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Eastern Europe. The Isolation of Russia Compared to Western Europe Backward (blend of cultures) Backward (blend of cultures) –Less politically developed.

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Presentation on theme: "Eastern Europe. The Isolation of Russia Compared to Western Europe Backward (blend of cultures) Backward (blend of cultures) –Less politically developed."— Presentation transcript:

1 Eastern Europe

2 The Isolation of Russia

3 Compared to Western Europe Backward (blend of cultures) Backward (blend of cultures) –Less politically developed –Not influenced by Renaissance and Scientific Revolution –No exploration (no sea routes) –No trade (No Crusade) –Serfdom continues –30 Years War (holds E. Europe back)

4 Early Russian Society 1480 Ivan III frees Russia from the Mongol Yoke 1480 Ivan III frees Russia from the Mongol Yoke –Became the first czar –Claimed descent from Caesar Society dominated by landowning nobility (boyars), serfs tied to land Society dominated by landowning nobility (boyars), serfs tied to land –Serfdom lasted until mid 1800’s (ended in 1300/1400’s in Western Europe

5 Effects of Mongol Culture Asian culture Asian culture Mongols took money (tribute) Mongols took money (tribute) –Princes controlled land and collected money Mongols used strength of military/force Mongols used strength of military/force

6 Peter I- 1682 Romanov family- began 1613 Romanov family- began 1613 Don’t know much of W. Europe Don’t know much of W. Europe Middle Age leadership- Constantinople not Rome Middle Age leadership- Constantinople not Rome Mongols cut Russia off from W. Europe during Renaissance Mongols cut Russia off from W. Europe during Renaissance

7 Legitimacy… Tie back to Romans and Byzantium Tie back to Romans and Byzantium –2 headed eagle –Absolute monarch “Caesar” Religion of Byzantium Religion of Byzantium –Break from Catholicism –Leads to religious conflict with W. Europe –Art = icons

8 Further Isolation Geographically cut-off Geographically cut-off –Ural Mountains cut off from East –Only seaport- Archangel (frozen) Religion widens gap West Religion widens gap West –Eastern/Russian Orthodox v. Catholic/ Protestant Only Germans traveled to Russia Only Germans traveled to Russia

9 Ivan the Terrible

10 St. Basil’s

11 Rule of Peter the Great

12 Peter the Great

13 Peter the Great 1682 (full power 1696) 1682 (full power 1696) Interested in foreign things, ships, seas Interested in foreign things, ships, seas Saw need for warm water port Saw need for warm water port –Necessary for competition with modern powers Came to power w/ help of streltsy (Moscow guards) Came to power w/ help of streltsy (Moscow guards)

14 Desire to Modernize 1698 Traveled to W. Europe to learn customs 1698 Traveled to W. Europe to learn customs –1 st czar to travel to W. Europe (heretics) –Incognito (wanted real look) –Worked in shipyard in Netherlands Later traveled to England Later traveled to England –Toured in London

15 Peter’s Changes – Make Russian more W. European Status of Women Status of Women –Until 1700 followed Byzantine custom- women stay at home –Noblewoman invited to social gatherings (without veils) –No arranged marriages (unless children consented) No beards for men (look European) No beards for men (look European)

16 Peter’s Changes – Make Russian more W. European Russian Calendar Russian Calendar –Year starts on Jan. 1 not Sept. 1 –Year based on birth of Jesus »7208 became 1700 Newspapers Newspapers –1 st newspaper reported on non-Russian events –Western ideas develop –Reading taught

17 Peter’s Changes – Make Russian more W. European Agriculture Agriculture –Staple crop= potato Factories and Mines- Factories and Mines- –Exports encourage –Imports discouraged –Factories subsidized (centralized workshops) –Iron industry developed

18 Absolute Rule Peter increased power Peter increased power People become discontented (forced changes) People become discontented (forced changes) Holy Synod (priests) with Peter as head- replaced Patriarch Holy Synod (priests) with Peter as head- replaced Patriarch –Similar to Church of England Boyars lose power (new social status) Boyars lose power (new social status) –Land and positions given to lower- ranking (ensured loyalty)

19 Russian Military European officers hired to modernize European officers hired to modernize –Army –Prussia, Navy -Britain –Only had part-time cavalry –Army of 200,000 paid for by taxes Army used to crush peasant revolt and gain warm water port Army used to crush peasant revolt and gain warm water port –Lead to need for warships

20 Russian Military Close Russia to possible European invasion Close Russia to possible European invasion Great Northern War- v. Swedes who invade Ukraine (defeated by winter) Great Northern War- v. Swedes who invade Ukraine (defeated by winter) –Russia gains land on Baltic Sea

21 A New Capital 1712 St. Petersburg made capital 1712 St. Petersburg made capital Built on swamp Built on swamp Land gained from Sweden Land gained from Sweden Located on Neva River, near coast Located on Neva River, near coast

