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Basketball Football Pingpong/Tab le tennis Running Badminton.

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Presentation on theme: "Basketball Football Pingpong/Tab le tennis Running Badminton."— Presentation transcript:


2 Basketball Football Pingpong/Tab le tennis Running Badminton

3 Tennis Swimming Biking Skating

4 Tennis Swimming Biking Skating


6 Does Eddie like any sports? Yes, he does. He likes walking to his bowl many times a day.

7 Eddie, do you like any sports? Yes. I like walking. Oh, really? 1. adj./ pron. 2. Adv. Its really cold today.

8 Yes. I walk to my bowl many times a day. 3.walk to … / …. walk to school / = go to school on foot walk home = walk to sbs home = go home on foot

9 4. many times a day 1). n. ….. time(s) a month/ year / an hour…. 2). Whats the time? =What time is it now? I dont have any time. two times


11 Amy: I like swimming. Whats your favourite sport, Simon? Simon: I like playing football. Amy: Do you often play football? Simon: Yes. I often play football after school. What about you? Amy: I go swimming every week.

12 Amy: I like swimming. Whats your favourite sport, Simon? Simon: I like playing football. Amy: Do you often play football? Simon: Yes. I often play football after school. What about you? Amy: I go swimming every week.

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