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CEWD Update August 2008. CEWD Mission Build the alliances, processes, and tools to develop tomorrow’s energy workforce Career Awareness Workforce Development.

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Presentation on theme: "CEWD Update August 2008. CEWD Mission Build the alliances, processes, and tools to develop tomorrow’s energy workforce Career Awareness Workforce Development."— Presentation transcript:

1 CEWD Update August 2008

2 CEWD Mission Build the alliances, processes, and tools to develop tomorrow’s energy workforce Career Awareness Workforce Development and Education Workforce Planning and Metrics Member Value and Support Industry Solutions – Regional Implementation

3 Career Awareness Goals Expand the Get Into Energy website. Implement communication templates and the Get Into Energy branding campaign. Assess messaging for diverse communities including the Hispanic population Career Awareness

4 Get into Energy Website Initial focus on 4 key jobs – Lineworker, Plant Operator, Technician, Pipefitter / Pipelayer Career assessment tool Career profiles, skills, education required Google map for education and job locations Creating short film on Nuclear, Natural Gas, Coal Parents and Educators sections Student section under construction Career Awareness

5 Get Into Energy Branding New Get Into Energy logo, “look and feel” created Initial templates include a brochure, poster and presentation to be used by energy companies for their individual recruitment efforts Communication Council provided advice and assistance Materials tested through focus groups “ShopCEWD” Website currently available Career Awareness



8 Workforce Development Goals Complete Energy Competency Model and develop implementation tool kit. Update curriculum data base with model curriculum for each key job category. Align energy career pathways with national standards of practice. Provide support to curriculum consortiums. Workforce Development and Education

9 Career Clusters Skills and Abilities Key Jobs Energy Pathways Energy Competency Model Lineworker, Plant Operator Technician Pipefitter / Pipelayer Energy Career Cluster Map Course of Study Model Curriculum Curriculum Consortiums Workforce Development and Education

10 Tier 1 – Personal Effectiveness Interpersonal Skills IntegrityProfessionalismMotivationDependability & Reliability Self- Development Flexibility & Adaptability Ability To Learn Energy Competency Model Tier 2 – Academic Requirements ReadingWritingMathematics Engineering & Technology ListeningSpeaking Critical & Analytical Thinking Tier 3 – Workplace Requirements Business Fundamentals Team work Following Directions Planning, Organizing & Scheduling Problem Solving Decision Making Working with Tools & Technology Tier 4 – Industry-wide Technical Industry Principles & Concepts Safety Awareness Environmental Laws & Regulations Quality Control & Continuous Improvement Troubleshooting Tier 5 – Industry Specific Technical Nuclear Generation Non-Nuclear Generation ( Coal, Natural Gas, Oil, Hydro, Solar, Wind, Biofuel, Geothermal Electric Transmission & Distribution Gas Transmission & Distribution

11 Construction: Boilermaker Carpenter Control & Valve Installers Electrician Electrical and electronics repairers Insulation Worker Iron / Metalworker Industrial machinery mechanics Lineworker Machinists Millwright Pipefitter Pipeline Installer Pipelayer Welder Maintenance Operations: Boilermaker Carpenter Control & Valve Installer Corrosion Technician Electrician Heavy Equipment Operator Industrial Machinery Mechanic Insulation Worker Iron / Metalworker Lineworker Millwright Pipefitter / Pipelayer Pipeline Installer Substation Mechanic Utility Metering & Regulation Technician Relay Technician Welder Engineering and Technology: Electrical Engineer Power Systems Engineer Mechanical Engineer Nuclear Engineer Chemical Engineer Civil engineer Energy Transmission Engineer Procurement Engineer Environmental Engineer Industrial Engineer Science and Math: Nuclear Chemist Nuclear Technician Materials Scientist Radiation Protection Technician Health Physicist Chemistry Technicia n Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics Architecture and Construction Clusters Pathways Manufacturing Production Process Development: Electrical & Electronics Technician Engineering & related Technician Power Plant Operator Nuclear Reactor Operator Gas Processing and Distribution Plant Operator Power Distributor & Dispatcher Gas Controller & Dispatcher Auxiliary. Equip. Operator Maintenance, Installation & Repair Boilermaker Control & Valve Installers Corrosion Technician Pipefitter / Pipelayer Pipeline Installer Instrument & Control Tech Electrical & Instrumentation Tech Elec.. & Electronics Repairer Elec. Equipment Installer / Repairer Industrial Machinery Mechanic Millwright Welder Manufacturing Energy Career Cluster Map Design and Pre-construction: Engineer - Civil, Chemical, Electrical, Nuclear, Mechanical, Power Systems, Energy Transmission, Environmental, Industrial Electrical & Electronics Engineering Technician Mechanical Technician Machinists Quality Assurance Quality Control Tech Quality Assurance Tech Logistics & Inventory Control Heavy Materials Technician

