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Nathan, Tanner, Thomas By: Jayden Munroe. Olmec religion Their religion was formed 1200 BCE The culture lasted approximately until 400 BCE So the religion.

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Presentation on theme: "Nathan, Tanner, Thomas By: Jayden Munroe. Olmec religion Their religion was formed 1200 BCE The culture lasted approximately until 400 BCE So the religion."— Presentation transcript:

1 Nathan, Tanner, Thomas By: Jayden Munroe

2 Olmec religion Their religion was formed 1200 BCE The culture lasted approximately until 400 BCE So the religion lasted 800 years! It existed Mexico’s southern gulf coast Their gods were mythical creatures and it made them be more peaceful. It effects historical important because how long ago how people could believe anything. If someone who looked good and was a good speaker they could convince a whole lot of people. They also made things from culturally or religiously that could be used by many people and they were known and caring people back in their day/people looked up to them. the olmec religion is so hard to understand how many believes the olmec religion has jayden

3 The olmec priest’s wore cloths from slaves that were sacrificed The normal people wore deer hide, moose hide, and a lot of other animal hides, cotton cloths Woman would often ware skirts and men would wear black aprons It occurred in 1200 BCE and ended 400 BCE so about 800 years It existed Mexico’s Southern gulf coast The type of contributions olmecs clothing gave were warmth, more authority ( what I mean by that is people weren't naked and if they were then there wouldn’t be as much they would like be sexually all time if there were no cloths) and pride. It got passed down through all of Mexico and some of the USA so that would have helped many cultures back then so it increased population and increased warmth and not so much misery and stress jayden clothing

4 Olmec language They spoke a religion alike mixe-zoquean. This religion was very common in southern Mexico gulf coast Their religion was formed 1200 BCE he culture lasted approximately until 400 BCE So the religion lasted 800 years It existed in It existed Mexico’s southern gulf coast It made many people living in that area at that time to talk to people and make deals and it helped them economically/ politically with the language Helped us maybe our ancestors were there and then they taught us their language then we got fur 2 live in the summer it helped many people though jayden

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6 Olmecs: inventions Olmecs: inventions Written language The Olmec calendar They were the first Mesoamericans to develop a calendar. Complex drainage system These inventions helped them to survive

7 Olmecs: medicine olmecs-used-no-suggested-addictions-on- their-bm-mobile-c1000-students-around- medical-studies-on-olmec-chips-are-simply- criticized-on-people-of-nematodes-and-drugs The used marijuana as there main medicine They did not create any type of medicine.

8 Olmecs: art The Olmec culture was first defined as an art style. In addition to human and human-like subjects, Olmec artisans were adept at animal portrayals. The most recognized aspects of the Olmec civilization are the enormous helmeted heads.

9 Writing The Olmec might have been the first group in the Western part of the world to develop a writing system. Symbols found in 2002 and 2006 date to 650 BCE and 900 BCE There are also well-documented later hieroglyphs known as "Epi- Olmecs", and while there are some who believe that Epi- Olmec may represent a transitional script between an earlier Olmec writing system and Mayan writing the matter remains unsettledThe Olmec grew maize, beans, squash, manioc, sweet potato

10 Food Food ixzz1HMalsch2 ixzz1HMalsch2 The Olmec grew maize, beans, squash, manioc, sweet potato Fruits and vegetables were supplemented with fish, turtle, snake, and mollusks from the nearby rivers, and crabs and shellfish Birds were also an available as food sources, as were game including peccary, opossum, raccoon, rabbit, and in particular deer

11 Where they lived The Olmec were a Pre-Columbian civilization living in the tropical lowlands of south-central Mexico

12 Meds Medicine in Mesoamerican cultures started in the year 1500 BC and ended with the victory and destruction of Mexico-Tenochtitlan in 1521 by Spain. Mesoamerica started with the Olmec civilization followed by the Teotihuacan’s, Toltec’s, and Mayas and perished with the Nahoa Empire. The medicine used by the Aztecs (ticiotl) is undoubtedly the sum of all Mesoamerican medicine. dukte.asp?Doi=13441 dukte.asp?Doi=13441

13 sports The olmecs started playing with black rubber balls around 1800 bc. The games combined basketball, football, and soccer.

14 clothing They wore hides from animals. They added colors from berries on to hides for fashion. They used tools such as rocks and sticks to make the clothes fit.

15 Agriculture They had cows, pigs, chicken. They fed the animals different types of grains, grass and various plants. They put their cattle by a water hole so they would have something to drink.

16 the end

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