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Alexander The so so. Born 356 BC Dies 323 BC Born in Macedon, son of King Philip II Someone assassinates Philip II Tutored by Aristotle Later tutored.

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Presentation on theme: "Alexander The so so. Born 356 BC Dies 323 BC Born in Macedon, son of King Philip II Someone assassinates Philip II Tutored by Aristotle Later tutored."— Presentation transcript:

1 Alexander The so so

2 Born 356 BC Dies 323 BC Born in Macedon, son of King Philip II Someone assassinates Philip II Tutored by Aristotle Later tutored by diiulio

3 Takes the throne at age 20 Carries out his father ambition to conquer once and for all Persia Legend of the Gordian Knot An oracle said that whoever could untie the Gordian Knot would rule the world

4 This is one big Empire

5 Alexander’s Military Campaigns

6 He joins three continents together for the first time He joins the three river valley civilizations together The Nile The Tigris and Euphrates The Indus River Even the Danube River is part of this empire Africa, Asia Minor, India and Europe are fused for the first time He never lost a battle in his 11 year campaign His own army defeated him by refusing to fight

7 He marched 11,000 miles Covered 2 million square miles He created the largest empire to date in history and all in 11 years No one will conquer more land faster than Alexander until the Mongolians in the 13 th century Alexander Hellenized his empire Spreads Greek culture to all his conquests He makes an effort to purposely fuse the best of all these cultures He encouraged mixed marriages asking his own soldiers to marry women of conquered land

8 Respects the diversity of culture lands conquered Expects to create hybrid races through marriages Even Alexander married an India princess Founded over 70 new cities for the purpose of bringing Greek Culture to conquered lands Joins trade routes from India to Mesopotamia to Egypt and Macedon India has some trade relations with China

9 Ergo he creates the worlds first international trade network This trade network eventually grows over time and will eventually create trade between the Roman Empire and China This later becomes the Silk Road Globalization?? He dies at age 33 of a sever fever His empire is divided into four kingdoms which falls apart within decades of his death

10 Only the Ptolemy section survives for a while Though he died young and his empire never lasted His contribution to civilization endures till this day

11 How, You ask?? Because, I said!! The city of Alexandria is his gift to history It is the most intellectual and academic city in the world More knowledge and inventions came from Alexandria than any other city in the world More great minds lived and worked in Alexandria than any other city in the world They had the largest library of the Ancient world possessing more than 700,000 scrolls They had universities, medical schools and planetariums

12 They had a museum 14,000 students at one time Botanical Gardens The city was truly cosmopolitan It was composed of almost every race and heritage in the region Trade from all over the Mediterranean and more poured into Alexandria They built the famous Lighthouse of Pharos It is one of the Seven Wonders of the World




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