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Safety Induction to the Lift & Escalator Industry Part 6a - Working Safely - General Part 6a - Working Safely - General.

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Presentation on theme: "Safety Induction to the Lift & Escalator Industry Part 6a - Working Safely - General Part 6a - Working Safely - General."— Presentation transcript:

1 Safety Induction to the Lift & Escalator Industry Part 6a - Working Safely - General Part 6a - Working Safely - General

2 Contents Part 1 – Working in the Industry Part 2 – Personal Safety & Health Part 3 – Tools & Equipment Part 4a – Manual Handling Part 4b – Mechanical Handling Part 5 – Working Places and Safe Access Part 6a – Working Safely - General Part 6b – Working Safely - Specific Areas Part 6c – Working Safely - Other situations Part 7 – First Aid Part 8 – Environmental Protection Part 9 – Legal Obligations Part 10 – Accident Reporting and Recording

3 Part 6a - Working Safely Working Safely – all Areas

4 Part 6a - Working Safely  Control the lowering of equipment.  Adequate space and protection against “live” or moving equipment  Correct storage of materials  Handling and storage of chemicals  Door blocking device – don’t improvise  On arrival at site inform someone in authority.  Site safety risk assessment should be completed  Safety signs displayed.  Ensure safety of your colleagues  Report defects or dangerous conditions  Dismantling or Installation carried out in accordance with company policy General

5 Part 6a - Working Safely Working Alone  Before starting work ensure that the task can be carried out safely. If you’re concerned about it contact your supervisor.  If you’re on a site, tell the site rep where you are  Make sure others know where you are working and keep in contact.  Don’t work alone in an unoccupied building.  Be aware of the threat of violence.

6 Part 6a - Working Safely Working on observation or partially enclosed lifts  Wear suitable PPE to suit weather conditions,  Consider weather conditions before working in heavy rain, high wind, ice or snow,  On the car top, use fall prevention equipment if required,  Prevent tools falling from the car top,  Ensure exclusion zone is adequate, and clearly defined,  If you have to clean car windows or the lift well without the car stationary and the power locked off, ensure a safe system of work is maintained at all times.

7 Part 6a - Working Safely In the Machine Room Beware of:  Holes in the floor or projections.  Overhead beams lower than head height  Unguarded machinery: may move without warning  Exposed electrical connections or cables. Access:  Guard open access hatches and keep closed when not in use.  Close and lock machine room doors when unoccupied.

8 Part 6a - Working Safely Machinery Before starting work  Display safety signs at all landings,  Switch off the electrical or hydraulic supply and post a safety sign,  All personnel working on the equipment must separately lock off the electrical supply and test that the isolation has been successful,  On hydraulic systems, remove the valve lever and put it in a secure place.

9 Part 6a - Working Safely Machinery Working on Machinery  Don’t operate machinery with the guards removed unless there is no other way to do it and you have a safe system of work  Clean rotating parts, ropes, chains, sheaves etc. with the power isolated.  Restore the power to reposition the machinery, but isolate again before recommencing work activities,  Always wear suitable gloves when inspecting ropes; NEVER inspect them while they are moving

10 Part 6a - Working Safely Machinery After handwinding has been carried out,  Remove any separate handwinding wheel and brake release lever,  Re-fix the guards with the correct number of fixings,  Before the supply is restored, ensure that no one will be put into danger as a result

11 Part 6a - Working Safely MRL Lifts  Familiarise yourself with the safe system of work for installing and maintaining this type of equipment,  The manufacturer should provide instructions detailing how to safely install and maintain the equipment.  Beware, on some lifts the car roof cannot support the weight of a person so manufacturers may specify work be carried out from the car. Signs should be displayed to warn of the hazard, but it may not be visible.  With different design features, it may be difficult to undertake maintenance for the first time, a risk assessment should be carried out prior to starting work.

12 Part 6a - Working Safely Safe Working with Electricity  LOTO the supply when power is not required to perform the task.  Check that all electrical sources in the work area have been identified and isolated.  Ensure that you verify that the disconnection has been made The LEIA Safety Charter says:  Electrically isolate and lock off when power is not required... Verification Procedure:  verify the test device by confirming voltage present  isolate the circuit  confirm the circuit is isolated using the test device  verify the test device on a separate circuit NOTE: You should use a proprietary test lamp or two-pole voltage detector as recommended in HSE Guidance Note GS38

13 Part 6a - Working Safely Safe Working with Electricity When working on live equipment, effective insulation and safe electrical working practices must be used:  wear insulating rubber gloves until isolation is proven (gloves subjected to visual inspection and tests for air leakage)  use an insulating rubber mat,  fit an insulating shroud to protect against accidental contact with live terminals,  wear eye protection to protect against flashover  use insulated tools and maintain them in good condition,  Avoid the chance of earthing yourself by removing or covering jewellery, watches, rings, necklaces, bracelets etc.

14 Part 6a - Working Safely Safe Working with Electricity  Give yourself as much room as possible and keep the area free of surplus material,  Try to obtain suitable light levels (200 lux) at point of work,  Replace equipment covers on completion of work as soon as possible,  Use the wiring diagrams to understand the circuit you are working on; even though the main 3-phase isolator has been switched off, other sources may remain live: signals transformers door detectors lighting alarms fans

15 Part 6a - Working Safely Safe Working with Electricity  Consider isolation of these sources as part of the whole process – not just in the controller,  Even after all power is isolated, there is still the danger of electric shocks from sources of stored energy:  Discharge these or take precautions against any stored energy before working on them. charged capacitors VF drives

16 Part 6a - Working Safely Safe Working with Electricity Modifications to Circuitry and Software  Are you authorised to make changes to electrical circuits and software? All changes must be recorded on the wiring diagrams. Safe use of shorting wires/ jumpers  The primary function of a shorting wire is to bypass a faulty component when fault finding and should only be used when there is no alternative,  Shorting wires should be manufactured specifically for the purpose and should be used as a controlled tool. Never use home-made shorting wires.

17 Part 6a - Working Safely Safe Working with Electricity Safe use of shorting wires/ jumpers; Shorting wires typically yellow in colour, 1 meter long and labelled to identify the owner, WHY ?  Switch the car top control to inspection, landing call buttons out of circuit until the work is finished,  Ensure the equipment is electrically isolated whilst the short is fitted and removed,  Have a means of stopping the equipment in the work area. Check it for correct operation before you start after the shorting wires have been connected,

18 Part 6a - Working Safely Safe Working with Electricity Safe use of shorting wires/ jumpers  Landing locks and car door switches must never be shorted out at the same time.  The short must be removed as soon as possible after completion of the work,  If several shorts are in use, a register should be made to ensure all shorts are accounted for,  When leaving a job ensure all shorting wires have been removed from the equipment.

19 Thank you for Attending Any Questions? Part 6a - Working Safely

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