22 HRE, Ottoman Empire, Poland

23 Holy Roman Empire Voltaire “it was not Holy, it was not Roman, and it certainly was not an Empire” Voltaire “it was not Holy, it was not Roman, and it certainly was not an Empire” Some states had grown because of trade Some states had grown because of trade States had different religions States had different religions 30Years War causes break-up 30Years War causes break-up –300 states who guarded rights like independent states

24 Holy Roman Empire Power vacuum in Central Europe (old and weakening empires) Power vacuum in Central Europe (old and weakening empires) –Filled by German speaking families- Hapsburgs and Hohenzollern –Threat to the balance of power in Eastern Europe Major problem= political structure Major problem= political structure

25 Poland Large land, mostly farmers Large land, mostly farmers –Feudal system (nobility v. serfs) no middle class –E. Europe held back by lack of middle class Major problem= political structure Major problem= political structure –States want to remain autonomous

26 Ottoman Empire Muslim (stand against the Christians) Muslim (stand against the Christians) –Led to future problems (Kosovo, Chechnya) Sultan had power to tax and raise army Sultan had power to tax and raise army Sulieman the Magnificent- conquered Hungary, threatened Austria Sulieman the Magnificent- conquered Hungary, threatened Austria Govt. in Istanbul was corrupted, poorly equipped army Govt. in Istanbul was corrupted, poorly equipped army

27 Poland King appointed by nobles- given little power King appointed by nobles- given little power –Usually foreigner –Little income, no courts, no standing army Sejm (Diet)- only nobles Sejm (Diet)- only nobles –Liberum veto- opposition of ONE member= body disbands –**no effective govt.

28 Describe Austria and Prussia


30 Habsburg Family Crest

31 Habsburg Genealogy

32 Austrian Empire: 1657-1718

33 Austria Most powerful empire in HRE (even though it lost the 30 Years War) Most powerful empire in HRE (even though it lost the 30 Years War) Ruling family= Hapsburgs (also in Spain) Ruling family= Hapsburgs (also in Spain)

34 Leopold I Holy Roman Emperor (r. 1658-1705) Leopold I Holy Roman Emperor (r. 1658-1705)

35 Schönbrunn Palace


37 Charles VI (1713) Won land in War of the Spanish Succession Won land in War of the Spanish Succession Large empire, hard to rule Large empire, hard to rule –Dukedom of Austria –Kingdom of Bohemia –Kingdom of Hungary –Land in Germany, Italy Diverse lands = Diverse people Diverse lands = Diverse people Common ruler kept people together Common ruler kept people together

38 Charles VI (1713) Wanted to ensure his empire would not be split Wanted to ensure his empire would not be split –Pragmatic Sanction- only heir (Maria Theresa) would be heir to all Hapsburg land Maria Theresa- Reign plagued by war Maria Theresa- Reign plagued by war –Enemy= Hohenzollerns of Prussia Austria had no natural boundaries or ethnicities Austria had no natural boundaries or ethnicities


40 Prussian Family Crest

41 Hohenzollern Genealogy (1)

42 Hohenzollern Genealogy (2)

43 Prussia & the Austrian Empire: 1721-72

44 Prussia Hohenzollerns ruled Hohenzollerns ruled Formed from small states Formed from small states Brandenburg was the most important state Brandenburg was the most important state –Ruling prince 1 of 7 electors of HRE

45 Frederick William 1640 The Great Elector- overrun in 30 Years War The Great Elector- overrun in 30 Years War –Brandenburg needed army –Alliances made with French, Swedes, Dutch, Poles –Lent army to countries for money –Prussia was not a country with an army but an army with a country

46 Frederick the Great (r. 1740-1786)

47 Prussia’s Army Grows… Frederick I (son) Frederick I (son) –1 st Hohenzollern to call himself king –1713 Treaty of Utrecht- duchy recognized as kingdom –All Hohenzollern’s lands called Prussia

48 Prussia’s Army Grows… Frederick William I (son of Fred I) Frederick William I (son of Fred I) –Money spent only on army –Army doubled in size –Junkers (land-owning nobility)= officers –Military society developed

49 Frederick the Great (r. 1740-1786)


51 Prussia’s Army Grows… Frederick II/the Great Frederick II/the Great –Did not want to be king- tried to escape to France –Had non military interests –Followed father’s policies –Upset at Pragmatic Sanction –Invaded Austria (iron rich)- believed Maria Theresa would not protect land

52 War of the Austrian Succession Austria also invaded by France, Spain, Bavaria (Germany) Austria also invaded by France, Spain, Bavaria (Germany) Reaction- Maria goes to Hungarian lands Reaction- Maria goes to Hungarian lands –Wins over nobles (did not like Hapsburg rule) Britain joins war to help Austria against her rival France Britain joins war to help Austria against her rival France –Russia and Netherlands offer help Treaty of Aix-la-Chapelle- Austria only loses Silesia (iron) to Prussia Treaty of Aix-la-Chapelle- Austria only loses Silesia (iron) to Prussia

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