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Jeopardy By Kaysie Mandel. IslamIslamic Golden Age Feudalism In Japan Feudalism in Europe The Roman Catholic Church The Crusades Trading Empires of Africa.

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Presentation on theme: "Jeopardy By Kaysie Mandel. IslamIslamic Golden Age Feudalism In Japan Feudalism in Europe The Roman Catholic Church The Crusades Trading Empires of Africa."— Presentation transcript:

1 Jeopardy By Kaysie Mandel

2 IslamIslamic Golden Age Feudalism In Japan Feudalism in Europe The Roman Catholic Church The Crusades Trading Empires of Africa Extra Vocab Types of Gov’t Geo- graphy Terms 100 200 300 400 500 600 FINAL JEOPARDY

3 In the Islamic belief system there is only one god which means that they are not……. Polytheistic

4 Which continent is Mecca located in? Asia

5 What is the name of the Islam place or worship? Mosque

6 In 630 AD, Muhammad returned to what city with an army to capture it? Mecca

7 Every Muslim has to make a pilgrimage to Mecca at least once during their life. What is this trip called? Hajj

8 What are the five pillars of Islam? Faith, Prayer, Fasting, Alms, and Hajj

9 The Muslims were tolerant of other cultures and religions meaning that they were not…… Ethnocentric

10 There were many medical advancements including this common procedure that is still used today…. C-Section

11 Which city was the learning center? Baghdad

12 During the Islamic golden age women were allowed…. Legal rights

13 What famous piece of literature was created during this time? “Arabian Nights”

14 When trade increases so does… Cultural diffusion

15 Someone who brought power to military headquarters and ruled through the emperor was a…. Shogun

16 Warriors that helped to strengthen and localize governments were called…. Samurais

17 Controls land and is local lord daimyo

18 This is a strict code of living used by Samurais Bushido

19 Name the missing time period? Henian Period 400 AD- Yamoto Clan 300 AD- Period of Disunity 600 AD- Yamato Dynasty 794 AD- ? 1185 AD- Feudal Period

20 During this time period the land was fertile otherwise called… arable

21 Mountains that separated the land are an example of ….. topography

22 The code used by a knight was known as….. Chivalry

23 The person incharge of the manor was called the… lord

24 Though there was a monarchy, the king possessed… Little power

25 One farming method used on manors was the…. Three field system

26 If a knight went against the code of chivalry he would be… Publically shamed

27 Medieval association of people working at the same occupation which controlled its member’s wages and prices Guild

28 The group of officials who preform the religious services such as ministers, priest, or rabbis. Clergy

29 Ten percent of your yearly income that goes to the church tithe

30 The flying buttress was an architectural element used on church and was in the style of…. Gothic Architecture

31 Give two examples of sacraments Some Choices: Baptism Confirmation Matrimony Communion Confession

32 The body of laws governing the religious practices of a Christian Church Canon Law

33 The appointment of religious officials by the kings or nobles Lay Investiture

34 This passage was given by the pope calling on what event? crusade

35 Who called for the Crusades? Pope Urban II

36 Give two affects of the crusades Some Answers: – The Pope’s power declines – Kings became stronger – Feudalism decreases – Trade between Middle East and Europe grows significantly – Italian cities expand trade and grow rich

37 What was another name for the Crusades? “successful failure”

38 What were two reasons knights joined the crusades? Religious purposes Land Riches Adventure

39 Why were the crusades fought? To win back the holy land of Jerusalem from the Muslims.

40 What animal was domesticated for trade? Camels

41 List in order the three main West African Trading Empires. Ghana Mali Songhai

42 What are the five M’s? Mansa Musa from Mali makes his pilgrimage to Mecca because he is Muslim.

43 What was the biggest trade exchange? Gold for Salt Trade (silent trade)

44 Famous historian and traveler who also made his pilgrimage to Mecca Iban Battuta

45 List two items exchanged in the trans- Sahara trade Possible answers – Fine cloths – Gold – Salts – Slaves – Leather – Copper

46 A type of government where the power is left to a hereditary ruling class or nobility. Aristocracy

47 A form of government where the ruler has unlimited power and can and does use it in an arbitrary manner. Autocracy

48 Type of government controlled either directly by the people or through representatives. Democracy

49 A government form where the ruler is viewed as divine or god like and or is controlled by religious leaders. theocracy

50 Government where the power is held by few people Oligarchy

51 System of agencies and departments that carry out the actions the government normally would. Bureaucracy

52 Marshy region formed by deposits of silt and the mouth/end of a river delta

53 Half of a sphere/ globe. hemisphere

54 Line of zero longitude. Prime meridian

55 Line that divides the Earth into northern and southern hemispheres. Note: Referring to the think black line on map. equator

56 Shifts in the direction of the wind that changes during certain points in the year. monsoon

57 This cartoon shows……. desertification

58 The way people use knowledge to made tools and inventions that make like easier technology

59 Moving from one place to settle in another. migration

60 Skilled worker who makes things handmade such as a potter. artisan

61 Time of peace and prosperity with learning and many advancements/achievements. Golden age

62 The development of skills in a particular job specialization

63 A belief or thought that goes against the orthodox religious doctrine heresy

64 In order from highest to lowest, list the social pyramids or feudal Japan and feudal Europe. Kings Lords and Vassals Knights Serfs, peasants and townspeople Emperor Shogun Daimyo Samurai Commoners

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