12 Education Initiatives Model Curriculum Data base now require utility partner Developing best practice data base Curriculum Consortiums ESTEC Great Lakes Nuclear Consortium Nuclear Common Curriculum IBEW Training Centers MEA Lineworker Consortium Workforce Development and Education

13 Workforce Planning and Metrics Goals Identify and assess additional job categories Assess renewables / alternative energy workforce implications Conduct 2008 CEWD Workforce Survey and expand to include supply data. Assess workforce demand and issues for engineers and leverage current initiatives with IEEE and other entities. Design and implement workforce development metrics to measure the success of industry and regional initiatives. Workforce Planning and Metrics


15 2007 Summary Findings Job CategoryPercentage of Potential Attrition & Retirements Estimated Number of Replacements Technicians51.430,000 Non-Nuclear Power Plant Operators 50.512,500 Engineers46.115,000 Pipefitters / Pipelayers 45.38,000 Lineworkers40.830,000

16 2008 Nationwide Workforce Survey Currently collecting data Supply data will be prepared for each state CEWD Region, and national Did not include nuclear power industry or supplemental labor Results will be available in September Workforce Planning and Metrics

17 Workforce Metrics Focus Increased awareness among students, parents, educators, and government of: the critical need for skilled technical workers in the energy field and the opportunities for education that can lead to entry level employment Increased number of successful training and education programs with curriculum to support energy pathways Increased enrollment in and graduation to meet the demand for better educated and technically skilled entry level workers A sufficient supply of qualified, diverse applicants Workforce Planning and Metrics

18 Membership Value and Support Goals Identify model processes and develop solution guides. Conduct quarterly Quick Solutions Webinars. Implement communities of practice for workforce development activities. Conduct the 2008 Annual Summit, sponsor regional forums and support state consortium development. Member Value and Support

19 Industry Solutions Toolkit created for Energy and Construction Career Academy; solution guide completed for Work Readiness Certification Quick Solutions Webinar series - Career Clusters, Energy Competency Model Communities of Practice to be launched at 2008 Summit State Consortiums – 14 consortiums, 3 states in progress,4 additional states participating in discussions Regional Forums March 19 – 20 – West Region March 31 – Southeast Region May 19 – 20 – Mid-Atlantic Region June 26 – 27 – Northwest Region August 25 – 26 – Midwest Region September – Northeast Region December – South Region 2008 Annual Summit – October 6-8 in Orlando Member Value and Support

20 Best Practice: State Energy Consortiums State Member Value and Support

21 Purpose of State Consortiums “Grow your own” Identify energy workforce issues for state. Partner to improve and/ or create training programs. Build awareness of the need for energy workers. Create a sense of excitement around the energy industry in the state.

22 Who is involved? Industry Utilities All Fuel types Contractor s Education State DOE Career and Technical Communit y Colleges Four year institution s Workforce Govenor’s WIB Local WIBs Regional DOL

23 What are the roles? Industry Demand data Skills required Jobs Education Curriculum Policy Access to students Workforce Access to programs Knowledg e of funding Collaboration - Shared Goals - Shared Resources

24 Current State Energy Consortiums Alabama Florida Georgia Louisiana Maryland Mississippi North Carolina South Carolina Tennessee Texas Virginia Indiana Missouri Pennsylvania California Ohio (planning) Michigan (planning) West Virginia (planning)

25 Ann Randazzo or go to

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