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Before Starting Data Integrity Data Types Record (line, tupel) Field (attribute, column) Table (file, relation) Data Dictionary (repository, metadata)

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Presentation on theme: "Before Starting Data Integrity Data Types Record (line, tupel) Field (attribute, column) Table (file, relation) Data Dictionary (repository, metadata)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Before Starting Data Integrity Data Types Record (line, tupel) Field (attribute, column) Table (file, relation) Data Dictionary (repository, metadata) Backup & Recovery DataWarehouse, DataMart, DataMining

2 Database Design Guidelines What is the purpose of the database? Design the tables (ERD on paper) Decide which fields to include for each table (datadictionary) Create the relationships between tables And then start the implementation

3 CASE 1 Bogus University hired you to design a database for them. They would like to keep track of each student, classes, and rooms so that they would like to be able to find which student is taking which classes or which room is available on a given day, etc. Assume each class can only be thought by a single instructor.

4 Design the Tables StudentsClasses Rooms???

5 Decide which fields to include for each table Students Student_ID, Student_Name, Student_Phone, Student_Address Classes Class_ID, Class_Name, Credits, Instructor, Prerequisite, Days, Time, Room_ID Rooms Room_ID, Building, Number ???

6 Create the relationships between tables Determine the relationship types first. One-To-One One-To-Many Many-To-Many Resolve Many-To-Many relationship in 2 One-To- Many relationships Keep on asking yourself “One … can (have, teach, purchase, etc.) many …, but one …cannot (have, teach, purchase, etc.) many …

7 Create the relationships between tables (Cont’d) Select Primary Keys for each table among the Candidates and place the Foreign Keys into tables if necessary.

8 Tables

9 Relationships

10 CASE 2 Sham Bookstore wants you to design a database to keep records of the books they have, their authors, and their publishers. Assume that each book can be published by a single publisher and the order of authors does not matter.

11 Design the Tables BooksAuthors Publishers???

12 Decide which fields to include for each table Books ISBN, Book_Name, Pages Authors Author_ID, Author_Name Publishers Publisher_ID, Pub_Name, Pub_Phone, Pub_Address ???

13 Create the relationships between tables Can one book be published by many publishers? Can one publisher publish many books? Can one book have many authors? Can one author have many books? Aha!.

14 Tables

15 Relationships

16 SQL Structured Query Language SELECT fieldname1, fieldname2…fieldnameN FROM table1, table2…tableM WHERE (Table Joins) AND (any specifications, eg. students living in Balto City.) GROUP BY ( used if an aggregate function exist in select clause) HAVING (any specifications about aggregate functions) ORDER BY fieldname2, fieldname1;

17 SQL Examples List all student names and phone #s in alphabetical order SELECT Student_Name, Student_Phone FROM Students ORDER BY Student_Name;

18 SQL Examples List all student names and phone #s of students whose ID is larger than 233000 in descending alphabetical order SELECT Student _ID, Student_Name, Student_Phone FROM Students WHERE Student_ID > 233000 ORDER BY Student_Name;

19 SQL Examples List all book names and publisher names SELECT Book_Name, Pub_Name FROM Books, Publishers WHERE Books.Publisher_ID = Publishers.Publisher_ID;

20 SQL Examples List all book names and publisher names of books smaller than 300 pages. SELECT Book_Name, Pub_Name FROM Books, Publishers WHERE Books.Publisher_ID = Publishers.Publisher_ID AND Pages < 300;

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