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D3: Thursday, 12/19 Tahlia collected data for the bluejay population this summer. She calculated the allele frequencies for a certain gene (toe length).

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Presentation on theme: "D3: Thursday, 12/19 Tahlia collected data for the bluejay population this summer. She calculated the allele frequencies for a certain gene (toe length)."— Presentation transcript:

1 D3: Thursday, 12/19 Tahlia collected data for the bluejay population this summer. She calculated the allele frequencies for a certain gene (toe length). Freq A = 0.6, Freq a = 0.4. She plans to sample the population again after three generations. If the allele frequencies HAVE NOT CHANGED at that time (0.6, 0.4), is the population evolving for that gene (toe length)?

2 Key Concepts: Genetic variability: genetic drift, gene flow, non- random mating, mutations, natural selection Genetic equilibrium: Hardy-Weinberg principle Speciation Patterns of evolution: gradualism, punctuated equilibrium, adaptive radiation/divergent evolution, convergent evolution (analogous structures), coevolution, extinction (gradual, mass)

3 Genetic variation

4 Factors that influence genetic variability within a population:

5 1.Genetic drift


7 2.Gene flow

8 3.Non-random mating

9 4.Mutations

10 5.Natural selection

11 That list was WHAT?!

12 Hardy-Weinberg Principle

13 Five conditions to maintain genetic equilibrium:

14 Speciation

15 Types of Population (gene pool) Isolation


17 Environmental factors

18 Patterns of Evolution

19 1. Gradualism

20 2.Punctuated equilibrium

21 3. Adaptive radiation/Divergent evolution




25 4.Convergent evolution



28 5.Coevolution

29 6.Extinction

30 Gradual extinction Western Black Rhino IUCN, 2013 (last seen 2006)

31 Mass extinction


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