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BCIL ECO-PULSE Series - I First in a series of quarterly surveys to be conducted by BCIL in the areas of Water, Waste, Energy, Air Management, etc. WATER.

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Presentation on theme: "BCIL ECO-PULSE Series - I First in a series of quarterly surveys to be conducted by BCIL in the areas of Water, Waste, Energy, Air Management, etc. WATER."— Presentation transcript:

1 BCIL ECO-PULSE Series - I First in a series of quarterly surveys to be conducted by BCIL in the areas of Water, Waste, Energy, Air Management, etc. WATER CONSERVATION IN BANGALORE April, 2008

2 BCIL ECO-PULSE - Water Page 2 Target respondents The survey was conducted among: – Male and Female – Residents of Bangalore (residing for at least 3 years) – 21 to 50 years – SEC A and B – With income levels of above Rs 20,000/- Sample size: 400 (sample size achieved 397)

3 BCIL ECO-PULSE - Water Page 3 Gender wise break-up Male Female

4 BCIL ECO-PULSE - Water Page 4 Age wise break-up 21-35 yrs 36-50 yrs Average age: 35.5 yrs

5 BCIL ECO-PULSE - Water Page 5 Educational Qualification Up to PUC Graduate PG & above

6 BCIL ECO-PULSE - Water Page 6 Household size 3-4 people 5 & above 2

7 BCIL ECO-PULSE - Water Page 7 Occupation Businessmen Housewives Salaried Retired Others Students

8 BCIL ECO-PULSE - Water Page 8 Monthly HH Income Base all: 397 Fig in %

9 BCIL ECO-PULSE - Water Page 9 SEC Break-up SEC A SEC B

10 BCIL ECO-PULSE - Water Page 10 Detailed Findings

11 BCIL ECO-PULSE - Water Page 11 Source of Water Base all: 397 Fig in %

12 BCIL ECO-PULSE - Water Page 12 Monthly Spends on Water Base all: 397 Fig in %

13 BCIL ECO-PULSE - Water Page 13 What consumes most water? Base all: 397 Fig in %

14 BCIL ECO-PULSE - Water Page 14 Bathing Practices Base all: 397 Fig in %

15 BCIL ECO-PULSE - Water Page 15 How much water do shower users spend? Base (regular users of shower): 63 Fig in %

16 BCIL ECO-PULSE - Water Page 16 How much users do non-shower users spend? Base (regular users of shower): 334 Fig in %

17 BCIL ECO-PULSE - Water Page 17 Car washing practices Base (owners of cars/bikes): 287 Fig in %

18 BCIL ECO-PULSE - Water Page 18 Washing face/hands/shaving Base all: 397 Fig in %

19 BCIL ECO-PULSE - Water Page 19 Washing machine usage Base (owning washing machine): 222 Fig in %

20 BCIL ECO-PULSE - Water Page 20 Are more educated less conscious of water wastage? AllPUCGradPG Base2226912330 People owning washing machine56 426291 I mostly fill washing machine to the maximum capacity 52485453 I mostly fill only half of the capacity 36513317 I use washing machine even for 2 or 3 clothes 1211330

21 BCIL ECO-PULSE - Water Page 21 How many reuse water? Yes No Base all: 397

22 BCIL ECO-PULSE - Water Page 22 Reuse of water Base (all reusing water): 60 Fig in %

23 BCIL ECO-PULSE - Water Page 23 Reuse of water- By education AllPUCGradPG Base39716619833 Yes1561936 No85937961 Can't say2223

24 BCIL ECO-PULSE - Water Page 24 Attitude to water use Base (all): 397 Fig in %

25 BCIL ECO-PULSE - Water Page 25 Use of water during summer Base (all): 397 Fig in %

26 BCIL ECO-PULSE - Water Page 26 Use of water during summer- Education wise AllPUCGradPG Base39716619833 I tend to spend more water24 2521 I spend the same amount of water as other times53554964 I consciously tend to reduce usage of water23202615

27 BCIL ECO-PULSE - Water Page 27 Do they think individual efforts to save water helps overall water crisis in City? Yes No Base all: 397 Can’t say

28 BCIL ECO-PULSE - Water Page 28 Is it all words and no action? Statistics say yes! Two third of those who say his/her efforts help solve City’s water crisis do very little to actually to save water – 18% of those who say his/her efforts help solve City’s water crisis actually spend more water during summer! – More than half (53%) continue to use the same amount water during summer also 83% of those who say his/her efforts help solve City’s water crisis DO NOT reuse water at all!

29 BCIL ECO-PULSE - Water Page 29 Awareness levels

30 BCIL ECO-PULSE - Water Page 30 Awareness about Cauvery water supply to Bangalore What percentage does Cauvery contribute to Bangalore’s water supply? Base (all): 397 Fig in %

31 BCIL ECO-PULSE - Water Page 31 Cauvery share: Slightly better awareness among educated AllPUCGradPG Base39716619833 <10 %3063 About 25%16101836 About 50%25312030 About 75%14 9 100%1106 Don’t know41444215

32 BCIL ECO-PULSE - Water Page 32 Awareness of subsidy on water supplied by BWSSB Base (all): 397 Fig in %

33 BCIL ECO-PULSE - Water Page 33 Awareness of subsidy on water supplied by BWSSB: Education wise break-up AllPUCGradPG Base39716619833 <10 %7773 About 25%17141739 About 50%15191115 About 75%101196 100%0003 Don’t know51495733

34 BCIL ECO-PULSE - Water Page 34 Thank You

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