study shows global sclerosis with oliterated loops. Hyaline globules are present.
Diagnosis Diabetes mellitus, complicated with diabetic nephropathy, neuropathy and retinopathy Chronic kidney disease due to diabetic nephropathy Hypertension * 出院後7/15 又recurrent bilateral lower legs edema 又住桃園5天 albumin + diuretics (7/15-7/20)
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