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Positive Behavior Support Universal Training Day Two.

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Presentation on theme: "Positive Behavior Support Universal Training Day Two."— Presentation transcript:

1 Positive Behavior Support Universal Training Day Two

2 Inclusion Activity:

3 Outcomes Increase understanding of PBS Establish School–Wide systems and practices to support staff and students Determine PBS Team and each person’s roles

4 Day One Agenda Look What We’ve Accomplished!!! Inclusion Activity, Outcomes, Agenda, Working Agreements PBS Overview Data Driven Decision Making Expectations/Matrix Teaching Behavior and Social Emotional Learning

5 Day Two Agenda Inclusion Activity, Outcomes, Agenda, Working Agreements PBS Review Team Composition Acknowledgment Systems T Chart Roll Out

6 Working Agreements

7 Universal/School Wide Systems for All Students, Staff, & Settings 0-1 referrals/semester Secondary Systems: 2-5 referrals/semester Tertiary Systems: 6+ referrals/semester ~80% of Students ~15% ~5% POSITIVE BEHAVIOR SUPPORT

8 Bridging the Gap General + Intensive Resources General Resources Intensity of Problem Amount of Resources Needed to Solve Problem General + Supplemental Resources

9 Basic Recommendations for implementing PBS Never stop doing something that is already working. Always look for the smallest change that will produce the largest effect. Adapt to make it “fit” your school community, culture, context.

10 Team Composition Administrator Grade level representatives Specials representative Special education/ELL representative Support staff representative Others – IRTs, Title I, Learning Coordinator, SEA, EA

11 Functions of PBS Universal Team Review sheet and discuss

12 Roles of Team Members Administrator Coach: Internal, Co-coach Data manager Recorder – minutes/decisions/action plans Time-keeper Facilitator Family/community liaison

13 PBS Universal Team Internal Coach Role A PBS Universal Team Member –Attend coaches meetings/ trainings –Facilitate scheduling of bi-monthly meeting dates –Coordinate and facilitate bi-monthly team meetings –Create agenda for bi-monthly PBS universal team meetings –Share school information/data with external coach –Coordinate EBS/Self-assessment Survey for staff –Point person for building PBS teams –Present to staff, PTO, school groups

14 PBS Universal Team Data Manager A PBS Universal Team member Role of data manager –Organize the data for the team Create the graphs/visual representations Assure that office referrals are being entered –Assist the team with interpretation –Coordinate the monthly building staff presentations –Coordinate with internal coach for end of year data summary forms

15 Team Member Assignment Activity

16 Acknowledgement plan Establish a continuum to encourage/celebrate expected behaviors

17 Current Acknowledgement Practices Inappropriate Behavior - Sent to counselor - Principal’s office -After school with an adult -Stay in from recess -Call home -Parent meeting -Special incentives -1 positive to 20 negatives (Colvin, 2002) Appropriate Behavior –More challenging work –“Free time” –Ignored –Call Home

18 Reinforcement/ Acknowledgement can be ineffective if… Delivered ambiguously Is not meaningful Creates psychological pressure Never fade ( generalize)


20 What will work for my school? Who – School wide, classroom, individual, staff What – data driven How –verbal, token, tangible, symbolic, activity (can it be immediate)

21 4 Corners Activity

22 Types of acknowledgement Praise Tokens Tangibles Symbolic Activity

23 Guidelines for Use of Acknowledgements to Build Intrinsic Motivation Move from other-delivered to self-delivered highly frequent to less frequent (intensive teaching to practice/pre-correction) predictable to unpredictable tangible to social Individualize

24 Components of School-Wide Acknowledgment Plans High frequency/Predictable –Delivered at a high rate for a short period –E.g. Verbal Praise, Gotchas, Falcon Feathers, High 5 Tickets, Caught Being Good Unexpected/Intermittent –Bring “surprise” attention to certain behaviors or at scheduled intervals –E.g. Unpredictable use of “Gotchas”, ticket lottery, special announcements, Hi Five surprises, raffles, positive postcards, positive referrals, phone calls Long term Celebrations –E.g. Quarterly activities, assemblies, parent dinners, field trips

25 TYPE/WHATWHENWHEREWHO Immediate/High Frequency Intermittent/Unpredictable Long-term School-wide Celebrations or Activities PBS School-wide Acknowledgement Matrix (Students and Adults!)

26 Team Time Develop student and staff school-wide acknowledgment system

27 Below the Line Bottom Line Below and Bottom Line

28 Life is a BEACH(ball)

29 Discouraging Inappropriate Behaviors Below the Line: Fix-it Plans = Teacher responsibility Bottom Line = Office Referred

30 School Example Teacher Managed Behavior –Attendance/Tardy – Inform parents on effect on academic performance –Profanity directed at student –Gum chewing –Homework –No supplies –Tattling –Non-compliance –Name calling –Lying –Minor stealing –Cheating –Dress Code Violations –Minor Harassment Office Managed Behavior –Attendance/Tardy –Vandalism –Substances –Defiance –Weapons –Profanity directed at Adults –Major disruptions –Fighting –Verbal/Physical intimidation –Major stealing –Cutting school –Wanderers –Gang Related Activity –Chronic Dress Code Violation –Harassment (including sexual)

31 T- CHART OF BEHAVIOR Classroom Managed BELOW THE LINE Behaviors Office-Managed BOTTOM LINE Behaviors Work time

32 Roll Out

33 Rock Paper Scissors

34 Roll Out Activity Complete PBS Action Plan

35 Closing Activity -Rubber band: What has stretched you? How have you grown? -Gum: How can we help this stick in your school?

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